Summary: "Wolves" by Shukshin Vasily Makarovich

Shukshin Vasily Makarovich - a famous Soviet writer, screenwriter, director and actor. The writer built his literary works on the contrast of rural and urban lifestyles. One of the striking examples of Shukshin’s work is a short story by V. M. Shukshin “Wolves”. A summary of it will be given in the article.

Biography of Vasily Makarovich Shukshin (1929-1974)

Vasily Makarovich was born in 1929 into a simple peasant family in the Altai outback. Shukshin Sr. was shot during the period of collectivization, the future writer at that time was barely 5 years old.

Vasily Shukshin wolves summary

At the age of 17, Vasily Makarovich went to get a job on a collective farm. Over the next 8 years, the writer regularly changes his place and occupation, goes from a locksmith in a turbine and tractor factory to a Russian language teacher at a school in his native village.

In 1954, having persuaded his mother to sell the only cow, Shukshin went to Moscow for the money he received and entered the directing department of VGIK. Two years later, Vasily Makarovich gets his first episodic role in the film "Quiet Flows the Don", and after 2 years his first story "Two on a Cart" will be published. Knowledge of the type of Russian people and the great life experience of the author can be felt by reading even a brief summary of "Wolves" by Shukshin V. M.

The story of the story "Wolves"

The story "Wolves" was written in 1967 and became one of the iconic works of literary work by Vasily Makarovich. Summary of "Wolves" V. Shukshin M. can not convey the humor and depth of narration inherent in all the works of the writer. Despite the brevity, simplicity and unpretentiousness, all the works of Shukshin are instructive and deeply moral.

Vasily Makarovich had high hopes for one of his first works, where he acted as a screenwriter. This is a historical film about Rasputin. In 1967, the project, on which the author worked for more than two years, was rejected. Perhaps this event influenced the name and overall emotional plan of the story "Wolves".

Summary of the story "Wolves" Shukshina V. M.

Reading the full work takes no more than 10 minutes. The summary of “Wolves” by Vasily Shukshin in volume is comparable to the original text, but, of course, loses in expressiveness and figurativeness of the narrative. The writer is a recognized short story master.

The events of the work take place in an unnamed village. Naum, still an old cunning man, and his son-in-law Ivan are the main characters in the story. Father-in-law and brother-in-law do not like each other, as reported in the first paragraph of the text. Nahum considers Ivan too lazy, but his son-in-law does not like life in the village and his father-in-law always reproaching him for laziness.

summary of shukshin wolves

Men agree to go to the forest for firewood, each on his own cart. On the way, they meet a pack of wolves. Naum immediately turns around and starts his horse at a gallop, constantly shouting "Rob-ut!". At first, it’s funny to Ivan; he feels stupid both the fear of his father-in-law and his inappropriate exclamation. But then, when the flock led by the leader catches up the sleigh, and Ivan, who had never seen the beast alive before, realizes that the wolf is not a yard dog, his laughter comes to naught.

With him, the hero has nothing but a scourge for a horse and hay in a sleigh. But Nahum didn’t even think about slowing down and helping her husband’s husband, he didn’t agree to hand over the ax right away, and he threw it to the side of the road. Ivan leaves the sled, and the wolves catch up and lift up his horse.

Vasily Shukshin wolves summary

A flock does not touch a man, but he is angry and offended. Ivan scolds his father-in-law for cowardice, promises to beat him for meanness, but he cannot catch Naum. The ending of the story is both ridiculous and tragic at the same time. Upon returning to the village, Ivan finds his wife and Naum in the company of a policeman. The father-in-law accuses the son-in-law of rowdy and dislike of the authorities, Ivan is taken to the "rural prison" "out of harm's way", although the policeman admits that he does not like Naum.

Morality in the story "Wolves"

Having described two chases - wolves for Ivan and Ivan for Naum, the writer very subtly showed the reader how easy it is for a person to turn into a beast. Revenge, malice and banal resentment do not paint him as well as pettiness, cowardice, meanness and quarrelsomeness.

summary of shukshin wolves

If before the death of the horse all the sympathies of the reader are on the side of a lazy but simple Ivan, then after his threats to the father-in-law, the reader concludes that they are “two boots of a pair”. The policeman in the finale shows more sympathy for Ivan than he has for his own father-in-law.

Summary of "Wolves" V. Shukshin M. is not able to convey all the caution and delicacy with which the author approaches the description of the moral side of the conflict.


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