List of Jewish Male Names and Surnames

The content of the article is Jewish names and surnames (male). The list will include only those with national roots, because anecdotes go about their diversity: "It is impossible to meet a thing that a Jew would not pick up for himself under his last name."

Church traditions

Whereas the Orthodox used to look into the Saints to choose a name for a newborn, Jews always chose in three ways:

  1. Focusing on older relatives.
  2. In honor of your favorite biblical heroes.
  3. Stopping at the Hebrew righteous.

List of Jewish Male Names

Kabbalah teaches that the letters in a name are a connection with spiritual forces, therefore, in practice there are cases when seriously ill people are called by double names, adding Haim (life). In the books of Sholom Aleichem and Isaac Babel, such options are quite common. Sometimes European names are used, and next - a translation. For example, Zaev - Wolf.

The list of Jewish male names will include only Hebrew (or Yiddish), although since 1917, any are allowed in Russia. Everywhere, Baruchs and Berls turned into Borisov, and Leibs into Lviv. In other countries (Palestine), reverse processes were going on, for which the state strictly monitored. Boys' names take place during circumcision - on the eighth day of birth. Consider the most common Jewish male names.

List alphabetically (A to M) with translation

  • Aaron is the "mountain", the brother of Moses, the high priest.
  • Abraham - is considered the forefather ("father of nations"). Allowed option - Abram .
  • Adam is the “earth,” in honor of the first man on Earth.
  • Baruch is the “blessed,” assistant to the prophet.
  • Reptile - “good luck”, son of Jacob.
  • Gershom is a “stranger,” the son of Moses.
  • David is a “beloved,” the family of Jewish kings went from him.
  • Dov - " bear", the personification of strength and dexterity.
  • Zerah is the "radiance," the son of Judah.
  • Israel - “struggling with God”, options are acceptable: Yisroel, Israel.
  • Yitzhak - “getting ready to laugh,” the son of Abraham, whom he was preparing to sacrifice. Options - Itzik, Isaac.

Jewish male names, list

The list of Jewish male names includes the most common, without borrowed.

  • Yehoshua - “God as salvation”, a disciple of Moshe, conquered the lands of Israel.
  • Yosef (Joseph) - “God”, son of Jacob, sold into slavery in Egypt.
  • Jonathan is “given by God,” a friend of David.
  • Kalev is the “heart”, a scout sent to the land of Israel.
  • Leib - “lion”, is a symbol of Yehuda.
  • Menachem is the “comforter,” the Jewish king.
  • Michael is “God-like,” the messenger of God, called to protect the Jewish people.
  • Moshe is “saved from the water,” the greatest prophet. Options are Moishe, Moses.

The second part of the alphabet

  • Nachum is a “comforted,” little prophet. Option - Nakhim .
  • Nachshon is a “fortuneteller,” Aaron’s son-in-law, the first to enter the Red Sea.
  • Noah - "calm", the righteous, saved from the flood.
  • Ovadya - “God's servant”, a small prophet. Options - Ovadiya, Obadiya.
  • Passover - "Missed", the name of Easter.
  • Pinchas is the “serpent's mouth,” the grandson of Aaron, who has turned away God's wrath from the Israelites.
  • Raphael is “God healed,” an angel of healing.
  • Tanhum - “consolation”, sage of the Talmud.
  • Uriel - “my light is God,” the name of an angel.
  • Fayvel - "breast-fed" in Yiddish. Options - Fayvish, Fayvel, Feyshiv, Feyvish.

Jewish Male Names: Alphabetical List

The list of Jewish male names in the last letters of the alphabet is the most significant, so the most important ones should be considered.

  • Hagai is the “celebrator,” the little prophet, the grandson of Jacob. Option - Hagi .
  • Hanan - “pardoned,” the Benjamin tribe began with him.
  • Hanoch is the "sanctified" son of Cain.
  • Tzadok - “righteous”, pacified rebellion against David.
  • Zion - "superiority", is used as a synonym for Jerusalem.
  • Zefania - “hidden by God”, a small prophet.
  • Shalom is “peace,” the king of Israel. Shimon - “heard by God”, son of Jacob. Option - Simon .
  • Shmuel - “the name of God”, the prophet.
  • Ephraim is a “prolific," grandson of Jacob.
  • Yaakov - "overtaking", forefather. Options are Jacob, Jacob, Yankee, Yankel.

Borrowed Names

Are there any borrowed Jewish male names? The list can be replenished with those that appeared in everyday life, while the Talmud did not play an important role. By naming children in honor of relatives, the Jews contribute to their spread. From the Hebrew language came the names: Meir, Menuha, Nehama. The Babylonians brought Mordecai, the Chaldeans - Atlaeus and Bebaya. Greek dominion gave the name of Alexander to the Jews (option - S ender ). The Georgian Jews appeared: Heraclius, Guram ; at Tajik - Bodovjon, Rubenshi, Estermo.

Their feature is small area of ​​distribution. There are names that appeared because of beliefs. So, the name Alter ("old man") was used to name all newborns, but after a month it was changed. It was believed that it protects from evil spirits.

Jewish names and surnames for men: list

Jewish surnames

The list of Jewish male names is very important, because before the beginning of the 19th century they did not have names (they appeared in the Austrian Empire at the end of the 18th century). How were they created?

  • On behalf of the father or biblical characters: Benjamin, Israel, David, Abram.
  • From female names: Rivman (husband of Riva), Tsivyan (name Tsivya), Mirkin (Mirka).
  • From the owner’s appearance or character: Schwartz (“black”), Weissbard (“white beard ”).
  • From the profession: Rabinovich ("rabbi"), Dayan ("judge").
  • From geographical names: Lifshits ("Silesian city"), Gurevich (Czech town).
  • From any things that are found in life. They are called decorative: Bernstein ("amber"), Jaglom ("diamond").

As we saw, the origin of the surnames is Jewish male names, a list of which is presented in the text.


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