What is the best way to study at school? Some tips

Not all children in school times understand the value of acquired knowledge. But if the child has a desire to begin to study better, it is worth helping the student in this.

how to study at school


If a child wants to understand how to study better at school, it’s worth trying to motivate him. What is needed for this? It’s just to make the child independently realize that all the knowledge gained is very valuable and useful in life. You can try to explain to him that what will be the specialty and profession in the future depends on school success. The more a child knows and knows how, the wider his horizons, the easier it is to find a way out of any current situation, respectively, and it is much easier to find a way to earn good money without much difficulty. In my opinion, great motivation! Some children are well motivated by various rewards for studying in the form of medals, diplomas, first places at the Olympics. You can also try to “buy” a child by promising to give him something very expected or desired if he or she finishes the school year or semester perfectly. You can also try to take your child "weakly", arguing with him that he will not be able to finish the training perfectly. Some children, trying to prove the opposite to their parents, reach unprecedented heights in their studies.


A few more tips on how to study at school: you need to plan the life of the child. There should be time for attending classes, circles, time for training and for games. Everything can be strictly fixed in the plan of the day and try to stick to it. However, it is worth prioritizing correctly, highlighting the most important activities.

how do children study at school

Maximum attention

The following advice on how to study at school is better: you need to explain to the child that during classes it is necessary to focus solely on the information that the teacher gives, without being distracted by foreign objects. If a student learns to listen, this is already half the battle. Having delved into all the nuances of the lesson, the child will be much easier to cope with homework or clarify incomprehensible moments directly in the lesson from the teacher. This will greatly facilitate self-study.


One more piece of advice on how to study at school: you need to complete all your homework, even if at first glance it seems very simple. As they say, repetition is the mother of learning. Having completed the same task several times, albeit a simple one, the child will forever remember the principle of its solution. The same applies to humanitarian subjects: having said the same nuance several times, the student will no longer forget about it.

how to study well at school

Self education

Understanding how children study at school, it is worth noting that school education provides enough so that in the next time the child feels confident in adulthood. However, you can become even better by learning more complex tasks yourself. It is necessary not to be lazy to solve examples of increased complexity, to analyze more deeply this or that historical event, etc. Only delving into the subject, you can get a huge amount of useful knowledge.

A wish

But no matter what the parents want to put in their child’s head, no matter how hard they try to motivate him to study well, nothing will succeed without the student’s desire. So, the most important rule of those who know how to study well at school says: you just need to want, and then everything will certainly work out.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E30640/

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