Geysers in the Kherson region of Ukraine: how to get other tips for tourists

Of course, the Kherson region of Ukraine is far from Kamchatka and not Iceland. But there are their own geysers. And if hot water is pouring from under the ground with a fountain not among the snowy beauties, but right in the steppe baked by the sun, then it does not lose its healing properties.

In this article we will talk about geysers in the Kherson region. They have a very interesting story, since it was not Nature who opened them for a person, but ... seekers of scrap metal. But the find of the unlucky lovers of easy money was appreciated by entrepreneurs. They equipped baths on the geysers. Of course, this cannot be called a world-class spa, but the prices for rehabilitation in thermal springs are purely symbolic.

About how to get to the geysers, we will tell below. You will also learn how much it costs to soak in the hot healing water.

Geysers in the Kherson region

Geysers in the Kherson region: the history of the discovery

In the distant nineteen seventy-first year, in the fall, employees of the state enterprise Krymmorgeologiya searched for minerals on the left bank of the Dnieper. The purpose of the expedition is still not clear. Some rumors say that they were looking for oil, others that they were looking for gas. But they found, having drilled a well with a depth of one thousand five hundred twenty-seven meters, hot water very saturated with iodine. The discovery of the prospecting did not inspire. They assigned the source number six and sealed the thermal water outlet with a huge metal plate.

Years passed. Already in independent Ukraine there were some hunters for scrap metal. Having counted in their minds the profit that they can get by handing over a plate weighing several tons, they drove the tractor and started to realize their dreams. The result almost ended with the death of metal hunters. Water under pressure threw the shutter six meters! But she weighed a few tons. And then the small village of Obloi became famous throughout Ukraine. After all, geysers scored on its territory. In the Kherson region there were immediately enterprising people who wanted to privatize the natural wealth of the people of Ukraine.

Geyser in the Kherson region how to get there


The village council of Obloi has leased geysers in the Kherson region to one limited liability company. Nothing but a fence and a barrier was built by this LLC. Dealers simply took money from everyone who wanted to swim in the geyser. After repeated complaints about the low (or rather, zero) level of comfort in the Obloe, workers to combat organized crime even rushed. In the end, a hot geyser in the Kherson region (or rather, the land around it) was transferred to another tenant. But even judging by the latest reviews, the leisure infrastructure there remains at its most embryonic level.

These are three baths: two with water (twenty by thirty meters), and the third with healing mud. The fluid in the pools is dark brown. Reviews recommend taking bathing suits, "which is not a pity." Water leaves the geyser at a temperature of +70 ° C, but in the pools it is slightly cooler - about forty-five degrees. Around the tanks there are changing cabins. There is already a shower room where you can wash salt and iodine, as well as a massage room.

Healing geyser in the Kherson region


In the Kherson region there is another healing geyser - radon. It is located on the Arabat spit of the Sea of ​​Azov, beyond the Genic Hill, near the village of Schastlivtsevo. But the natural reservoir is managed by a balneological clinic where cerebral palsy is treated. And the second healing geyser in the Kherson region, near the village of Obloi, is often compared with the Dead Sea in Israel. There is a lot of iodine and bromine in its water, there are also insignificant concentrations of calcium, potassium and boron. The liquid is very dense, pushes to the surface. This geyser is recommended to visit people with diseases of the joints, musculoskeletal system, respiratory tract, kidneys, thyroid gland, nervous system. But pregnant women do not want to go here - a visit to the pool can provoke a miscarriage.

Hot geyser in the Kherson region

Region, geyser in the Kherson region. How to get there? Prices

Unfortunately, the state of the road to this unique natural phenomenon leaves much to be desired. Therefore, tourists do not recommend going to the geyser after the rains - you get bogged down. From the city of Golaya Pristan, you should go towards the Iron Port resort. At the village of Bekhtera, you need to turn onto a dirt road and move to Obloy. The geyser is located two kilometers from the village. But enterprising residents have already built in the immediate vicinity of the bathhouses cottages that are being rented to those being treated. Indeed, to achieve a positive and long-term effect, you should take two baths per day for an hour for at least a week. The cost of visiting the baths is still symbolic: fifteen hryvnias per person. But using a shower costs extra.


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