Giardia in a child: treatment, symptoms, preventive measures

Giardiasis is an infectious disease, not a helminthic, as many believe. The causative agents are unicellular protozoa from the flagellate family. They inhabit the human small intestine and absorb all those beneficial substances that must be transmitted to the body. Almost every third person on the planet is infected with this infection. Most often, children are affected. What are the symptoms of this ailment? How to cure giardia in a child? Look for answers to these questions in this article.

Giardia in a child treatment


You cannot see the lamblia in a child (the treatment of which, as a result of detection, is mandatory and immediate) you will not be able to see with your own eyes. But this does not mean that they are not in the body. You can predict the presence of infection by the following signs: loss of strength, moodiness, poor sleep, sudden temperature spikes, alternating constipation and diarrhea, pain in the navel, and dermatitis. To check for sure whether the baby is infected with giardiasis or not, you need to pass a general blood test. An increased number of eosinophils is an indicator of the defeat of the body by this infection.

How to derive lamblia in a child?

At the first sign of illness, parents with a child should consult a doctor. He will prescribe additional blood tests to identify specific antibodies and, based on their results, will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Many mothers think that they can independently derive lamblia from a child. The treatment of this infection requires an integrated approach and special drugs. In addition, funds will be selected individually, since they all have side effects. Therefore, it is impossible to self-medicate giardiasis, this will only aggravate the situation and lead to the transition of the disease to the chronic stage.

how to cure giardia in a child
Pharmacological drugs, herbal medicine and homeopathy are the main ways that help to remove lamblia in a child. Treatment mainly consists of taking antiparasitic drugs (Furazolidone, Ornidazole, Metrodinazole and their analogues). The doctor prescribes a two-time ten-day course of therapy, which is repeated after 5 days. On the 3rd day of taking the drugs, usually the child begins to feel bad. This is due to the fact that in this period the flagella massively die and begin to be excreted by the body. On the 5-6th day, the patient's condition improves. A second course of treatment is needed to consolidate the result. Thus, lamblia in a child are displayed per month. Treatment for the next few days consists of taking probiotics and vitamins. This is necessary in order to restore the intestinal microflora and establish the digestive process.

Along with medicines during the treatment of giardiasis, you can take herbal remedies: raw pumpkin seeds, mint, garlic, fennel.

Additional measures

how to bring lamblia in a child

Do you display lamblia in a child? The treatment of the disease involves, in addition to taking the means prescribed by the doctor, a diet. Exclude from the children's menu for this period of time such products: dairy and flour, sweets, canned food and marinades.

Follow the rules for processing ingredients while cooking. Rinse vegetables, fruits, greens thoroughly, boil meat or fish well or fry.

Giardiasis is called "dirty hands disease." Therefore, stick to yourself and teach your baby to follow the rules of personal hygiene. Keep your home clean and tidy. Have your pets checked by your veterinarian regularly. All these measures will help you protect your family from such an unpleasant disease as giardiasis.


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