Jin Mao: height, photo, construction

Shanghai is often called eastern New York. Indeed, this city today is a large business and economic center, and with its number of modern business centers and high-rise towers, it can compete with the American Big Apple. One of the main attractions of Shanghai is the Jin Mao Tower. What is interesting about this building, how was it built, and is it possible to visit it today?

Modern technology and tradition

Jin Mao
Jin Mao Skyscraper was built with the help of American architects. Construction began in 1994. And after 4 years, on August 28, 1998, the grand opening took place. The tower began to fully operate in 1999. At the time of completion, this skyscraper was the fourth tallest in the world. It was surpassed only by the Willis Tower in Chicago (1974), the World Trade Center in New York (1971, destroyed in 2001), as well as the twin towers in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Petronas. Jin Mao remained the tallest building in Shanghai until 2008, when the Shanghai World Financial Center was built in the city . Despite the ultra-modern look, the tower is made in full accordance with the traditions of the East. Take a closer look at it, even visually you can notice some similarities with the pagoda - a traditional Chinese building.

Magic number

Jin mao tower
In Chinese culture, the number 8 is considered a sign of well-being. It is not surprising that it was used to calculate all the basic proportions in such a magnificent structure. There are only 88 floors in the skyscraper (93 with the belvedere). In height, the Jin Mao tower is divided into 16 segments, each of which is 1/8 less than the base. The central concrete frame of the structure has 8 angles, it is surrounded by 8 composite columns and the same number of external steel columns. Thanks to this architecture, in general terms, the building looks like a giant ear of corn. But, of course, the designers did not specifically seek to give it a similar resemblance, but only relied on eastern traditions. An interesting fact is that for the grand opening of the tower, a number consisting of eights was also chosen - 08/28/1998.

The secret of sustainability and design features

During the construction of high-rise buildings, great attention is paid to compliance with safety rules and standards. A typical feature of Shanghai is the unsatisfactory quality of the upper layers of the soil. At the base of the skyscraper there are 1,062 steel poles, the piles go to the ground to a depth of 83.5 meters. At the time of the construction of the tower, this is a record for traditional land construction in the world. The foundation is surrounded by a 1 meter thick concrete wall extending 36 meters deep. The design of the skyscraper Jin Mao is thought out to the smallest detail and meets all safety standards. The building is able to withstand hurricane winds up to 200 m / s, as well as earthquakes up to 7 points on the Richter scale. On the 57th floor there is a swimming pool that acts as a shock absorber, and steel columns have movable elements.

Jin Mao: height and other important characteristics

Skyscraper jin mao
The total height of the skyscraper is about 420 meters (93 floors). However, there is no need to worry: you can go up and go down very quickly. The tower has 61 high-speed elevators moving at a speed of 9.1 m / s, a trip from the first to the top floor will take only 46 minutes. The builders of the skyscraper also prepared an interesting surprise: all the signs in the cabins are in Chinese, but there will be no difficulties with understanding. Since in addition to the inscriptions on the elevator wall, you can see a graphic drawing of the tower, in the contour of which a luminous dot moves, depicting the elevator and clearly showing the passengers their location. Inside the skyscraper there is an atrium - a central inner circular space having a diameter of 27 meters and a height of 142 meters. Its total length is from 56 to 87 floors. Around the free space corridors seem to be twisted in a spiral, there are 28 in total. The skyscraper is made of reinforced concrete and metal, on the glass facade there are inserts and decorative and structural elements made of granite, aluminum and stainless steel.

What's inside?

Jin Mao height
Jin Mao Tower is not only a business center, but also a luxury hotel. The first two floors are occupied by the elite Grand Hyatt hotel, here is its hall and banquet halls. From 3 to 50 floors - offices, then two technical floors, and from 53 to 87 floors - the main area of ​​the hotel complex. For the convenience of visitors, the tower has only 3 entrances, two of which lead to offices, and one to the hotel. On the 88th floor there is an observation deck from which a breathtaking view of the city opens, and two more technical floors are located above (in the spire). Hotel Grand Hyatt 5 * is a modern hotel complex, which has everything you need for life and relaxation. Of course, living in it is not cheap. If you wish, it is easy to find a less expensive accommodation option within walking distance of a magnificent skyscraper.


Jin Mao Construction
Skywalk is a place accessible for tourist visits. The total area of ​​the observation deck is 1.5 km 2 ; at the same time, about 1000 people can comfortably accommodate here. Through panoramic windows you can see the whole city at a glance. From a bird's eye view of Shanghai is not at all the same as from the ground. The quarter of business centers seems like toy houses, and even the local Oriental Pearl TV tower does not look too huge. On the panoramic windows you can read the names of large cities and the distance to them from your current location. But if these impressions are not enough for you, do not forget to look down at the atrium of the hotel. Attention: it makes sense to visit the observation deck only in good weather. In the days when the spire of a skyscraper is not visible due to clouds, it is pointless to spend time on such an excursion. You can visit the attraction daily from 08:30 to 21:00. The tour is paid, but believe me, its cost justifies the impressions you receive. At the observation deck, there is usually an active trade in all kinds of souvenirs, but do not rush to make purchases here: in city "ground" shops all this will cost less.

Golden prosperity

Jin Mao Tower photo
The interiors of a skyscraper are striking in their respectability and an abundance of all shades of gold. And no wonder, because "golden prosperity" is a literal translation of the name Jin Mao. The construction of the skyscraper was carried out in compliance with all the traditions of the East and using the latest developments. As a result, we can see an incredibly beautiful and reliable building, which will very soon celebrate its 20th anniversary. How to get on an excursion and where is the Jin Mao tower? Photos of this attraction "in growth" is better to do from afar. The skyscraper is located in the Pudong area, the nearest metro station is Lujiazuy.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E30649/

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