The child hits himself on the head: reasons, doctor's advice

Faced with an extraordinary problem when a child hits himself on the head? What to do in this case, and what could be the reasons for this behavior of the baby? Let's try to understand the possible motives for such an act, and also share the tips of specialists on how to cope with such a problem.

A child beats himself on the head


In psychology and psychotherapy, such human behavior is denoted by the term "auto-aggression." This condition manifests itself in various forms: in verbal (censure of oneself), in physical (strokes, cuts, bites). The reasons for the appearance of such a pathology are different, in many respects they depend on the age of the person. Many researchers believe that autoaggression is a kind of protective reaction to any stimulus. This condition in children from 2 to 16 years old is quite common. In any case, it is impossible to ignore the child’s aggression directed at himself, as this can lead to the development of serious nervous conditions or a mental disorder. Below we consider the most common reasons why a child hits his head.

Lack of attention

One common cause of childhood autoaggression is a lack of adult attention. Often this situation is observed in families in which a second child has appeared. When all the attention of adults is focused on the younger brother (sister), the older baby is acutely suffering from a lack of communication with adults. Then the child hits his head in order to attract attention. Moreover, this behavior is noted in both preschool children and adolescents. To resolve the situation, adults need to pay more attention to the child, show care and love.

The child hits his head (1 year)

Adverse Family Situation

The next common reason for this behavior of the child is the unfavorable psychological situation in the family. Frequent quarrels of parents, physical violence in the family, undoubtedly, violate the fragile psyche of the child. The kid is simply lost, does not understand what is happening, and cannot find a solution to the current problem. In such an environment, a difficult child grows up, as it is commonly called in society, who is constantly acting up, fighting, and showing aggression both to himself and to people around him. In this situation, the psychological state of the baby depends only on the further behavior of adults, their decisions regarding the situation in the family.

A child hits himself on the head: reasons

Age crises

Researchers have noticed that in certain age periods, cases are more often recorded when a child hits his head. 1 year is the stage when the baby begins to perceive himself outside the body of the mother; understand that he can do something on his own. If adults try to limit his freedom, some babies express their disagreement precisely in the form of auto-aggression.

The next crisis period begins in 3 years. At this age, the baby actively demonstrates his own opinion, even if he himself understands that it is erroneous. It is during this period that the negative behavior of the child most often manifests itself, which is the protest of the baby against the intervention of adults in his space and the limitations of independence.

Well, and perhaps the most difficult and long crisis period is the teenage one. If at this age the child shows auto-aggression, then you should immediately understand the causes of this behavior, talk with a teenager, and if necessary, seek medical help from a doctor.


Does the child hit himself on the head? The reasons for this behavior may lie in self-centeredness. In this way, the baby can try to get what he wants. Most often, preschoolers or younger students do this. The child, realizing that the opinion of others is important for adults, begins to act up right in the store, demanding to buy him a toy. Parents, finding themselves in such a situation, most often go on about the baby, because the place does not have a long conversation with the child, and even more so to punish the naughty crumbs. But, once having received the desired in such a way, the baby will only more often begin to manipulate adults. In such a situation, in no case can the child's requirements be met - it is necessary to clearly indicate the boundaries of the permissible and strictly observe them.

child behavior

Mental illness

In rare cases, the cause of this behavior of the child is a neurological or mental illness. Only a specialist can diagnose a pathological condition, having carried out the necessary diagnostic studies. The disease can be suspected if close adult babies cannot find the reasons for this behavior of the child, as well as with sudden attacks of auto-aggression. For example, the peanut played dice, while laughing, was not worried or upset about something, but suddenly began to beat himself on the head, and then again started a fun game. It is especially important to pay attention to the vagaries of a child at an early age - when the baby can not yet explain why he does it and what bothers him.

vagaries of a child

What to do: expert advice

First of all, to solve this problem, adults need to understand the reasons for this behavior of the baby. For this, it is necessary to observe for a certain period under what circumstances a child hits himself on the head. If the reason is found, it should be immediately eliminated. For example, if the baby shows such a reaction to punishment, a lack of attention of adults, difficulties encountered at school, then you should support the crumbs, talk with him about his feelings and fears. The important thing is not so much the content as the confidential atmosphere, the friendly attitude of the conversation between an adult and a baby. The child should feel sincere support and understanding from the adult.

An effective way to combat childhood autoaggression is to engage in sports. For example, boys may be asked to sign up for the football section, and girls may like gymnastics or modern dances. Such leisure will not only reduce anxiety and aggression, but will also help children increase self-confidence and realize their potential and abilities.

If parents are unable to cope with the problem of auto-aggression in the child, you should seek help from a neurologist and psychologist. So, the first specialist will offer calming herbal remedies. Such medicines will not only not harm the baby’s health, but with the right dosage, they will enrich the baby’s body with useful elements and vitamins.

Psychologists increasingly use art therapy, hippotherapy and animal treatment in such cases. The first method is the expression of negative emotions, aggression through artistic creation.

Hippotherapy literally means "horse treatment." Using this method, a reduction in tension and tightness is achieved, not only psychological, but also physical.

A similar technique is animal therapy, based on the baby’s interaction with different animals, most often cats, rabbits, and decorative dogs.

difficult child

Thus, we talked about what can be done if a “difficult” child shows auto-aggression. So, the main task of adults is to timely identify a pathological condition and provide all possible assistance to the baby, which is manifested in the care, attention, support of the baby in a difficult situation for him.


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