"Prayer of Daniel the Sharpener": a brief summary, analysis and description

The Prayer of Daniel the Sharpener, the brief content of which is the subject of this review, is one of the most famous works of ancient Russian literature written in the 12th century (as suggested by other scholars in the 13th century). There are two editions of this work, in the second it is called the “word”. Historical science still does not know who is the author of this work, however, almost all researchers agree that he was a junior combatant.

Origin of Opinion

The Prayer of Daniel the Sharpener, a brief summary of which will help students understand this difficult monument of ancient Russian literature, is addressed to the prince, which allows historians to date the source and determine the place of its origin. However, here there are significant differences. Some historians believe that the work is intended for the great-grandson of Vladimir Monomakh, reigning in Novgorod, while others - that the great-grandson of the same prince, who ruled in Pereyaslavl North.

prayer of sharpener daniel

Accordingly, the dates of the appearance of the source also vary: the 12th or 13th century. Some scholars suggest that the composition was created after the invasion of the Mongol-Tatars in Russia. It resembles a message or petition “Prayer of Daniel the Sharpener” in form. The summary of the manuscript can be divided into several parts: an appeal to the prince, criticism of the boyars, arguments about wives, and conclusion.

a brief description of

The work was found and partially published by N. M. Karamzin. Subsequently, many scholars turned to the study of this curious monument of medieval Russia. In Soviet times, D. S. Likhachev, a leading specialist, was engaged in his study and analysis. He also owns the classic translation of the manuscript from Old Russian into modern Russian.

prayer of daniel the sharpener reviews

It is significant that only one mention of the author was preserved in one of the annals, although the work itself was fairly well known. Historical authenticity, specificity, as well as individualistic features are distinguished by the “Prayer of Daniel the Sharpener”. The summary of the monument reflects the main issues that worried the socio-political thought of medieval Russia.

Appeal to the prince

The author begins his message by asking the ruler for mercy. He writes about his distressed and difficult situation, talking about his poverty and the insecurity of friends. This is followed by discussions about princely power, which shed light on how this most important institution was seen by representatives of the middle layers of ancient Russian society. The Prayer of Daniel the Sharpener, in summary, reveals the main idea of ​​the work: the need for the presence of wise people under the prince.

prayer of the sharpener daniel

The author emphasizes that a devoted environment is more expensive than wealth and gold, since a faithful squad will not betray its ruler. He devotes a lot of space to praising the prince. He glorifies his wisdom, generosity, nobility and hopes for his help and support.

About the boyars

The “Prayer of Daniel the Sharpener”, the analysis and description of which allows us to determine the features of ancient Russian literature, is penetrated by criticism towards the princely people. The author complains about their abuses, claiming that he prefers to serve the prince himself than his boyars. At the same time, he argues that it is on good and kind advisers that power is held. According to him, the prince cannot rule without smart and noble men. Despite the fact that the author in every way humiliates himself, nevertheless, he considers himself worthy of being an assistant to the ruler.

About princely service and wives

The “Prayer of Daniel the Sharpener” in brief shows that the main idea of ​​the work was the glorification of princely power. The author claims that in the service of the prince, a person can arrange his fate, while the mercy of the boyars is fragile and temporary. In his opinion, the prince only with the presence of smart and faithful helpers will be able to receive the throne. Wealth, according to Daniel, provides neither success nor status. It is precisely such arguments that he cites in his message when he asks his ruler to accept him for service. Under princely advice, he counts on mercy and a good salary.

prayer of Daniel the sharpener analysis and description

The summary of the “Prayer of Daniel the Sharpener” should contain a small description of the author’s attitude towards women. He attaches great importance to a successful marriage, or rather, the moral qualities of the spouse. According to him, a good wife provides peace and order in the house, while an evil one is worse than the worst disaster. Therefore, the author draws attention to the choice of life partner. He emphasizes that all his future life and destiny depend on the correct decision of a man. The author is especially indignant at the evil and rebellious women who are unable to obey her husband and thereby ruin family life from the inside.


At the end of his message, the author again appeals to the prince with a request to accept him for service. At the same time, he highly appreciates his mental abilities and knowledge. According to him, he has a sufficient supply of knowledge in order to help the ruler in state concerns and affairs. Daniel notes that he did not travel and did not communicate with learned people, but he read a lot and learned all his wisdom from books.

prayer of sharpener daniel in summary

Therefore, he sincerely believes that he can benefit the prince, that his advice can be useful to him. This firm confidence in his strengths and abilities allows him to speak more or less openly with the recipient of the message. However, in some places he begins to conduct a conversation in a diminutive, somewhat demeaning tone, thereby emphasizing his humility and humility.

Language features

The work is interesting for its original vocabulary. The author often quotes the Bible, excerpts from chronicles, as well as foreign works, but at the same time he often resorts to folk proverbs, sayings, uses satirical and humorous statements, which gives his speech a special liveliness and flexibility. Such a combination of different styles makes this monument a unique source that differs from other manuscripts of the era in question. Such a colorful, vibrant language betrays the individual features of the author himself: judging by his speech, he was a man of the middle class, most likely belonged to the younger princely squad.

Correlation with the "Word"

In conclusion, it should be noted how this monument correlated with another similar work, which is considered to be its second edition. The most common is the first version of the manuscript called “The Prayer of Daniel the Sharpener”. Reviews about this work are very positive.

summary of the prayer of Daniel the sharpener

Comparing it with the second edition, which is called the “Word”, users note that the first edition carries the features of a specific historical reality and a vivid imprint of the author’s personality, which is manifested in the language, his humorous remarks, and small everyday sketches. For this reason, readers appreciate the monument in question, rightly asserting that it allows us to understand the thinking of medieval Russian people of the middle class. The "Word" is a work of a more general content: it lacks specific historical references, household details.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E30638/

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