Pavlov Sergey Ivanovich: biography, date of birth, creativity

Sergei Ivanovich Pavlov - a famous domestic writer who became famous in the genre of fiction. It is considered a modern classic, since 1970 it has been a member of the Writers' Union. He was the winner of the Aelita awards, named after Ivan Efremov, he founded the award under the name "Moonlight Rainbow".

Writer Biography

Fantast Sergey Pavlov

Sergei Ivanovich Pavlov was born on June 30, 1935. He was born in the small town of Berdyansk in the territory of modern Dnepropetrovsk region.

He graduated from high school in Sochi, then for several years he was a student of the Civil Engineering Institute in the capital, but failed to finish high school. In 1962, Sergei Ivanovich Pavlov moved to Krasnoyarsk, where he received a diploma of higher education from the local institute of non-ferrous metals, specializing in geophysics engineering. After that, he worked for many years by profession, took part in long geological expeditions to the Arctic, Central Asia, Siberia.

Creative debut

Books by Sergey Pavlov

Shortly after moving to Krasnoyarsk, a literary debut took place in the creative biography of Sergei Ivanovich Pavlov. His first story was published immediately in the Yenisei magazine and the newspaper Young Leninist. The work was called The Fruit Juice Bank. Readers and critics drew attention to the young author. The hero of the article immediately began with an award. He was awarded the prize for the magazine “Technique - Youth "in a fantasy contest.

This inspired the young author, in the next few years several more of his works were published. These are the stories of Sergei Ivanovich Pavlov, “The Centaur Fires an Arrow,” “The Solar Moon,” “Argus Against Mars,” “Angels of the Sea,” and the first novel in his career, “Crown of the Sun.”

Despite such productivity, he remained known only in fairly narrow literary circles, real popularity and recognition came to him a little later.

Cuttlefish man

Aquanauts Book

Success came to Sergei Ivanovich Pavlov in 1968, when his short story Aquanauts appeared in print. She became so loved by readers that she was reprinted repeatedly, the last time - in 1997.

The idea of ​​the work that glorified the hero of this article is the existence of aquanauts. These are researchers of the deep ocean, deep-sea professionals, who are also called man-fish or man-cuttlefish. When working at considerable depths, they are able to dispense with oxygen, using their hydro-comb shell. The secret is that under the influence of a special hormone, the skeletal bone voids are filled with fluid, becoming practically incompressible after that. But the density of the body is as close as possible to the density of the water itself.

The novel “Aquanauts” by Sergei Ivanovich Pavlov describes the very first of them - Yves Ple, Nikolai Agurov and John Rogers. Over time, a whole school of hydro-combists was created, as they were also called.

According to the plot of the story, the submariner Igor Sobolev goes to the deepwater station Deuterium to investigate the mysterious disappearance of his colleague. At that time, it seemed to Sobolev that he was ready to face any surprises on the spot, but when he met the ghost of his lover, who had recently died, he was defeated.

After the events at Deuterium, Sobolev, along with Sven Ball, became the most famous aquanauts, and Dumont became the most despised of them.

Recognition and success

This book by Sergei Ivanovich Pavlov brought him the first serious and tangible success. In the story, he developed the theme that he had previously raised in the work “Angels in the Seas,” a special intrigue in it was created by the dramatic consequences of the transfer of human consciousness into the brain of a giant squid, which happened by accident.

This work of the science fiction writer was highly appreciated by Ivan Efremov, whom Pavlov never managed to meet in person, since he died a few months later. Pavlov was happy that such a coryphaeus of world fiction drew attention to his story, recommending it for publication in the publishing house "Young Guard". The story was reprinted not only in Russia, but also abroad.

The term "aquanauts", which was introduced by the writer, after this incident was often used in relation to real specialists in deep-sea diving.

In 1979, a popular work was filmed at the Gorky Film Studio. Fantastic drama "Aquanauts" was directed by Igor Voznesensky, the main roles in the film were played by German Poloskov, Alexander Yakovlev, Irene Azer.

In the Union of Writers of the USSR

Writer Sergey Pavlov

The fiction of Sergei Ivanovich Pavlov was highly appreciated by colleagues, in 1970 he was accepted into the Writers' Union. The following year, another of his famous stories comes out, entitled "The Attic of the Universe."

In 1972, the hero of this article finally leaves geology in order to concentrate on literature. Desiring to improve his skills, he enters the Higher Literary Courses opened at the Gorky Literary Institute in the Soviet capital.

In 1974, his novel "The Elusive Pride" appeared on book shelves.

"Moonlight Rainbow"

Moon rainbow

The year 1978 becomes important in Pavlov’s work when he releases the first novel from his famous cycle “Moonlight Rainbow”. It is called by the Black Trail.

The following works from the same series are the novels "Soft Mirrors" and "Ampara's Magic Curl", which the author divides into two books. He adds the last only in 1997.

Filmmakers also drew attention to this work of his. In 1983, the science fiction film Andrei Yermash and Vladimir Karpichev was released, which was called "Moonlight Rainbow". The main roles in this picture were played by Vasily Livanov, Vladimir Gostyukhin, Yuri Solomin, Igor Starygin.

According to the plot, mysterious “black traces” are simultaneously recorded in different regions of the Earth, and in the same places inexplicable magnetic storms and atmospheric anomalies. To investigate these incidents, a task force is being created which manages to establish a connection between these incidents and a space catastrophe that occurred on the outskirts of the solar system.

It turns out that once on a satellite of Uranus Oberon there was a large-scale geological disaster, as a result of which a large part of the surface of the land collapsed deep into the space object. Because of this, nine space marines sent to this place by the Lunar Rainbow expedition died. Four people survived. During the disaster, a mysterious green glow appeared in the destruction zone, the nature of which could not be established. On Earth, it is believed that the surviving space marines have come under his influence; it’s impossible to find out their future fate.

Passion for paleolinguistics

In the mid-90s, Pavlov was fond of paleolinguistics. He proposed a method of reconstruction of an archaeomorph, which allows you to establish the original meaning of various ancient names, names, as well as modern concepts and words.

The hero of this article published his first achievements in this area in 1999, the book "Moscow and the Iron" Power of Svyatoslav. On the Origin of the Name Moscow. This was followed by another book, “To God — the sail, Caesar — ​​the fleet: The experience of paleolinguistics”. This book was published in 2002, in it he develops his ideas.

Activities in recent years

Biography of Sergey Pavlov

In 2005, the writer decides to return to science fiction. He begins work on a work under the working title "The White Horseman". By his own admission, he gives him a place between Ampara’s “Magic Curl” and “Moon Rainbow”.

Now Sergei Ivanovich is 83 years old, he lives and works in Moscow.


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