How to choose a replacement cartridge? Geyser Water Filter: Cartridge Selection

Consumers who care about the health of their loved ones use filters to purify water. Depending on the needs, certain models are selected. If a stationary system is installed in the house, then within a year or less it will require replacing the cartridge. Please note that certain cartridge models have different resources and performance. In order to eliminate the deterioration of the system, you must be guided by the recommendations provided by the manufacturer.

If you operate a stationary flow system for water treatment, it is important to consider that it is designed for continuous operation. Leaving the system idle for some time, you may encounter a cartridge failure before the warranty period. This is due to the fact that in the stagnant state, pathogenic microbes accumulate inside the structure, the filtering material loses its characteristics. If you have not used the system for a long time, it is best to purchase a new cartridge. Since the price of these elements is low, the replacement financially will not be an invoice. However, it is important to choose the right cartridge. The water filter only in this case will serve properly.

Aragon cartridge specifications

cartridge water filter

This replaceable element is a combined action device, intended for cleaning not only cold but also hot water. The design has a rather complex mechanism that provides ion and sorption exchange. This helps to retain fine-grained mechanical particles, as well as chemical impurities, microorganisms, organics and chlorine. The structure of the cartridge contains silver, which excludes the possibility of multiplication of filtered microorganisms.

Why you should choose "Aragon"

cartridge for water purification filter

Experts advise changing the cartridge periodically. The water filter in this case will effectively rid the liquid of extraneous contaminants. On sale you can find various modifications of the cartridge "Aragon". It is necessary to choose a specific variety depending on the type of water being treated, which can be glandular, hard or soft. The described cartridge tells you when to regenerate or replace, this function is provided due to self-indication of the end of the resource. The user will be able to determine that it is time to change the cartridge when the pressure decreases. If you choose such a cartridge, the water filter will be able to work longer. This is because the replacement element undergoes regeneration, during which the properties are restored.

The choice of cartridge modifications "Aragon" depending on the contamination of water

replacement cartridge for water filter

Which impurities are present in the water must be considered when choosing the right cartridge. The water filter in this case will effectively cope with all contaminants. For example, if you have to use soft water saturated with calcium, you can install the Aragon-M cartridge, which will eliminate harmful impurities, while preserving magnesium and useful calcium salts.

If you live in a region where hard water predominates , then you should prefer the Aragon-J model. Replaceable elements will remove excess hardness salts, harmful impurities like iron. At the exit, you will get water with as many salts as recommended by the Ministry of Health. Geyser water filters, cartridges for which you can choose yourself, can be equipped with a replaceable element of the Aragon-2 brand, which is a modified version of the cartridge described above. Such an addition to the cleaning system is 5 times better at removing salts, and works longer. The device has an ion-exchange resin, which is able to increase the removal efficiency of iron and manganese. Among other things, water is freed from heavy metals, namely lead and cadmium.

Cartridge for mechanical cleaning

water filter cartridge replacement

On sale today you can find a cartridge for a water purification filter that copes well with insoluble impurities. Such consumables are made of polypropylene cord and have a large dirt capacity. This is especially true when compared with other landing cartridges. During operation, these elements should not be subjected to regeneration and recovery, since they are not subject to these manipulations.

The temperature of the purified water should be in the range from 4 to 40 degrees. When choosing a model, it is important to pay attention to the fact that it can have a certain porosity, namely 5, 10 and 25 microns.

Foam polypropylene mechanical cleaning cartridge

filter new water cartridges

The cartridge for the water purification filter can be made of polypropylene. The PFM and EPM series are characterized in that they are characterized by gradient porosity, the pore diameter becomes smaller during the movement of water. Due to this, insoluble impurities do not get inside. On sale you can find modifications that are designed for filtering hot water, you can recognize them by the markings PFM G and EFM G. You can use such replaceable elements at a temperature of 4 to 50 degrees, if we are talking about hot water, then the mark may increase to 95.

The filter for water purification from chlorine

water filters geyser cartridges

The replaceable cartridge for the CBC type water filter perfectly eliminates water from chlorine, improving its smell, color and taste. The elements are made of activated carbon, and the technology used to make the cartridges is called the carbon block. Such devices are characterized by high sorption ability, this is true if we compare with granular carbon. There is silver in the material of the element, which inhibits the growth of bacteria inside. The recommended operating temperature is 30 degrees, but the allowable range varies from 4 to 53. Such a replaceable cartridge for a water filter can provide an efficiency of 85%.

Cartridges for water purification from organic and organochlorine compounds

If it is necessary to rid the water of free chlorine, foreign taste, unpleasant odors, organochlorine and organic compounds, then the MMB series should be selected, which is made from high - quality carbon fiber. It is characterized by a large absorption surface, and its resource is sufficiently large, which is true when compared with similar sorbents. You can count on the bacteriostatic effect, as replaceable elements of this type, as described above, are complemented by silver. It differs in many positive features of this filter. New water, cartridges which will be able to give out, can have a temperature in the range from 4 to 71 degrees. The porosity of the plants can vary from 1 to 2 microns. Today, cartridges are available, the length of which can be equal to 10 and 20 inches.

Installation of a replaceable element

The replacement of the water filter cartridge can be done by the user independently. To do this, you must use a special key that comes with the system for cleaning. It is not necessary to store failed replaceable elements, they should be disposed of using the manufacturer's recommendations. The water filter cartridge should be replaced according to the instructions, only this way the water at the outlet will be as clean as possible.


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