Legion Commander Dota 2: guide, walkthrough and recommendations

"Dota 2" is constantly evolving, which affects the love of fans of the game along with the presence of a large selection of heroes, strategies and artifacts. With each release of the update, some characters undergo changes, and this raises questions for many gamers, and especially for beginners. Accustomed to the mechanics of the hero, a person is faced with the need to relearn: sometimes insignificantly, sometimes weightily. Among other characters, there is one whose tactics for the game are difficult for even skillful gamers to understand - Legion Commander (Dota 2). The guide is relevant in the realities of the current update and meta.

legion commander dota 2 guide

Pros and cons of the hero in question

Indeed, not every person is able to competently evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of a character, this raises questions and misunderstanding how to play for the legion. The Legion Commander guide should start from this point.

First of all, the Legion is good at its ability to play the game with one goal: having a strong start, it easily builds up the advantage until the end of the match. Thanks to his abilities, the character rarely experiences difficulties defending any line, and also has excellent gang potential. At all stages of the game, due to the ultimate, the legionnaire does not lose relevance, even if the opponent led a competent game. Without damage and good artifacts, a gamer can always collect aganim and simply turn off one of the key support in the fray.

Of the minuses, one can note the dependence on the start of the game. If something went wrong and the character was unable to reach the timings of artifacts, most likely, he will become a burden for the team until the end of the match. In this case, there can be no talk of any one-goal game.

Legion Commander (Dota 2). Guide: artifact assembly

Before proceeding with the purchase of starting artifacts, you need to decide on the role played in a particular match. There are four positions for the legionnaire: Keri in the light line, forest, the central corridor and Keri in the complex line.

legion commander dota 2 guide forest

For easy line, just take a sprig of mango, two bundles of tango and a shield. With competent support regen on the line is no longer needed. In the central corridor, you need to stick to a purchase designed to purchase a quick bot (a couple of branches, a tango and a fair fire), if the opponent’s peak suggests a strong opponent on the line that has a good hand attack, it is recommended to replace the tango with a shield. Support will share with the midgen regen. Legion, going to a difficult line, must take care of the armor and the ability to restore health, without going over and over to the fountain. Ideally, she needs to purchase the following items: a jar of health regene, tango, a shield and a ring that adds character armor. Guide to the Legion Commander (Dota 2) also considers the situation when a player goes to the forest. There is no need to reinvent the wheel; standard coupons and tangos are quite suitable for the situation.

Further purchases are highly dependent on the preferences of the player and the circumstances of the game. The big question is the choice of artifact for mobility. Legionnaire's ultimate ability implies that she must quickly get to the goal in order to duel in a timely and successful manner. Some players choose the lottery, others prefer the blink daguerre, but there are those who still have not decided on the artifact. In fact, you can not give preference to only one of these items, in the end, everything largely depends on the enemy. If at the peak of the enemy there are characters who are extremely difficult to catch, the dagger blink will be the best choice, allowing you to quickly get to the goal. Lothar excels against Keri with a strong passive ability or huge damage from the hand, due to the fact that the artifact can be upgraded to silver age.

Easy Line Tactics for Legion Commander (Dota 2): Guide

Legion Commander ("Dota") goes to the light line extremely rarely. Easy line, indeed, is not the best position for this hero, due to the direct dependence on the start of the game. If everything goes well, the main mistake will be to go into deep farming for Legion Commander (Dota 2). Guide reveals all the disadvantages of this hero. Having a good start, a competent legionnaire will quickly take the artifact to initiate and begin to run around the map along with the support, looking for sweeping enemies. Having set the pace of the game, a team with such Keri must finish the match in the middle stage of the game, preventing the opponent from overfarming themselves. One or two lost fights, and the legion will not be as effective as before, and the team will lose the key character.

Guide to the Legion Commander

Game tactics in the central corridor

Playing on the middle line requires a lot of responsibility and certain skills from the player in Dota 2. The guide to the hero of Legion Commander, who goes to this line, is designed for trained gamers. Before getting the ultimate ability, the player needs careful farming and rune control. Having pumped the duel, you must definitely try to kill the opponent, it is advisable to get support support. If the legionka dies during the operation of her ult, then she will not only give the enemy experience and gold, but also damage as a reward for winning a duel. Further from it, frequent gangs, damage accumulation and adequate artifacts will be required.

legion commander dota 2 guide legion commander dota

Complex line game tactics

First of all, you need to ask support to purchase and put one ward in the inventory. A competent opponent will certainly begin to take creeps into the forest, to a stack of neutrals, thereby pulling the line to his tower, where the hardliner is very easy to kill if he comes to the area of ​​experience. To avoid this, you need to put a ward in a camp of forest creeps, and then the enemy support will not be able to withdraw. This moment is one of the key, it must be remembered when reading a guide to the Legion Commander ("Dota 2").

dota 2 hero guide legion commander

Legion Commander has an excellent second ability, allowing you to remove negative effects from yourself. If on the line there are such characters as the Phantom Assassin, Viper, Leach, Venomancer, Quopa, or one of them, it is worth playing safe and pumping on the first level exactly the aforementioned skill.

Game tactics in the forest

Recently, many legionnaires have preferred to take on such a responsible business as raising forests. At first glance, this is the simplest line of all possible, but it also has a number of subtleties and difficulties. About the Legion Commander (Dota 2) guide "forest" will help a beginner avoid the most common mistakes. Despite the fact that the legionnaire cultivates this area very quickly, you always need to think a few times before taking the character to the fourth position. At the peak of the enemy, a hero such as Rikimaru or the Bounty Hunter may appear - both comrades can ruin the life of each forester, just being next to him in invisibility and getting half the experience from the killed neutral creeps. A forester who does not receive one level per minute is the real ballast in the team. Not to mention the fact that if the legionnaire does not keep up with the level of her health, the waiting enemy in ambush will certainly take advantage of this. If the player nevertheless falls into such a situation, he must ask support to help drive the enemy out of the forest.

how to play legion guide on legion commander

Character friends

The best teammates for the legion will be the heroes who can infuse a large amount of damage into the enemy during the duration of the duel. The tactics here are pretty simple, the commander jumps on the enemy, puts an ultimate, and the ally uses damage-inflicting abilities on it, thereby providing Keri damage for the victory.

Character enemies

However, not all characters can be easily attacked by Legion Commander (Dota 2). Hyde also considers the heroes, preventing the legion from leading the team to victory.

guide to legion commander dota 2 legion commander
First of all, it is support that can save an ally during a duel. One of the most unpleasant characters is Dazzle and the Winter Wyvern, both heroes are one hundred percent, if they are near, deprive the Legion of victory in a duel. The first throws a cross at an ally, preventing him from dying, the second - places it in an ice block protecting it from physical damage. No less pleasant are Omnik, Wenga and Abbadon. It is worth noting that characters who have good burst demage (instant damage) are also included in the Commander’s adversary category for the same reason that they are good at getting into allies.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E30636/

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