Do I need to wash a domestic cat: features of care and maintenance, tips and tricks

Each owner of a furry pet sooner or later begins to think about the time to bathe him. However, he is not sure whether to wash a domestic cat. But even a pet at home is contaminated over time from the dust that people bring to the house on shoes. It is also worth considering the fact that the cat is not able to completely wash off the dirt that settles on her hair. Despite the need for all pets in water procedures, cats are extremely negative about washing. Therefore, each owner must prepare for this procedure in advance.

Do I need to wash a cat

Not everyone understands whether to wash a domestic cat. And the animals themselves, with all their behavior, say that they do not need water procedures. The cat spends most of its leisure time licking itself from head to toe. Even if it is slightly contaminated, it will be cleaned for hours until it makes sure that it is clean. These fluffy pets do not tolerate extraneous odors, so they try to lick even minor residues of dirt off themselves. That is why they do not need to be washed as often as dogs need. This is especially true for those cats who are constantly in the apartment and do not go for a walk.

the cat is not afraid of water

The frequency of water procedures

Almost every owner of this murmuring creature knows whether to wash a domestic cat. Doing this is necessary. However, too often bathing your pet is strictly prohibited. Such categoricalness is due to the fact that his skin is covered with the necessary natural lubricant for the animal. It is formed due to the activity of the subcutaneous glands. During water procedures, the protective layer is washed off, which is not at all favorable for the cat. The absence of this lubricant on the skin can provoke the development of dermatological diseases, for example, the appearance of dandruff.

When thinking about whether to wash a domestic cat, you should always remember the frequency of bathing. It is necessary to wash the animal, but it is very important to follow a certain schedule. A small kitten needs to be washed once every three months, since the baby at this age will not lick himself so actively. An adult cat is allowed to bathe no more than once every six months.

Do I need to wash a domestic cat and how often, it depends on the conditions in which the animal is kept, and how often it happens on the street. At the same time, the nature of the pet must be taken into account in order to avoid injury to the animal. If the cat categorically does not tolerate water, it is impossible to torment him. In this case, you can purchase a dry shampoo in the form of a spray.

bathe a domestic cat

When to wash a cat

When a new pet appears in the apartment, it is necessary to gradually accustom him to water. The cat should not be afraid, so you can not scare her with water or sharply dip into it. First you need to show the kitten that water is not scary. The first bathing of the baby should be 3-4 months old. You should thoroughly prepare for it. It is the first wash that will form the cat's idea of ​​bathing for life. If this process goes smoothly, you can not worry about the further behavior of the pet in contact with water. So that washing does not turn out to be stressful for a kitten, you can not bathe him in the first two weeks of being in a new house.

bathing little kittens

Wool care while swimming

Now that we understand whether it is necessary to wash a domestic cat and how often, it is worth paying attention to some recommendations. But before you go to the bathroom with a cat in your hands, you need to carefully prepare for such an important event for the animal. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting a lot of scratches and providing a pet with a real shock. First you need to prepare the bathroom and purchase cat shampoo for washing. A cosmetic product can be bought at any pet store.

When choosing a shampoo, it is necessary to take into account the type and density of hair on the skin of the purr. There are shampoos for smooth-haired animals and long-haired. There are also separate funds for cats Siamese, Burmese, fold and other breeds. Whether it is necessary to wash a domestic cat of the British breed with special shampoo, any consultant in the pet store will answer unequivocally - yes. The fact is that a remarkable feature of these creatures is their excessive cleanliness. It is necessary to bathe an adult animal every three months.

For the most furry and long-haired cats, you can even buy a rinse conditioner, which is also sold in pet stores next to shampoos. It will make it easier to comb naughty hair and prevent tangled tangles. In no case should you wash your cat with shampoo or balm intended for humans.

how to wash a domestic cat

Preparing the bathroom for bathing

Whether it is necessary to wash a domestic fold cat or a pet of a different breed is already known. It remains only to make sure that the bathroom is ready to wash the animal. No towels should be hung on the walls around the bathtub itself. It is possible that the animal will begin to climb up and touch their claws. For the same reason, you need to remove all cosmetics and bottles from the sides of the bathroom. At the bottom, it is better to put a rubber mat so that the cat does not slide on it with its paws.

If you have to wash a small kitten, you need to choose a small basin for it instead of a bath. Too much space filled with water will cause the baby tremendous stress. Therefore, it is better to put a basin in the bathtub, the bottom of which will be covered with a terry towel. If the kitten is very scared, you can pull it out of the basin and let it stand a little paws on a dry surface.

It is necessary to collect water in advance. If you do this with a cat she will be scared of her noise. The volume of the filled bath or basin should be such that the water is at the level of the belly of the pet. Usually it is about 15-20 cm.

Bathing Guidelines

To make the bathing as comfortable as possible for the cat and its owner, it is necessary to prepare for the procedure. Before lowering the cat into the bathroom, you need to close the door to the room. In this way, the escape of a frightened pet can be avoided. There are several variations on how to dip the cat into the water. Some people think that it’s easiest to take a cat by the withers so that she can’t reach her arm with her claws. Others say that you need to fix the cat's paws with your hands.

It is necessary to dip the animal into water gradually. The position of the cat in the bathroom can be any. The main thing is to put the cat so that water does not get into her ears. You need to wet the cat from the back, and then water the back of the body. Only after that it is recommended to switch to the front legs and neck.

The head also needs to be washed, but this should be done as carefully as possible, with stroking movements of the hand so that water does not get into the ears. When all the hair becomes wet, you need to apply a little shampoo and grind it into foam throughout the body of the animal. Then it should be washed off with water. This should be done as thoroughly as possible. Shampoo should not remain on the cat’s coat.

how to wash a cat in the bathroom

Useful tips for keeping and bathing a cat

Is it necessary to bathe a domestic cat, only its owner determines. If he wants the pet to be clean and pleasantly smelling, the answer is known. To bath your beloved cat or cat as successfully as possible, you must adhere to the following tips:

  • To shampoo well foaming, it must be slightly diluted with water.
  • If the cat is panicky afraid of water, you can find an alternative and use dry shampoo for animals.
  • When bathing cats do not make sudden movements. Also, you can not scream at the pet.
  • Water procedures should be carried out from 5 to 10 minutes.
  • After washing, you need to provide the cat with comfort and warmth. The animal must not be supercooled.
  • If the kitten was recently vaccinated, you need to delay the wash for two weeks.
  • Before washing a cat, it is necessary to protect your own hands by wearing a sweater with long sleeves.
  • If the cat has fleas, it is necessary to wash the body with shampoo in the direction from the neck. Due to this, parasites will not be able to run across to the head of the animal.
    washing a domestic cat in a basin

Contraindications for washing cats

There are situations when washing a cat is not recommended. These include the following cases:

  • Pregnancy cats.
  • Feeding kittens. From stress, the animal may lose milk.
  • Chronic or acute illness.
  • Recovery period after surgery.
  • Too cold air temperature in the apartment.

Washing a domestic cat can be a rather unpleasant process. Therefore, you can not bathe cats more than once every six months and try to accustom the animal to this procedure from early childhood.


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