Thuja Smaragd - landing in the fall. How to plant Tui Smagard?

One of the most popular and favorite plants among modern gardeners is thuja. This is an evergreen tree of magnificent appearance, which will certainly become a real decoration of any garden. This plant belongs to the Cypress family. There are different types of trees and shrubs. In Russia, for example, the thuja Smaragd is often found. Planting this plant in the fall will require certain knowledge from you, which you will receive from this article.

Thuya Smaragd: description

thuja smaragd landing in autumn

This plant was introduced to Europe in the 16th century. The French king was fascinated by the beauty of the thuja and demanded that all plots in the royal park be planted exclusively by her. In Russia, they met her only in the 18th century, but she quickly took root here.

Thuja is a rather tall tree. Its small needles in appearance resemble scales. Her cones are small, about 1 centimeter. The tree has a specific smell reminiscent of camphor aroma.

A variety of colors and shades - this is what distinguishes the thuja western Smaragd. The height and appearance of this plant can be varied. It all depends on the growing conditions.

Choose a place

thuja landing and departure in the fall smaragd western spherical

The main positive quality of the thuja is that it is not too whimsical to the quality of the soil and the amount of moisture. Meanwhile, the plant is very photophilous. A comfortable place is a guarantee that a healthy and beautiful thuja Smaragd will grow on your site. Planting in the fall is no exception. At this time of year you also need to choose the sunniest area. If you plant a thuja in a shady place, then it will grow rare, which means it will not look so attractive.

Although this plant is unpretentious to the soil, it is still worth planting it in a well-permeable and fertile soil. A sufficient factor will also be a sufficient amount of water. On too dry soil, the thuja may turn yellow and crumble.

If you have purchased seedlings, then be sure to ask when to plant the thaw and what its roots are, as some varieties have their own characteristics.

If the landing site is chosen correctly, then care for this evergreen tree is practically not required.

Planting thuja

when to plant thuja and what are its roots

What needs to be done to thuja take root and grow on your site? There are several general rules:

  1. First of all, you need to prepare a place. For planting, you need to dig a hole in the ground. Its depth and width depend on how developed the root system of the seedling is. Basically, its diameter is not more than one hundred centimeters.
  2. Sometimes thuja is planted in heavy or moist soil. In this case, the landing pit is filled with drainage. Its layer should be no more than fifteen centimeters. For this, claydite or broken bricks are most often used. But you can use other solid material.
  3. You need to fill up the hole with a mixture of earth, sand and peat. It is also advisable to add fertilizers to it, which will help the root system of the plant grow stronger and take root.

During planting, pay particular attention to the root neck. It should be placed flush with the ground. The main thing is to act very carefully. The neck can neither be raised much above the soil nor deeply buried. If you plant a plant incorrectly, then it simply dries and dies.

That's essentially all the efforts that the landing of the Thuja Smaragd will require from you. How to plant a thuja, we learned. Now you need to properly care for the seedling.

We look after a seedling

thuja western smaragd smaragd height and appearance

The seedlings of this evergreen plant need top dressing so that they are completely rooted in the soil and quickly pass the period of stress from planting.

Phosphate or potash fertilizers are used to feed the thuja. But remember: in the spring, you need to take two to three week breaks.

You need to water the seedlings every day, and once a week to sprinkle with a hose. Thanks to this procedure, dirt and dust will leave the surface of plants. If the weather is very hot, then the procedures are repeated daily, morning and evening.

Thuya Smaragd. Planting in the fall: features

landing thuja smaragd how to properly plant a thuja

Thuja autumn planting has its own subtleties. In order to do this correctly, you must follow a few rules.

It’s too late to plant thuja. The plant does not have time to grow stronger and is unlikely to survive the winter cold.

What terms are suitable for the thuja Smaragd to take root well on the site? Planting in the fall, ideally, should be done in September or at the very beginning of October, before constant freezing begins. By the time the real cold sets in, the roots of the seedlings should already have fully settled down.

The ground at the trunk of the thuja should be covered with fallen leaves, needles or compost. Then the roots of the plant will be reliably protected from frost.

When snowfall begins, the needles of thuja should be cleared of snow, since weak young branches can not withstand the severity and break.

If you listen to these tips, then your plant will easily survive its first winter.

Thuja propagation by cuttings

planting and reproduction of thuja smaragd

Tuyu is very easy to propagate by cuttings. This task is within the power of even novice amateur gardeners.

The best time for grafting is considered autumn. In the spring and summer, the stalk often dries and does not have time to take root. This part of the article describes the main thing that needs to be done in order for you to grow a healthy thuja: planting and leaving in the fall. Smaragd western spherical - the plant is not too whimsical. It remains only to heed some advice again and be patient a little.

  1. It is necessary to find the strongest side shoots in plants and tear them off with a sharp movement. Try to keep the so-called β€œheel” (a piece of bark) on the tip of the branch.
  2. Be sure to remove all the lower needles. After this, the cuttings are planted in pots. They are deepened by 2-3 centimeters into fresh soil. It is best to mix sheet land, sand and peat in equal proportions. The remaining foliage should not touch the ground.
  3. In order for the stem to take root faster, it is necessary to dip it into the solution of the heteroauxin preparation before planting. After planting, the cuttings are covered with transparent containers (you can, for example, use cans). Pots with seedlings are placed in a greenhouse in a not sunny, but bright place. Cuttings need daily ventilation. If the humidity level is too high, the sprouts can rot. Under such conditions, the stalk will remain until the onset of summer.
  4. If new shoots appear on the cuttings, then your shoot has taken root. However, there is no need to immediately transfer him to a permanent place. As soon as the first warm days come, you need to start tempering. The plant is left on the street for several hours.

As you already understood, planting and breeding Thuja Smaragd, further care of the plant will not require any significant effort from you.


thuja smaragd landing in autumn

For winter, plants need to be covered. Burlap is best suited for this purpose, which will not interfere with the thuja's breathing. Remember: polymeric as well as synthetic material does not protect against frost. The fabric does not need to be tightened too tightly, this can disrupt air circulation, which will lead to the thawing of the thuja during the thaw and its further damage.

You can also use a special fertilizer that helps plants survive the winter cold. Just don't overdo it!


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