Dog food "Organics": composition, photos, customer reviews and veterinarians

Each owner who cares about the health of his four-legged friend at least once wondered what kind of food would be most useful. Someone is of the opinion that nutrition should be exclusively natural. Others, by contrast, buy ready-made dry food or canned food. Of course, everyone has the right to their opinion. Today, consider the pros and cons of Organix dog food.

dry organic food for dogs


The supplier to the market is the Russian representative of Pet-Product. Their chip was the release of good quality pet products. The products are classified as premium dry feed. According to the manufacturer, the following points are excluded during manufacture:

  • Use of food waste.
  • The addition of dyes, flavor enhancers and preservatives to the composition, which can adversely affect the health of your pet.
  • Organix dog food does not contain GMOs and other harmful elements.

Too good to be true? But the manufacturer claims that the manufacture of feed is controlled by nutritionists, veterinarians and even scientists. That is why a certified product is sold in Europe over the past 10 years. Organix dog food can be found in specialized stores on the shelves with premium goods.

organic food for dogs reviews


For all products without exception, the ingredients are selected taking into account the following factors:

  • The age of your pet.
  • Lifestyle - how active is it during the day or vice versa, passive.
  • Taste preferences of the dog.

On the shelves of stores there is a whole line of feeds, each of which will suit your pet. Before making your final choice, consult your healthcare provider.

It is noteworthy that the composition of Organix dog food is different from many analogues on the market. The manufacturer ruled out the ingredients that are considered necessary for pets. Whether it is right or wrong, and whether the food is suitable for your dog is a reason to talk with the veterinarian. The modernization is explained by the fact that the excluded ingredients are strong allergens and can adversely affect the dog’s health. It concerns:

  • Dairy products - all, without exception.
  • Wheat
  • Soy meat.
  • Offal.
  • Beef and pork.

The last point can be called into question, because most often it is recommended to feed pets with beef. To this, the manufacturer replies that there are many other sources of protein that are better absorbed by the dog's body. The packaging indicates the origin of the meat.

dog food organicx veterinarian reviews

Independent assessment of product composition

In this we will help the statements of experts and their feedback. Organix dog food, according to the breeders of the Terrier and Pug kennel “Little Prince”, can be called balanced and complete, since it allows you to satisfy all the needs of the animal.

The composition of the mixture includes amino acids, which are very necessary and important for the pet. In addition, flaxseed necessary for a beautiful, shiny coat is included in the feed. In addition, beets and chicken liver may be present. But most importantly, Organics dry dog ​​food is a source of high-quality protein and fatty acids.

organic food for dogs

Feed line

Unfortunately, it is rather difficult to find a product in stores in our country, so most dog breeders cannot say anything about it. It is necessary to focus only on the reviews of the owners of large nurseries who tested it on their wards:

  • For dogs of small breeds with chicken. You can argue a lot about the fact that this meat is a strong allergen, but if your pet assimilates it normally, then chicken in your case will be an excellent source of protein. Packages are different, the largest is 12 kg.
  • Diet for dogs of all breeds. Packing in 2.5 and 12 kg.
  • For puppies of large breeds. Packing up to 18 kg.
  • For adult animals with chicken and rice or with rice and salmon.
  • There is a product for animals with sensitive digestion - Organix dog food with lamb or turkey meat.

Since many people are biased towards chicken (although not all animals are allergic to poultry), the lamb option is especially popular.

Wet canned food

As for canned products, there is where to take a walk. It has a pronounced taste of the meat that was used in it. This line has the features:

  • The composition of the "Organix" feed for dogs passes the most stringent tests. To do this, the staff employs specialists in the field of veterinary medicine and dietetics. On the packaging, the buyer can find comprehensive information about what is inside, about the amount of vitamins, minerals and other additives.
  • Canned food for puppies is presented in a wide assortment: from beef, poultry, lamb, heart. Additionally, there is assorted meat.
  • Beef mixes with liver, scar, lamb, heart, quail egg.

Of course, their prices "bite", but occasionally treat a furry friend is quite possible.

For everyone and everyone

A rich assortment allows you to choose the food for any pet. True, in the line there are no specialized products for veterinary diets and there is no division into breeds, but this is rather a wish for manufacturers for the future, and not a minus. It remains to analyze in detail the composition and amount of nutrients that are declared on the package. To do this, take the food made from lamb meat.

dry dog ​​food organics reviews

We study packaging

Experienced dog breeders are well aware that their pets should eat meat. If you see wheat or soy in the first place in a pack, then it is best to refuse to buy. The reviews about Organix feed for dogs are mostly positive, which gives us hope. So, what can the composition tell us about:

  • Dehydrated lamb meat is a good sign, food is indeed a source of high-quality protein.
  • Whole rice Provides the body of the dog with carbohydrates and energizes it.
  • Kernels of barley.
  • Bone flour.

After the main component there are auxiliary and necessary nutrients: flax seed, chicken fat, liver, yeast, hydrolyzed cartilage. Completes the impressive list of crustacean hydrolyzate, L-carnitine, lecithin, FOS and, finally, taurine. In addition to meat and healthy supplements, your pet will receive a rather powerful stimulant and amino acid, which is used in sports nutrition.

dog food reviews

The opinion of doctors

First of all, reviews of veterinarians are of interest. Organics dog food is presented as one of the best. But judging by the composition, he does not reach either the holistic class or the super-premium class. There is another drawback - the manufacturer does not indicate the percentage component of the components. One can only guess about the proportions.

The manufacturer describes the substance content as follows:

  • Protein - 23%.
  • Fats - 10%
  • Fiber, phosphorus, calcium - about 2% each.
  • Humidity - 10%.

Agree, the numbers are not too impressive? Even with a big stretch, this dog food cannot be classified as an elite one, since these indicators are the lower limit of the norm for dog nutrition. That is why the fact that the pet is not full is often featured in reviews. Dry dog ​​food "Organics" can not be called bad, but still the usual portion will not cover the energy consumption of the active animal.


Veterinarians and experts in the field of healthy nutrition of dogs evaluate the feed by the content of three necessary components in it:

  • As a source of protein, lamb meat and fish meal are indicated. A liver hydrolyzate has been added, but it is almost at the end of the list, which means that its amount in the composition is most likely small. Dry lamb meat is easily digested, it is hypoallergenic, so the component becomes desirable in any dry food. Fishmeal is valued for the presence of fatty acids.
  • The source of lipids is chicken fat. This is an excellent product that is absorbed almost completely. In addition, it has a pleasant smell, so that the manufacturer does not need to add flavorings.
  • Carbohydrates. Despite the fact that their percentage in the composition is not indicated, this can be calculated independently. Based on their stated figures, at least 45% is obtained. Sources - rice and barley. This is a lot. In the animal’s body, they are practically not absorbed. Moreover, in large quantities can cause digestive upset. They are considered to be a cheap filler, which is needed primarily to increase the mass of feed.
    organic food for dogs with lamb

Additional components

Beet pulp, flaxseed, chicken liver, L-carnitine, prebiotics, taurine - there is nothing frankly harmful or dangerous to your pet's life or health. But on the other hand, there are no fruits, vegetables and herbs in the feed, the meat content is low, there are too many cereals. Reviews of dry food for dogs "Organix" or positive or neutral. Many say that they tried to introduce it into the diet as an alternative to an expensive product, but the dog simply did not eat enough, they had to feed the pet, and this is harmful.

Owners have several options: purchase a more expensive and nutritious food or give a pet a large portion. There are a small number of negative reviews, but they are most likely associated with individual intolerance to the components. The rest can be called good food, noteworthy.


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