Kaluga Region: photos, attractions, history, reserves and the most interesting places

In the European part of Russia is the Kaluga region (29 780 km²). The territory is located between the Smolensk-Moscow and Central Russian hills. The article describes the main attractions of the Kaluga Territory.

History of the formation of the region

Archaeological excavations indicate that in the period 500-1000 years. This region was inhabited by Eastern European tribes. For the first time, the cities of Kaluga lands were mentioned during the hostilities between the descendants of princes Oleg Svyatoslavich and Vladimir Monomakh (1125-1147).

In the 14th century, these lands were a place of struggle between the Moscow and Lithuanian principalities. Therefore, on the basis of documents of those times, historians believe that the future regional center of the Kaluga region arose as a defensive fort to protect Moscow from Lithuania. Other settlements formed around it.

After the reunification of Ukraine and Russia, according to the Pereyaslav Rada (treaty) in 1654, the Kaluga lands became a link in trade between Moscow and Kiev.

Tikhonova Assumption Desert in Kaluga

After 122 years, according to the order of Empress Catherine II, Kaluga governorship was formed, which at that time included Tula, and after a while, Kaluga territory.

Emperor Paul I in 1796, as a result of reforms, governorship was abolished and the Kaluga lands became the Kaluga province, which economically developed during the 18th-19th centuries, trading with Ukraine, Siberia, Poland and German cities.

In 1929, the Kaluga province was transformed into the Western region, the center of which for 15 years was the city of Smolensk. In 1944, by combining 27 nearby districts, by the decision of the government, the Kaluga Region was created.

Now the Kaluga region is considered a developed economic and cultural subject of the Russian Federation, where historical places, nature reserves, temples and museums attract tourists who are interested in the history of Russia.

Spaso-Vorotynsky Monastery

For many citizens of this region, Kaluga Territory has become a family home. Therefore, they are happy to introduce tourists to their attractions. At a distance of 20 km from Kaluga, on the banks of the river Utra there is an active female Spaso-Vorotynsky monastery.

In 1480, military operations took place on this territory between the Khan of the Golden Horde Akhmat and Moscow Prince Ivan III Vasilyevich. The victory of the Russian troops led to the elimination of Mongol-Tatar oppression in northern Russia.

saved Vorotinsky monastery in kaluga

In memory of this historical event, a female monastery was founded at the beginning of the 15th century by Prince Dmitry Vorotynsky. In the monastery territory there are two stone churches - Preobrazhenskaya and Vvedenskaya.

Nearby was the nuns' eating area. In the XVIII century the bell tower was erected. All other rooms were wooden, which have not survived to our time. At the beginning of the XXI century, the monastery buildings were transferred to the Kaluga diocese. After restoration work in the monastery, the monastic life was revived in 2007.

Tikhonova Assumption Desert

In the village of Leo Tolstoy, tourists can visit the male monastery of the Russian Orthodox Church. It is called the Tikhonov Assumption Desert (a monastic settlement remote from the main monastery).

The shelter was founded around 1485 by the monk Tikhon Medymsky. Legend has it that the Monk Tikhon, wanting to live in seclusion, settled in the forest and lived in a hollow oak. Around the righteous gathered, built huts and ate the fruits of the cultivated land.

Tikhonova Assumption Desert

After a while, the donation of one of the princes began the construction of the monastery. At the beginning of the 20th century, the monastery was closed and an agricultural technical college was located in the monastery buildings, and since 1950 a military unit. In 1991, the Kaluga Holy Tikhon Deserts was transferred to the Kaluga Russian Orthodox Church.

Cathedral of the Trinity

What else is interesting Kaluga, Kaluga region? In the city park of the city is located the Orthodox Cathedral of the Trinity Life-Giving.

The church in the name of the icon of the Life-Giving Trinity (a shrine painted by Andrei Rublev in the 15th century) was erected in the 16th century. The first mention is due to the fact that False Dmitry II was buried in it in 1610.

Cathedral of the Trinity

Throughout its history, the church building burned several times, was restored, rebuilt, and has not survived to our times. In 1924, the cathedral was closed. For 67 years, it housed various city services.

In 1991, the building was transferred to the Kaluga diocese and after restoration work, services began to take place. Tourists can now visit the stone cathedral, which was built on the site of the first wooden church building for 33 years according to the project of the city architect Ivan Yasnygin (construction began in 1786), inspect the multi-tiered iconostasis and attend church services.

"Damn hillfort"

This area is rich not only in its temples and monasteries. The nature of the Kaluga region, due to its special geographical location, amazes the imagination of nature lovers.

On the banks of the Chertovskaya river, not far from the city of Kozelsk (60 km from Kaluga) is one of the most natural attractions - the Devil's tract, which is located in the Ugra National Park.

Archaeological excavations confirm that in this territory in the 5th century there was a settlement of West Baltic culture in the era of the spread of iron metallurgy (Iron Age).

This monument is considered a zone where natural phenomena occur that modern science cannot explain. Eyewitnesses say that in this territory sometimes there are gaps in time about unexplained phenomena of plant glow.

There is a myth that says that the devil fell in love with a girl and decided to marry. And his father, in order to get rid of the "groom", told him to build a palace on this spot overnight.

Damn began construction. But before sunrise, did not have time to finish it, and the unfinished structure turned into multi-toned boulders. Today they have remained scattered throughout the territory of the Devil's Hillfort. In fact, this area is a hill, where in past centuries there was a release of sedimentary rock from the earth in the form of sandstone rocks.

In addition, moss (shistosteg) and centipede fern, which glows at night, grows in a given area of ​​the Kaluga Territory. Scientists cannot explain the appearance of this species of flora, which is uncharacteristic of central Russia.

Landmark of the Kaluga native land - Ugra National Park

In the river valleys of the rivers Ugra, Zhizdra and Vyssa, which are the left tributaries of the Oka, there is a national Kaluga park. Its area is 980 km².

Ugra National Park

The Kaluga Territory Reserve was created in 1997 as a specially protected area, with the aim of preserving natural ecological systems. And since 2002, the attraction is under the protection of UNESCO.

The park region consists of three zones: Ugorsk, Vorotynskaya and Zhizdrinskaya and is a popular area among lovers of boating. More than 1000 species of plants grow on the territory, and 300 species of animals of the Kaluga region live: moose, roe deer, wild boars and other representatives of the animal world.

In natural conditions, black grouse, hazel grouse, siskins, owls breed. Beavers, muskrats, and otters live in the marshes; a large number of various fish is found in the water bodies.

Waterfall "Kaluga Niagara"

In the Zhukovsky district of the Kaluga region is the village of Kislino, where the largest waterfall of the Kaluga Territory - Kaluga Niagara. This attraction is a stream. It flows along the plain, and then with a stream from a stone cliff, 4.5 meters high, with a noise falls down.

Waterfall water suitable for swimming and drinking. Tourists of the Kaluga region can admire the picturesque view of the left tributary of the Oka River, on the Protva River.

Rattling Stream

rattle creek

In the same area in the village of Podchervino there is another natural water cascade - the "Rattlesniy Stream". The river, which flows into Protva, overcomes a rocky section on its way. As a result, it forms a waterfall in this place, consisting of several steps. The picturesque nature of this area constantly attracts lovers of outdoor recreation.

Tourist complex "Ethnomir"

In the Kaluga region, not far from the city of Borovsk (75 km from Kaluga), the Ethnomir entertainment complex is located on an area of ​​140 hectares. It was created in such a way that within one day tourists can get acquainted with the life, culture and traditions of the peoples of different countries. The territory of this unique complex consists of rooms where there are characteristic buildings, souvenir shops, museum exhibits and other buildings that convey the national flavor of each nation (ethnic court).

tourist complex ethnomir

The founder of the Ethnomir project, the construction of which began in 2006, is businessman Ruslan Bayramov. Now on the territory of the complex annually new ethnic yards appear. They are created by financing various organizations with the support of UNESCO.

Interesting Facts

The tourist information center in the Kaluga Region, which is located on the Old Torg square, organizes various thematic tours of the city and the region: religious, environmental, rural, health and other excursion programs. When visiting attractions, tourists will learn interesting facts related to the Kaluga region. Some of them we will now consider:

  1. The name of the regional city comes from the old Russian word “kaluga”, which means “swamp”.
  2. Empress Catherine II in 1777 approved the city development plan submitted for signature. There is a legend where it is said that from a bird's eye the city according to these drawings was to be a full-length portrait of the empress.
  3. The total length of asphalt roads in the Kaluga Region is 6565 km.
  4. The founder of classical Russian architecture, Vasily Bazhenov, and the researcher of the Northern Sea Route, Russian officer Vasily Pronchishchev, were born in Kaluga province.
  5. Borovsk city received the name of the regional center due to the pine forest surrounding the settlement from all sides. In 1812, the French emperor Napoleon decided in this city to turn his troops back along the Smolensk road. Now a house has been preserved in the city, where Bonaparte spent the night on the eve of his decision.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E30684/

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