How Semerenko apples were discovered

Apples are the most common fruit in central Russia. They are rich in vitamins, pectins and minerals. Apples can stabilize cholesterol, help with difficulty breathing, treat dry cough

Semerenko apples
b. Their seeds are rich in iodine. Apple cider vinegar, due to its composition, can help with many diseases - with anemia, kidney stones, arthritis. There are many varieties of apples. The most useful are green varieties such as Antonovka and Semerenko apples. Green fruits have the most antioxidants, they are able to normalize the processes of oxidation in the human body, strengthen the cardiovascular system. Not too sweet varieties, which include Semerenko apples, are part of many diets. Due to the high content of acids, they improve digestion, and because of their low calorie content, they are ideal for those who are trying to lose weight.

Who discovered Semerenko apples and why do they have such a name?

The name of a new variety of green apples in the 19th century was given by the outstanding scientist-breeder Lev Platonovich Simirenko. He lived in the territory of modern Ukraine, in the village of Mleevo, where he created his famous fruit nursery. The most common fruits in it were apples. Semerenko variety is a slightly distorted initial

apples grade semerenko
title. The scientist named the variety he discovered in honor of his father - Renat Platon Simirenko. The biography of this outstanding person surprises with many twists of fate. The ancestors of Leo Platonovich were serfs, eventually bought themselves from their masters and even opened their own trading business. Thanks to the intelligence and hard work of the founders of the family business, trade expanded, their surname became known in merchant circles. For great services to the Russian Empire, the founder of the family business, Fyodor Simirenko, was awarded the title of honorary citizen, which was equivalent in those years to the noble rank. Lev Platonovich Simirenko graduated from Novorossiysk University in Odessa. Due to the fact that he was involved in the movement of “Narodnaya Volya”, he was arrested and sent to serve his sentence in Krasnoyarsk. Subsequently, being there in exile, the scientist worked in the greenhouses of the local rich, surprising everyone with the cultivation of southern heat-loving plants in Siberia. The city park created by his efforts in Krasnoyarsk is still alive, as the memory of his amazing creator lives on.

Before Simirenko, new varieties of fruit plants were created exclusively in other countries, in Russia no one was engaged in selection. Lev Platonovich became the first person in Russia to study the science of fruits - pomology. Creating the main scientific work of his life - the three-volume treatise "Pomology", one of the volumes the scientist devoted entirely to the apple tree. Simirenko’s outstanding success in creating new varieties of fruit plants was awarded the gold medal of the international exhibition in Paris.

apples semerenko good
Apples Semerenko: benefits and features of cultivation varieties

This variety is considered winter, as it ripens in late autumn - until October. Therefore, apple trees are very sensitive to early frosts. It is recommended to breed this variety in areas with mild winters. Semerenko's apples are always bright green in color; there may be a slight “blush” on their side. The pulp of the fruit is very juicy, with a rich taste. Apples are perfectly stored all winter and spring, without losing their taste.


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