Loach is a plant for home and garden. Description and photo

Loaches are a large group of plants from different families, united by one quality: all of them, from a primitive grassy field bindweed to elegant clematis and tree vines, grow quickly, encircling any support that comes across the way - a summer house fence, a house wall or tropical trees. In this publication, we will talk about the most interesting climbing plants used today in garden and home interiors.

loach plant

Garden Blinds

Garden decoration is a creative and fascinating process that allows you to realize your own fantasies, creating unique forms in unique color schemes. Classic flowerbeds and beautifully trimmed bushes noticeably win with the addition of climbing plants. Loach is a unique plant, suitable not only to enhance the decorativeness of the site, but also to use it as an element that hides rest areas or unattractive farm buildings, fences and fences from prying eyes. Today, gardeners make full use of the many varieties of these magnificent plants.

Popular annual lovers for summer cottages

The best types of loaches, hardy and beautifully blooming, recognized such plants:

• Different varieties of morning glory. Farbitis, or purple morning glory, grows violently, stretching up to 4 meters, quickly braiding around a support and forming a dense green carpet interspersed with flowers - gramophone notes of delicate pink, white or lilac-violet shades. Blue morning glory, similar to farbitis, has bright blue inflorescences and reaches 2-3 meters in length. The most striking color of flowers of this genus is considered morning glory trichrome. Her pink-red or blue-purple flowers are extremely decorative. Note that there are a lot of varieties and species of morning glory, and we have listed only a small part of them.

loach plant photo

• Decorative beans - a rapidly growing culture, beautifully flowering and yielding edible fruits, the harvest of which can be harvested in August.

• Sweet pea - one of the most popular climbing plants used in the vertical gardening of the garden, the design of arbors, balconies and loggias. The excellent aroma of peas, coupled with the exquisite structure of flowers and the variety of their colors, made it an ideal option for lovers of frequent changes in the garden interior.

Perennial garden vines

The most popular perennials are:

• Prince - a small ligneous vine with carved leaves on long stalks and single white flowers. This loach is a plant adapted for life in the most difficult climatic zones, frost-resistant and reaches three meters in height. The prince creates a magnificent decor of fences and fences.

house plants loaches

• Clematis is a decorative vine with large inflorescences reaching 15-17 cm in diameter. Blooming clematis is an impressive sight, it is able to make a recreation area a unique oasis, and turn an ordinary gazebo into a fabulous cave.

• Chinese Schisandra - an amazing plant with high decorative and medicinal properties. This loach is a plant with a sturdy woody stalk, small light flowers and a surprisingly pleasant aroma. In the places of growth in the Far East, this liana reaches 15 m, in temperate and northern latitudes - 4 m.

• Actinidia - a woody loach-bush, perfectly masking the flaws of walls and fences.

• Hop - a grassy loach, a plant with a strong stalk, unpretentious and strong, capable of entwining any support in the shortest possible time. Most often it is used for decorating arches, fences, walls of farm buildings that need to be hidden.

• Vines - another type of vine, combining excellent decorativeness with the undoubted benefit of the fruit. Grapes are grown on wooden or plastic mesh structures.

loaches plants

All of these plants-looms for the fence, separation of zones or decorating the garden landscape are ideal, but this is not limited to the possibilities of these unique cultures. Many of the lianas decorate our homes, bringing in their unique flavor and organically blending into the home interior.

Features of domestic breeding of climbing plants

The most common among indoor weaving crops are ivy, passionflower, tolmya, tradescantia, hoya, philodendron, clerodendrum, etc. Despite the difference in their origin and belonging to different families, all these plants are demanding in terms of creating conditions for their quality development. Space is vital for them. Tightness. contrary to the well-known Russian proverb, for them it is an offensive misunderstanding, and if there are no such conditions, one should not expect the uniqueness that home vines can give to the room.

loch plants for the garden
In addition, indoor looms in the bulk are thermophilic plants, because, as a rule, the predecessors of these crops are tropical inhabitants adapted to a humid and hot climate. Therefore, it is considered to be 20-25 ° C as a comfortable air temperature in the room.

Indoor plant looms

So, we list the popular home looms:

• Ivy - indoor creepers and ampelous plants, beautifully hanging from a cache-pot. Vigorous species of ivy can quickly overtake fairly large areas, their shoots cling to any support, tree, wallpaper. There are also slowly growing varieties (Canary ivy) that are not able to develop, choosing their own path. Such plants need supportive support.

• Passiflora - a vine with amazing intricate colors, fast-growing and requiring annual formative pruning. This loach is a plant (the photo in the article allows you to see this) is extremely decorative, with beautiful dissected leaves and flowers blooming throughout the summer season.

loach plants for fence

• Tradescantia - habitual herbaceous plants that combine many species, climbing and ampelous.

• Hoya - a magnificent decorative vine with hard leaves, unusual waxy flowers that emit a stupefying aroma.

• Philodendron - climbing vine, unpretentious and fast-growing, with beautiful variegated leaves.

Care requirements

These and many other climbing plants - home loaches do not just decorate our everyday life, bringing echoes of fabulous tropical places into the familiar interior. Some of them, such as chlorophytum, act as a purifying filter for room air.

loch plants for the garden
But in order for the potential of these cultures to be fully revealed, it is necessary to provide them with adequate care. A common requirement for them is moderate regular moistening, loosening of the soil and the presence of supporting elements - supports, nets or other devices. Feeding is also important, as the most often used are liquid solutions for indoor decorative or flowering crops.


We have listed only a few representatives of climbing plants that adorn our lives. Garden or home - they all create an original living decor, giving pleasure and pleasant emotions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E30659/

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