Carburetor adjustment "Husqvarna 142": technical specifications, user manual, photos and owner reviews

A carburetor in a chainsaw is necessary for mixing and supplying fuel to the combustion chamber of the engine. If the carburetor is adjusted correctly, then the operation of the equipment will be reliable in all modes, and fuel consumption will be economical. In general, this rule applies to all internal combustion engines.

When and why adjust

The procedure for adjusting the carburetor is usually carried out quite rarely. The best quality and best option is the factory setting. But if necessary, it can be done by adjusting the appropriate screws. A carburetor in a chainsaw is necessary to prepare an air-gasoline mixture, which should have a certain ratio of ingredients. If the balance is not observed, then the engine will begin to fail.

Inappropriate mixtures may be oversaturated or depleted. In the first case, the amount of fuel in relation to air is increased, in the second there is more air than necessary, and less fuel. The article will consider carburetor adjustment using an example of a Husqvarna 142 chainsaw.

Signs of poor performance

Huskvarn repair 142

Some signs may indicate a malfunctioning carburetor. For example, if the engine stalls quickly or starts poorly, a lean mixture may be a possible cause. Excessive fuel consumption also becomes a problem. You should be alert and intense exhaust. The reason is a supersaturated mixture.

Sometimes it happens that the engine does not want to work at all. There may be 2 reasons: there is no spark or gasoline. In the second case, the problem is expressed in the clogging of the fuel jet; in the first, the problem is a faulty candle or a failure of the electronic unit.

Settings can go astray quite rarely, but the reasons are:

  • piston group wear;
  • violation of fastenings of adjusting screws;
  • carburetor contamination.

In the first case, the adjustment will not particularly help, you need to think about replacing the saw or repairing the engine. As for violations of fastenings, here the reason may lie in a careless touch or strong external vibration. Sometimes an attempt is made to rough adjustment.

What else to look for

Failure of the settings also leads to contamination of the carburetor. The reason is an unsatisfactory condition or breakdown of the air filter, ingress of scale into the fuel channels, and the use of low-quality fuel. In these cases, you should first flush the fuel system, and after that you can do the adjustment.


carb adjustment husqvarna

The Husqvarna 142 carburetor must be adjusted using a tachometer. You must be able to work with him. If experience allows, you can perform manipulations by ear, determining the maximum speed by sound. In other cases, a positive result may not be achieved. The Husqvarna 142 carburetor is adjusted with one, two or three screws. You can distinguish them by designation.

Idling is regulated by a screw under the letter T. The minimum speed you can adjust the screw L. Whereas the screw H is designed for maximum speed. You will see one idle screw and two others that will be hidden behind the casing. This embodiment of the carburetor is explained by the fact that the manufacturer recommends that the operator adjust with only one idle screw, as otherwise the optimal settings are set at the factory. But for some extreme modes you can make adjustments.


Adjustment of the Husqvarna carburetor is done with L and H screws if gasoline is used in the work, which differs from what is recommended by the supplier. If the octane number is low, to increase it, turn the screw by unscrewing. This will increase speed and power. But with an increased octane number to lower it, the screw must be turned in the opposite direction, twisting it. This will help reduce engine speed.

When adjusting the Husqvarna carburetor, it is necessary to use the screws in the following order: L - H - T. Observing the exact rotation angles, you will follow the requirements that will allow you to maintain the best operating parameters of the engine. There is no universal way to adjust. Procedures may differ from one another. But the process is usually divided into two stages. The first is basic, the second is final. The basic one is done with the engine turned off, while the final stage involves warming up the engine for 10 minutes.

Important for owners

Adjustment of the carburetor saw "Huskvarna 142" is carried out with a key, which is also called a screwdriver. Some manufacturers use branded keys. If you have these, you should try not to lose them, because finding them on sale will be quite difficult.


do-it-yourself carburetor husqvar 142 adjustment

In order to ensure long-term operation of the equipment described, it is necessary to know how to adjust the Husqvarna 142 carburetor with your own hands. This was discussed above. However, this is not the only thing that the future owner of such a device should know. Before buying such equipment, it is important to ask about the technical specifications. For example, evaluate whether you are comfortable with a weight of 4.6 kg. By the way, it is well balanced, so the saw is comfortable in the hands.

The shape of the handles is ergonomic, which guarantees a reliable grip during complex work. There is a vibration protection system inside, and the operation is not accompanied by too high a noise level. All this contributes to high labor productivity and preservation of human performance during bulk work.

Adjusting the Husqvarna 142 carburetor with your own hands is quite simple if you read the instructions. From it you can find out that the power of the device is 2.6 liters. s., or 1.9 kW. The chain pitch is 0.325 inches. The number of links is 64.

A chain with a thickness of 1.3 mm is supplied. Engine displacement is 40.2 cm 3 . The tire is 38 cm or 15 inches long. The oil and fuel tanks hold 0.2 and 0.41 liters, respectively.

Consumer Reviews

Husqvarna carburetor adjustment 142

You can adjust the Huskvarna 142 chainsaw yourself. Consumers consider this feature a plus, as well as the fact that the crankshaft in the structure is made of forged steel. The advantage should be considered and fairly easy access to the air filter. The ignition system is durable and simple. The piston group has two compressor rings, which have an increased working resource. The manufacturer emphasizes that they will be ready to last up to 5 years.

Consumers also like the fact that the cylinder liners have a chrome wear-resistant coating. You may not have to adjust the Husqvarna carburetor, because, according to the manufacturer, it is the best in its class. The design is also good because it provides for the presence of a built-in primer. It is a pump that provides the engine with a quick start. This feature is independent of the ambient temperature.

Operation manual and repair features

Husqvarna Saw Carb Adjustment 142

From the instructions you can find out that the carburetor adjustment of the Huskvarna 142 chainsaw is carried out after the break-in of the machine. It is important to know that the maximum speed is 12,500 per minute. Idling speeds reach 2500 per minute. If the saw, after switching to a different type of fuel, starts to behave differently at startup, at high speeds and during acceleration, fine adjustment may be required. Before this, the air filter is cleaned and the cylinder cover is put in place. If you adjust with a dirty air filter, this can lead to leaner mixture, which will damage the engine.

Huskvarna chainsaw adjustment

As for the repair of "Husqvarna 142", there are several basic breakdowns and ways to eliminate them. You should be aware of the approximate causes that lead to the malfunction. Among others, engine problems should be highlighted. If it works without stopping, does not start or starts, but often stalls, you need to inspect the spark plugs. When starting equipment in cold weather, it may happen that the combustion chamber is filled with fuel mixture. In this case, the candle is twisted, and the combustion chamber is dried by a single plant. The candle must be cleaned and try to start the saw again.

Do not underestimate the failure of the muffler. When it fails, the saw may not start or lose power. When disassembling this part of the chainsaw, you can inspect and get rid of soot. It may contain carcinogens that are hazardous to health, therefore dry cleaning should be avoided, as it may cause inhalation of harmful substances.

do-it-yourself carburetor adjustment for the Huskvarn 142 chainsaw

After the silencer is removed, the engine outlet should be plugged with a clean rag. The silencer gets clogged for several reasons. The first of these is the use of the wrong fuel mixture. The second reason is the use of the wrong oil.


From the factory, the chainsaws have carburetor settings that are best left untouched. But under certain working conditions and when using gasoline not recommended by the manufacturer, such work may be required. Therefore, you can adjust the carburetor of the Huskvarna 142 chainsaw with your own hands.


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