Twins' birth payments: monthly and lump sum benefits

Various social benefits, which include payments at the birth of twins, are provided not only to support socially vulnerable groups of the population, but also to stabilize the demographic situation in the country. After 1991, a significant decline in the birth rate was formed due to economic disasters, urgent measures were needed to provide material support to families. The Government has developed various social programs where payments at the birth of twins are only a fraction of the provision of financial assistance to mothers and children.

Fertile mothers

Legislative adjustments

On January 1, 2018, Federal Law No. 418 entered into force. It has been popularly called โ€œPutin'sโ€. According to the legal act, benefits will be issued to citizens every month if they have a child born or adopted. Provided that the per capita income is not more than 1.5 times the value of the PM. The calculation of material profits for each family member will include:

  • all types of earnings;
  • compensation;
  • pensions;
  • allowances;
  • scholarships.

It is necessary to take into account any income received, except for one-time financial assistance, while calculating the money accrued before deducting income taxes. An interesting approach to paying at birth is twins.

For each child, funds are allocated every month in the amount of PM established for children in the region of their residence. Another baby is also paid. At the birth of twins, they are assigned from the funds of maternity capital. Settlement with the mother occurs during the year. To extend it for a while, until the children are 1.5 years old, you need to re-arrange the documents.

Information for Parents

Parents need to be more often interested in what payments are due at the birth of twins. Legislative acts are subject to changes and adjustments under the influence of inflation. An example is Federal Law No. 444 in force since 2016, which governs the indexation of social benefits. Compensations that are due at the birth of 2 babies will be paid to one parent or adoptive parent. This is a one-time help, it is assigned to every baby that is born, regardless of their number. Most importantly, the birth benefit for twins is not affected by parental employment. The grant will be received by:

  • officially working mother or father;
  • unemployed;
  • full-time and part-time students.

Assistance is prescribed only to one parent, and if he works, he can apply for registration to his employer. The rest should apply for social protection at the place of their actual residence. Spouses may not be in a registered marriage or live separately, as they have divorced, from this the children are not deprived of state assistance. A lump-sum allowance at the birth of twins will be received by the direct tutor of their own children - the one of the parents on whom the burden of care and maintenance of the children fell, with whom are registered at the place of residence.

Where do the twins appear

How many total payments?

The appearance of twins in a family poses particular difficulties, especially if:

  • lack of own housing;
  • low salary;
  • difficult life circumstances.

The state seeks to maintain the quality of life of citizens with various benefits. The government provides:

  • maternity capital (2018 onwards);
  • one-time allowance;
  • monthly payments;
  • moms at work are paid maternity;
  • the region does not leave large families without the support of developed local programs.

To identify those in particular need of financial support, a Presidential Decree was issued at the end of 2017, so that payments were made to specific families whose incomes are 1.5 times lower than the PM. True, this provision applies to privileges for the birth of first-born, the presidential allowance is assigned only to one, for the second child, parents will have to use other tools.


Moms should not ignore even small payments. Gradually, from various subsidies, a sufficient amount will be accumulated to adequately bring the guys home, to buy household items for the first time. But do not forget that after all, every citizen is obliged, first of all, to work and provide for his kids. The state helps in emergency cases, if the parents are unable to earn money for various reasons. For mothers who are responsible for their health, do not jeopardize the life of the baby, established a kind of premium. Those who register at the antenatal clinic in the early stages up to 12 weeks of pregnancy will be paid 628.47 rubles.

Such a subsidy is intended only for working women, since the calculation is carried out together with maternity twins at birth.

Perm Girls

BIR - pregnancy and childbirth

When a sick leave is written out in a hospital to a expectant mother, before she undergoes a thorough examination, doctors and her fetus monitor the development of the fetus, check their health, and determine how many children should appear.

The lump-sum payments at the birth of twins just increase due to pre- and postpartum days affixed in the sick-list. When a mother carries one child, she is entitled to up to 70 paid days. If the parent expects twins, she will rest 84 days before the birth and 110 days after the babies appear. The minimum amount of payments equal to 60522.18 rubles. Working mothers bring sick leave to the staff of their enterprise. Students are charged educational institutions. If they do not provide for such payments, you must contact social security.

What determines the size?

BIR payments are directly related to the level of salary, therefore, only women in pregnancy can receive such a benefit:

  • officially employed;
  • employed as individual entrepreneurs;
  • students receiving a scholarship;
  • former employees of liquidated enterprises, if the dismissal occurred within a year;
  • contract servicemen.

Non-working women are not entitled to BIR benefits.

The twins were born twins

What payments do not require conditions?

Regardless of the status of the parents, if a woman has her first birth and twins were born, each child will receive 16350.33 rubles. This situation applies to any number of twins, except stillborn. The service is declarative in nature. One of the parents needs to apply with documents at the place of work or social security.

Twins in several births

Documentary support

Attached to the application:

  • SNILS;
  • discharge from the hospital where the birth was taken;
  • certificate of place of registration;
  • copy of identity card;
  • non-working mothers need extracts from work books;
  • confirmation that the other parent did not use the subsidy.

For adoptive parents and guardians who accept several children from boarding schools or from parents deprived of their rights, who are healthy and with a disability, the allowance is equal to 124929.83 rubles.

Maternity capital, 2018

The program on maternity capital, designed to stabilize the demographic situation in the country, began to operate in 2007. Initially, it was envisaged to pay for the birth of 2 children an amount equal to 250,000 rubles until 2016. Then the size increased to 453,026 rubles, and in 2017 the program was extended to 2021.

The government plans to index with increasing payments of family funds. Several times over the past years, adjustments have been made to the conditions for receiving cash in various ways. The provision of maternity capital at the birth of twins in the first birth is no different when the parents adopt a second child or the family increases their own baby. Details can be found in Federal Law No. 256, it approved the rules:

  • the certificate is issued for the first twins, since it does not contradict the law, which is approved to support a family with 2 children;
  • citizens do not lose family capital if they had a child, and then twins appeared.
  • financial assistance is prescribed to parents who did not draw up MSCs earlier, although they raised children when twins appeared (you can contact the FIU).

The number of children in the familyโ€™s upbringing is not of fundamental importance. The certificate is issued once if the parents have 2 or more children.

Cute twins

Order of registration

As soon as the mother discharges from the hospital with her newborns, you can immediately begin to issue a certificate for family capital. Usually this right is given to mothers, but if they are deprived of the opportunity to be with their offspring by a court or they are gone, MSCs are issued to fathers. The application is submitted to the local FIU at the place of registration of the parents.

Documentary Kit

The Pension Fund requires the submission of a package of documents for the certificate:

  • a statement from the mother or father who is eligible;
  • passports of both parents;
  • baby birth certificates;
  • spouses' marriage certificate.

After the receipt of the entire documentary kit in the FIU, specialists will conduct a thorough check. Refusal to receive MSCs will be given to parents:

  • if they have already used maternity capital;
  • deprived of rights who committed criminal acts.

After 30 days, they will write out and hand over the certificate to each citizen who has applied, provided that he has 2 children and he has not exercised the right to receive it earlier. Federal Law No. 256 regulates the use of funds for the purposes provided by law:

  • purchase of housing;
  • repair and reconstruction of residential premises;
  • investing in future maternal retirement benefits;
  • payment for educational processes of children;
  • acquisition of rehabilitation facilities for children with disabilities;
  • monthly payments to the second child up to 1.5 years of age.

The government does not prohibit the development of individual social programs for entities to promote fertility in the regions.

Girl and boy

Twins Birth Benefits

There is no separate law in Russian legislation regarding twins. Another thing is when twins will regularly appear in the family and the family will be given the status of a large family. But in each region, governors support young parents and with one pair of twins. Federal Law No. 323 provides a guarantee for mothers to provide free nutrition for babies in dairy kitchens. In some regions, the right to choose to replace the food set with money is given in order to buy diapers instead of the mixture. Although Moscow offers a fairly diverse food set:

  • dry mix;
  • porridge;
  • cottage cheese;
  • dairy;
  • the juice;
  • mashed fruit.

In the Northern capital, they decided to issue social cards with the accrual of certain amounts for each child. In Irkutsk polyclinics, children born with insufficient weight are given extra free food. In Kaluga, twins are given places in kindergartens out of turn. The authorities of Kursk and Vladimir decided to reimburse the costs of paying for kindergartens. In Bryansk and Orel, they help to acquire clothes for school, purchase textbooks, and organize meals. Under labor law, mothers who have twins should be treated in a special way by their employers:

  • women should not be put on night shifts unless this is stipulated by her position;
  • female workers can refuse travel and overtime;
  • if the family has minor children, mothers have the right to ask for registration with an incomplete work schedule;
  • without pay, it is allowed to take 14-day leave once a year.

This privilege ends, perhaps they are not enough. In any case, when a couple plans to have a baby, they rely on their own strengths, and state subsidies are an effective addition to material well-being. It is not entirely correct to shift the care of maintaining their own offspring to the state budget, even for poor citizens. The Government is striving to achieve an increase in the birth rate, but the country needs able-bodied citizens so that they benefit the state if not by their minds, then by their working skills and professional abilities.


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