Brick stove for a bath: projects, materials, ordering

In this article you will learn how to make a brick oven for a bath with your own hands. This is the main element of any Russian bath. To this day, many builders of bathhouses build their own stoves to this day. In rare cases, experienced stove-makers are invited. You can, of course, install a metal stove, but it has one bad feature - โ€œcoldโ€ zones are created in the rooms. But the brick oven is spared such a drawback. With its help, you can create a cozy and warm steam that will not burn the airways and body. But keep in mind that laying a furnace is a very time-consuming process. And so you need to stock up on knowledge.

Features of brick structures

Designs of brick stoves for a bath

Brick stoves have properties that no others have. It is worth highlighting such features:

  1. The stove can fit into any interior of the bath, regardless of what material the walls are laid out.
  2. When warming up, gentle and thick steam appears, it well affects the well-being and human health.
  3. The appearance of a brick is much better than that of a metal one. Therefore, sometimes there is no need to plaster or clad the stove from the outside.
  4. The material is environmentally friendly - when heated to a high temperature, no hazardous chemicals are released.
  5. Brick structures have a much higher durability than any other.
  6. The brick used in the manufacture is an excellent accumulator of thermal energy. It allows you to keep the temperature in the steam room for a long time.
  7. No condensation forms in brick ovens.
  8. But it should be noted that if you make a mistake when laying, the stove will not be able to work normally, it will not retain heat.
  9. To melt the stove, you can use any fuel - firewood, branches, coal, even dry moss.
  10. But the whole design of the furnace is quite massive.
  11. No monthly furnace chimney cleaning required.

The bathhouse is black

In fact, brick stoves for a wood-burning bath are distinguished from each other, and significantly. And each type has advantages and disadvantages. The following types can be distinguished:

  1. With a stove.
  2. In gray.
  3. In black.
  4. In white.

If you decide to make the stove in black, then there is no need to build a chimney. All smoke in this design will go out through the steam room. Such baths have been used for several centuries, since the room warms up very quickly in them.

Simple brick stove for a bath

But there is a drawback - before proceeding with the bath procedures, you need to wait for the complete combustion of firewood in the stove. But after several hours inside the steam room, an indescribable atmosphere will reign. It is recommended that all walls be treated with agents that will avoid the accumulation of soot.

Baths in gray, white and with stove

The stoves are built in gray with a chimney, but soot remains on the stones. Therefore, it is necessary to wait until all fuel burns in the furnace. The advantage of this design is that heating takes place very quickly and there is not much waste left. This is one of the simple brick stoves for a bath, you can safely use this design in construction.

The most environmentally friendly option is a white stove. But this is also the most expensive option. The heating of stones is carried out from the stove, it sometimes takes 12 hours. We have to stock up on a large amount of fuel. But with the constant maintenance of fire in the furnace, you can enjoy bath procedures for an arbitrarily long time.

The stoveโ€™s stove construction allows stones to be heated from two cast-iron plates. One is placed directly above the firebox, and the second - on top of the chimney. To increase the efficiency, these plates need to be lined with bricks. If you wish, you can swap the tank with water and stones.

Brick selection

In order for the stove to serve you for a long time, and also does not cause trouble, you need to choose the right brick. It must be of high quality. In the manufacture of the furnace, you can not use a simple brick from which the walls of houses are built. Only refractory types should be used. It is made of chamotte clay, according to its characteristics it is much higher than all other types of bricks.

His price, of course, is also not very small. It is worth noting that this material has one drawback - it cannot accumulate heat, because it cools quickly enough. But to increase efficiency, you can make a brick-iron stove for a bath. After all, the metal heats up much faster and perfectly gives off heat.

DIY brick oven

But it withstands the effects of very high temperatures. For this reason, with its help, it is necessary to lay out only the space around the furnace. The remaining parts must be made either from silicate brick or hollow. It is allowed to use decorative brick fired from three sides. It must be laid so that the fourth side, which is not burnt, is facing the inside of the room.

Brick requirements

Typical brick standard sizes are 125 x 250 x 65 mm. It should be noted that quite often the material of the same brand, but from different manufacturers, is different. In the manufacture of the stove, you need to use only the same components, so you need to carefully select the bricks so that they have the same size. Otherwise, the furnace may fall apart, cracks will begin to form through which heat will escape. At the same time, it will be impossible to warm up the room.

It is best to use bricks with the designation "M", the index should be from 75 to 150. The degree of frost resistance should not exceed 25 cycles. You can find out this characteristic if you look at the transport documentation. And if you purchase all the materials in a construction supermarket, then ask the sales assistant. In the manufacture of a brick oven for a bath with your own hands, you need to carefully choose the materials. Otherwise, the quality of the masonry will not be very good.

Brick stoves for wood-fired baths

Please note that defects, chips and cracks should not be present on the material. The shape should be perfectly symmetrical, the sides are smooth, the angles are equal. You can not purchase a brick with a large number of pores or interspersed with any elements. Fireclay bricks should be light yellow or white.

You can tap a small solid object on the body of a brick, if the sound is deaf, then such material is not suitable for the construction of a furnace. The sound should be "metallic", sonorous. And if you throw a brick, then when it falls, it should break into several large pieces. If it splits into small ones, then the quality of the material is very low.

Tools and materials

In order to make a stove for a bath, knowledge of all technologies is necessary, but the availability of such tools and materials will not be out of place:

  1. Square construction.
  2. The furnace hammer.
  3. Trowel.
  4. Building level.
  5. Pickaxes.
  6. The usual ruler and pencil for marking.
  7. Cord plummet.
  8. Abrasive wheel and grinder.
  9. Pliers.
  10. Red ceramic bricks.
  11. Refractory bricks.
  12. Water and sand.
  13. Tanks for mixing the solution.
  14. Waterproofing material.
  15. Refractory clay.

Masonry mortar

It is worth noting that a simple mortar based on cement and sand is not suitable for the manufacture of a furnace. Here it is necessary to use a composition that is made of clay and sand. For laying a furnace made of refractory bricks, it is necessary to use chamotte mortar; it can harden at high temperature, turning into a monolith. From the outside, the temperature does not reach 700 degrees, so this solution quickly loses its positive qualities, begins to crumble.

The rest of the structure is laid out using a solution of refractory clay and sand. It is advisable to use quarry or mountain sand, be sure to sift it through a sieve with a mesh of not more than 2 mm. This will prevent the appearance of large particles in the mixture. The solution will have a uniform structure.

Brick Iron Bath Oven

Clay is soaked in water and left for 1-2 days. Then it is filtered through a fine mesh sieve and mixed. If necessary, the filtering procedure is repeated several times. You should have a viscous mixture that resembles sour cream. After that, the clay solution is thoroughly mixed with a construction mixer to get a homogeneous dense mass. If necessary, add a little water.

At the end, you need to add sand, it must be diluted with water. The amount of sand depends only on how greasy the clay is. Quality control of the composition is carried out using a wooden stick. It must be dipped in a solution. In the event that the mixture is made correctly, a 2 mm layer will form on the surface of the board. If this layer has a thickness of less than 2 mm, then you need to add clay. If more, you will have to dilute the mixture with sand.

Please note that this solution must be used immediately after manufacture, as it will quickly lose all its properties. For this reason, it is necessary to prepare the mixture in small quantities in order to have time to use it as quickly as possible.

Project drafting

As in the construction of buildings, it is necessary to make a design of a brick furnace for a bath before manufacturing. It necessarily indicates all the features, starting from what the appearance will be, and ending with the arrangement of individual bricks. It depends on how long you can operate the furnace. Masonry options can be quite a lot, it is recommended to consult with professionals to make changes and any adjustments, they can allow to improve operational qualities. In the manufacture of a brick furnace for a bath with a tank, it is worthwhile to provide for a heat exchanger. This simple attribute allows you to warm up the neighboring rooms. In addition, it will be possible to move the tank to a distance from the furnace.

Masonry stoves

Regardless of the masonry option and the used drawing of a brick oven for a bath, such elements will be present:

  1. Firebox. It is laid out from refractory bricks.
  2. The chimney is made of ceramic red or silicate hollow brick.
  3. Tank needed to store water. It is made of metal.
  4. An ash pan is a firebox, a cast-iron stove, under the oven, it stores all the accessories for the bath, as well as other elements.

Foundation construction

It is worth noting that the foundation in the construction of a brick furnace for a bath with a furnace is necessary in any case. Even when the bath is installed on a monolithic basis. Please note that the temperature of the base of the building and the foundation of the furnace are different. Therefore, it is necessary that between them there is a distance of about half a meter, and preferably more. Step by step instructions for the manufacture of the foundation:

  1. They dig a pit; its depth should depend on what soil is under the bathhouse. Usually enough depth of about 1 meter. It is necessary that the size of the foundation be larger than that of the furnace by about 10 cm on each side. Be sure to leave a gap between the back of the oven and the wall of the bath. For wooden buildings, at least 15 cm is necessary, for brick and concrete - about 7 cm.
  2. At the bottom of the pit, it is necessary to fill a 15 cm layer of sand and fill it with water.
  3. Then, on top of the sand, it is necessary to lay a brick or broken stone. The layer thickness should be about 20 cm.
  4. Pour a layer of crushed stone over the stone. The thickness should be no more than 15 cm.
  5. Install the formwork, it is made of wooden boards. They simply get off with nails. But note that the formwork must have a high degree of strength, since concrete that has a large mass will be poured inside.
  6. A frame made of reinforcement rods is installed inside the formwork.
  7. The height of the foundation should be about 15 cm. Pour the prepared solution inside the formwork, make a bayonet to get rid of air bubbles.
  8. After the solution has solidified (and this will take at least a week), it is necessary to dismantle the formwork.
  9. Apply tar or mastic based on bitumen on each side. In the seams that have formed, it is necessary to pour crushed stone, sand or gravel.
  10. On top of the foundation, it is necessary to lay 2-3 layers of waterproofing material.

Please note that the dimensions of the brick furnace for the bath should be smaller than the foundation. This is the main condition during construction.

Laying the main body of the furnace

Now you can begin to manufacture the main part of the furnace for the bath. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. With the help of a trowel, it is necessary to dial the required amount of a mixture of sand and clay, cover them with the masonry and level.
  2. Install a brick over the layer, tap on it with a rubber hammer. The solution between the rows should have a thickness of not more than 5 mm. Between the bricks on the same row, the thickness should be no more than 2 mm. The smaller the seam, the more stable and stronger the structure itself is. Be sure to coat the bump part of the bricks.
  3. In order not to appear large gaps, you need to break several bricks in advance into quarters and halves. Be sure to consider that the seams on one row do not coincide with the previous and subsequent. Therefore, it is necessary to advance approximately 40-50% of the length of the brick.
  4. After laying the first row, it is necessary to install the blower door. For fasteners you need to use a rigid wire, the thickness should be more than 3 mm. She screwed on the corners of the door. If there should be a furnace from the dressing room in a brick furnace for a bath, then this moment must be taken into account when drawing up the project. You need to expand the oven so that all the doors go into the dressing room.
  5. Each row must be checked with the help of a level; the furnace should not be constructed with a slope.
  6. To build a durable reliable stove, you need to do the row spacing reinforcement. This is done every four rows. When laying the firebox, it is necessary to reinforce all the rows. The metal grill can reach a thickness of about 3 mm.
  7. On top of the furnace it is necessary to install a cast-iron plate, stones will be laid on it.
  8. The furnace door must be fixed in the same way as the ash pan. But there is one difference - the size of this door is much larger, so the fasteners need more durable and rigid. For this purpose, use three or more wires twisted into one.

Be sure to check with the layout of the bricks. In the event that everything is done normally, you can proceed with the manufacture of the chimney.

How to make a chimney

It is already more and more simple. It should be borne in mind that when expanding under the influence of temperature, condensate remains on the metal pipes. It is for this reason that metal cannot be used, it is much better to make a chimney from brick. The passages that connect the chimney shaft and the firebox are called high. The cross-sectional size of this stroke is approximately equal to ยพ of the width of the brick. It is not recommended to narrow the chimney cross-sectional area.

Attractive brick stove

It is best if you make a mine from solid elements. Building a chimney from quarters and halves is strictly prohibited. In the event that the height is small, the smoke will not be able to cool, it will go out into the street with a high temperature. In other words, you will literally throw fuel away. But if you make the chimney too high, then the wood will burn out very quickly, because the draft increases significantly.


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