Norms and principles of communication

It is impossible to imagine a social mechanism without the principles of communication on which certain norms, patterns and rules are based. If they are not followed, then all the interaction of people will be reduced to the satisfaction of personal needs, which is an absolute degradation of society. This article details some of the nuances of relationships between people.

Business ethics


Ethical principles of communication can be defined by the culture of speech. According to the prescriptions of this concept, moral standards are put forward , the rules evaluate behavioral manners in specific situations and various formulas of courtesy and courtesy. A person who observes the basic principles of communication, but violates his ethical standards, is often deceitful and hypocritical. High moral behavior of a person who does not use the basic rules of decency in his life will never inspire confidence among others.

Business Communication Principles

It can be concluded that concepts such as communication ethics and good manners should be studied together. The most common principles of etiquette and moral standards often go side by side with specific algorithms for dialogue: greeting and farewell, request and thanks, etc. Unlike speech etiquette, which is used everywhere (congratulations, thanks, greetings, sympathies), we recall the principles and norms of decency much less often.

Principles of Ethics in Communication

There is a so-called golden rule, familiar to everyone since childhood: treat others the way you want to be treated. It is applicable to absolutely any life situations. We can say that many ethical principles of communication are based on this rule: altruistic, norms of virtue, exactingness for oneself and others, the law of equality and justice, etc.

Communication between people

Thanks to the principles of open and sincere communication, a high degree of trust arises, without which contact is not possible. Trusting close relationships cannot be built without honesty, truthfulness, kindness, and respect for others. This can also include care, politeness, good breeding, etc. The principles of proper communication are inextricably linked with the quality of speech itself. It should contain logic, expediency, literacy, as well as conciseness and pithiness at the same time. As for brevity, it all depends on personal desires and preferences. To some, too long dithyrambs will seem boring, but someone will not understand the thought that they tried to convey in a more concise form.

Types of Ethics

The basic principles of communication are divided into mandatory and recommended. The first is the famous medical concept - “do no harm”. In order for communication to be mutually enjoyable and productive, one should not go over to insults with different points of view and humiliate an opponent. It is necessary to exclude from interpersonal relationships such tactics of behavior as harshness and rudeness. In order to normally communicate with people, it is useful to maintain self-esteem, modesty and respect towards others. The connection between ethical standards and motives for communication is quite obvious:

  1. Emotionally positive impulses include the delivery of joy, meeting the needs of the interlocutor for respect, understanding and love, as well as interest.
  2. Neutral motives are often the goals of transmitting information.
  3. To emotionally negative can be attributed indignation to an ignoble act, an expression of anger at an unfair outcome of the situation.

All these motives are inextricably linked with high internal moral standards. It is worth noting that actions dressed in ethical form, but due to low motives (to deceive, condemn, etc.) are not ethical.

Interpersonal interaction

Ethical standards and what is fraught with their non-compliance

When ethical principles of verbal communication are absent or partially observed, this can manifest itself in human rudeness, insult, and opposition to others. Obscene behaviors are expressed in denouncing actions that are unacceptable for any individual, and generally imposing their own opinions. This can lead to misunderstanding and damage on the part of the two parties involved. It is noteworthy that a highly moral person, driven by ethical motives, experiences inconvenience, not only when he himself in captivity does something wrong, but also when he sees negative manifestations around him. Failure to comply with basic norms of behavior in communication can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts and even a break in relationships between participants in communication.

Business Communication and Ethics

Along with the general principles of communication, ethical standards that relate exclusively to the business world can be distinguished. The main feature of contacts in the business environment is the presence of many formalities. As for moral standards, they are the same for all areas of communication.

Communication as part of life

Any organization needs to strive to increase the behavioral principles: the development of ethical standards, the creation of special commissions for training and instilling a good tone for employees. Thanks to this, the moral atmosphere of the entire enterprise will improve, which will lead to increased employee loyalty, the implementation of the right moral choice in making decisions, and the strengthening of the company's reputation.

Despite the importance of cultural behavior, there is no absolute criterion and a person playing the role of the supreme judge and the preacher of truth in the last resort. If you want to live in a high moral society, start with yourself: praise others, and make claims against yourself. Do not focus on the failures of employees, and learn from your mistakes.

Watch your behavior, and then you will see how the world will change for the better. The basic norms and principles of communication in the field of business relations cover not only interpersonal relationships, but also the vertical of office contacts, for example, “subordinate-manager”. And also horizontal - the relationship of two employees with the same position.

Fundamentals of ethical norms and rules are necessary in all areas of life, whether communicating with friends, colleagues, relatives. These simple rules of interaction help to build harmonious relationships with people, you can always count on external support, because those around you want to deal with an educated and tactful person.

Business interaction

In order to educate the spirituality in society and preserve the moral heritage, you should first of all pay attention to yourself. If each person makes a small contribution to the ethical development of the world, then he will certainly change for the better.

More on business communication

There are several principles and rules of communication in a business environment, compliance with which will make your interaction with colleagues and partners more successful:

  1. The ability to empathize and put yourself in the place of another person, that is, empathy.
  2. Acceptance of another employee, regardless of his goals and views, showing goodwill.
  3. Preservation of one’s individuality when communicating with other people, that is, authenticity.
  4. The ability to clearly state your thoughts and honestly answer questions, to be specific.
  5. The courage to make decisions, to offer your own options for overcoming the situation is initiative.
  6. Directness in actions and words, that is immediacy.
  7. The belief that sincere relationships improve interaction between people - openness.
  8. Ability to express your thoughts and emotions. Acceptance of emotional manifestations from people around. The ability not to hurt their feelings.
  9. The ability to extract experience from various life situations, to soberly accept criticism, but to be the author of one's own self-assessment (self-knowledge).
  10. Willingness to help at any time, a high degree of involvement in the situation.
  11. Responsibility for their decisions and actions.

The main qualities of a business person

You can also highlight the basic principles of effective communication that every business person should have. These include:

  • labor activity - creativity, initiative, love of work, diligence, ability to take responsibility;
  • sociability, friendliness, sensitivity and politeness towards people;
  • in relation to himself - modesty, self-discipline and the ability to self-criticism.

The psychological properties that are important for business communication include the following:

  • high but adequate self-esteem;
  • creative potential;
  • ability to quickly make adequate and effective decisions;
  • ability to speak with people in their language, insight;
  • ability to make and maintain useful business contacts;
  • good habit to keep a given word;
  • ability to complete the work begun;
  • ability to find a common language with people, hard work and vitality.

To survive in the business world, the following social skills are also required:

  • insight that will help to feel the situation and, based on it, to establish contact;
  • stimulate the partner's speech activity;
  • the ability to psychologically accurately determine the point of completion of communication;
  • correctly forecast the reaction of the partner;
  • keep the initiative in the conversation in your hands, but at the same time tune in to the emotional tone of the interlocutor;
  • provoke the emotional reactions you need;
  • be able to overcome psychological barriers;
  • correspond to the emotional state of the interlocutor or business partner;
  • Set goals and achieve them through mobilization.

What is business ethics for?

If we talk about business ethics and about ethics in general, we cannot but pay attention and do not reveal the topic of speech culture.

Pleasant environment for communication

Knowledge of psychology and the rules of sociability plays a significant role in building business relationships, as well as in the interaction of colleagues and work partners. If you have an understanding of how to behave in a given environment, then you are likely to avoid the many mistakes that are common to entrepreneurs. In order for your business to be successful, it is necessary to study well the characteristics of personal qualities that are necessary for managerial activity. Patterns of human behavior, opportunities for developing entrepreneurial potential, psychology of working relationships, as well as technology for the survival of a business person in a competitive environment.

The subject of ethics is the motives of actions, character and actions of a person. In the business sphere, this is the relationship of partners, as well as the reasons for success or lack thereof in personal activity.


At first glance, it might seem that in ordinary life careful observance of decency is not so important that only active people encounter ethics and principles of communication, in particular. But sooner or later, an understanding comes that successful conversation and pleasure from it is impossible without observing the basics of ethics. The key moment in communication is the observance of parity, that is, the acceptance of the interests of the partner, the recognition of your equality before each other and the maintenance of a relaxed and easy atmosphere. Oddly enough, each person does not immediately recognize the rule of parity - to someone the awareness of the need for this principle comes back in childhood and is laid down by parents, and someone has to get to the bottom of his mind. The moral and ethical principles that a person observes are litmus papers of its unique qualities and level of development. They are the basis for the manner of speech, attitude to opponents and interlocutors and the key needs that are inherent in a particular person.

Components of moral health and principles of pedagogical communication

In the formation of the above principles, the main role is played by the so-called components of moral health, namely the beliefs of morality, traits, habits, abilities and actions. If for some reason a person has a high cultural level, then he is more likely to struggle with his negative inclinations, which will certainly affect the quality of his contacts with other people. Humanity is the main motive inherent in a person observing ethical standards. Such a subject empathizes, sympathizes, shows kindness, mercy and decency. A person who interacts with a humane person feels his significance and importance for the interlocutor.

The basic rules and principles of communication include:

  • mutual respect for each other;
  • democratization and humanization of relations;
  • tolerance, social justice and tolerance;
  • objective and unbiased attitude to the interlocutor;
  • respect for boundaries and recognition of the personal dignity of each person;
  • honesty in relationships;
  • acceptance and understanding of the interests of the interlocutor.

If you begin to regularly use these simple norms and principles of communication with children and adults, you will soon notice how your level of interpersonal interaction has increased. You will also learn to better understand people and play in your head the scenarios of a possible development of events.


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