How to remember the signals of the traffic controller? Memo verse about the traffic controller

Before driving, each driver is trained in a driving school. There he is taught the correct and safe driving, the ability to quickly and adequately respond to traffic situations. Everyone who drives vehicles studies the system of road signs, learns to distinguish road markings, and provides first aid. Car owners are mastering the design of cars and ways to eliminate breakdowns. But there is one subtlety in traffic rules, which for some reason is not easy for many drivers to remember. It is about recognizing the signals that the traffic controller makes .

Guard at the crossroads

How difficult it is to remember the gestures that the guard shows, and their meanings. And there are very few movements. But, apparently, the lack of regular practice is affecting. After all, a traffic policeman is a rather rare guest at our intersections. Light signals, signs and signs on asphalt usually do their job without the involvement of law enforcement officers.

But sometimes the traffic situation gets out of control, kilometer traffic jams and traffic jams form at intersections. Then the phenomenon of police occurs to drivers who have to make every effort to remember the course taken at the driving school and to understand what they indicate with their gestures.

Crossroads traffic controller

Basics of traffic rules

We will recall the forgotten knowledge that we received at the driving lessons, try to understand how to remember the signals of the traffic controller easily and logically. The basic rule is the guard over traffic lights, signs and markings. What he shows is mandatory for drivers and pedestrians.

For his instructions, the policeman uses a black and white striped rod or a disk with a red reflector. But sometimes all gestures are shown simply with hands. If the situation requires special attention, the policeman can attract him with a whistle.

What the traffic controller shows

The position of the body of the policeman is of great importance, and first of all pay attention to him. We will tell you one simple secret how to quickly remember the signals of the traffic controller and freely follow them: always move along the body of a traffic police officer and take into account the position of the hands. Let us illustrate this with examples.

1. Hands along the body or look sideways

If the law enforcement officer is facing you with his back or chest, and his arms are extended along the body down or pointing to the sides, you can not go. This position corresponds to the red light of the traffic light and signals the drivers to stop.

Hands to the side

If a traffic police officer is located to you at any side, feel free to move directly or to the right. To turn left, you have to wait until the policeman changes his position so as not to go “into him”. A rail vehicle can only be moved directly, "from sleeve to sleeve."

2. The right hand is looking forward

If the right hand or wand of the traffic controller points directly at you, take a right turn. It is impossible to turn around, go straight and left, because in this way you seem to “cross” the body of a policeman. Keep in mind the law of "non-intersection", it will help to remember the signals of the traffic controller as "Our Father."

If the traffic police officer is located to your left side, as shown in the figure below, you can go on all three sides: right, left and right, and also make a U-turn. In this case, the tram can only turn left.

Being to the right and behind the traffic controller, you have to stop and wait for the policeman to change his position.

We hope these pictures will help to remember the signals of the traffic controller as visual images.

Right hand forward and hand up positions

3. Hand points up

This signal is used to clear the intersection. The traffic controller orders all vehicles to stop. Those who have already left at the intersection complete the movement.

Poem for drivers

Individual people - visuals - more easily remember what they see. But some are more comfortable listening. For them we offer a special poem.

Verse for drivers

This memorizing verse about the traffic controller can be remembered even by children. Learn: we are sure it will come in handy if you suddenly see a traffic police officer with a baton at the intersection.

The poem for pedestrians

Do not forget that all signs and signals of traffic are intended not only for drivers, but also for pedestrians (for them, by the way, there is also a memorized verse about the traffic controller). And if car owners learn their importance in a driving school before they get behind the wheel, then pedestrians often do not burden themselves with preparing to enter the area of ​​car traffic. And completely in vain. Everyone who participates in the movement is obliged to take their own and other people's safety on the road with responsibility .

Suppose a guard is located in position 1 above (arms along the body or to the sides). A pedestrian crosses the road if a policeman stands sideways to him - in front of his face or behind his back. And he must wait for permission if the traffic controller turned his back or face.

Position 2 - right hand straight: a pedestrian crosses the road only behind the back of a policeman.

Regulation 3, as already mentioned, obliges all those present at the intersection to stop, including pedestrians.

For convenience, learn the poem “How to Remember the Traffic Signal” for pedestrians below and teach your children about it.

Verse for pedestrians

Traffic controller abroad

Signals of the traffic controller abroad

Now there is the opportunity to move around in your car and abroad. Therefore, it is necessary to be prepared for a possible meeting with the traffic controller there too.

In many countries, the police are widely used in traffic management, and the likelihood of seeing a local police officer on the road is higher than in Russia. In general, the logic of the traffic controller’s gestures is the same everywhere, you don’t have to worry how to remember the signals of traffic controllers abroad. Look at the position of the body and hands, the actions of other road users, and you will not have problems.

In many countries, wands are not used to regulate traffic, instead showing signals with the help of hands. The straightened palm at a right angle to the outstretched arm logically means the Stop signal, flexion and extension of the palm (“beckoning” movements) - the indication “to go”, slight swaying with the whole hand in the direction of movement - the signal “continue to go”.

Now you are fully prepared for a meeting with the traffic controller and you know more than one way to remember the traffic controller signals and to effectively use this knowledge.

See you on the road!


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