Bouquet of sweets: a master class for beginners, unusual ideas

Going to any holiday, many are wondering what to give. Women usually choose a bouquet. And guys on a date also buy sweets, for example, Raffaello. A bouquet of sweets in this case will be an unusual way to present one or the other. And it’s not necessary to buy it, you can do it yourself. In the article we will analyze several master classes of bouquets of sweets.

How it's done

To get a truly worthy gift, you must first prepare. We use bulk candies, which you just can’t give in a bag, and crepe (corrugated paper for crafts). Separate flowers are made from them, which are then collected in the original composition.

unusual bouquet of sweets

How to make a bouquet of sweets? The master classes in the article will further show the process of creating the colors themselves. Their combination and location will depend on the taste of the person who creates them. In addition, one must take into account the preferences of the girl for whom the bouquet is made.

Additional materials will be wooden skewers for barbecue or wire, which will become the stems of future buds. The latter should be preferred if the stems need to be bent or wrap around something.

To attach the candy to the base, use a narrow tape. In addition, a transparent packaging film may be needed if sweets have a tailless wrapper, like Raffaello or Ferrero Rocher. In this case, they are additionally wrapped in a film and attached with the help of the same tail that was obtained after this operation.

The remaining tools and materials we will consider during the analysis of master classes. Bouquets of sweets are not only an original gift, but also a great way to realize your creative impulses.

The simplest flowers

simple flower candy bouquet

The peculiarity of crepe paper is that it has the ability to stretch and remain in this position. This makes it flexible and ideal for creating beautiful flowers.

So, the simplest buds are made of a long strip cut across the folds. Its width should be determined based on the size of the candy. Future petals need to form a wide wreath around the sweet core. We stretch the cut off strip from one edge so that it turns into beautiful soft waves. After this, we begin to wrap the blank around the candy on the stem. You can make either one revolution or several. It all depends on what flower you want to get.

There are still options for improving these buds. You can take not one, but two or three strips and prepare them differently. The first is the narrowest. It needs to be collected as much as possible on the one hand, so that the candy is hidden behind the petals. We lay the second, as described above, and on the third, small waves can be made with scissors. It should be the widest so that the bottom row of semicircular petals that it creates is clearly distinguished.

Such paper is attached to the base using ordinary sewing threads. They need to be wrapped around the flower several times and tied.

Such flowers will be an excellent basis for a bouquet of sweets in a basket. They are magnificent, and from them it is easy to create several tiers in the composition.

Snowdrops and tulips

a bouquet of candy snowdrops

And here is another interesting technique for working with corrugated paper, which allows you to create these amazing spring flowers. We will not name specific sizes, since they depend on the candies themselves.

First you need to cut along the line of extension three narrow and long strips. They will serve as the basis for the petals. And now we’ll figure out how to realize the most difficult moment in this process. The strip must be folded across in half and aligned again. In the place of the bend, it is necessary to make a neat torsion, as on candy wrappers. At the same place, the strip folds in half, and the "bundle" itself forms the tip of the future petal.

Now immediately underneath it is necessary to stretch the crepe, forming a kind of dome, while it is advisable not to touch the lower part. We lay out three blanks in turn around the candy, creating a slightly opened bud. Then we wind them with a thread, and cut off the free ends with a clerical knife.

Since the leg is rarely completely hidden in such colors, it needs to be decorated. For these purposes, a tape tape or strip of crepe paper cut along the folds of tension is perfect. A skewer with a flower needs to be wrapped, starting from the base of the bud.

Simple rose bud

bouquet of chocolates rose bud

These noble flowers are loved by many women. Buds of different colors are given for one occasion or another. Beautiful bouquets of sweets are obtained from these flowers, if they are made according to the master class described below.

To work, you need to cut two blanks, as in the photo above. They will become the petals that hide the candy in themselves. Billets need to be stretched in their lower part, put on each other and wrap them with sweetness.

To make the flower look even more attractive, move these petals slightly so that the lower part partially peeks out from under the upper one. If you take the photo above as an example, then the burgundy blank can be slightly stretched at the top, creating an additional volume of the flower.

To logically complete the creation of the bud, you need to attach thin leaves to it, like a living rose. Crepe paper of green color is useful for this. A row of leaves is cut out of the strip, which then wraps the flower. A little later, we will take a closer look at how to make a bouquet of sweets packed in this way.

Lush roses

bouquet of chocolates rose

To create such a flower will require a little more effort and time, but it also looks great. First you need to prepare a crepe of three close shades, a candy on the stem, scissors and twigs with artificial leaves. The latter can be made independently of wire, tape tape and green paper.

First you need to cut the petals. The darkest shade will go to the core of the bud. Petals for her need to be done not too big. They should only cover a little candy. Their upper edge is stretched, and the middle is convex. Try to make the top edges tend to the center of the flower. If necessary, collect them a little. Folding the paper back over the folds will not work, so the petals themselves will look more natural.

The second layer of the flower consists of lighter paper. Petals for him should be larger and longer. Workpiece processing is also slightly different:

  1. Stretch the upper edge to the sides.
  2. We make the middle concave.
  3. Twist the bottom edge a little to make the petal even more voluminous.
  4. And after all this, we wind the top edge of the workpiece onto a pencil or scrub a little with the sharp edge of the scissors so that it turns outward.

We prepare the third layer in the same way as the second, but curl the upper edges a little more, as happens with a live rose.

Flower assembly

So that in the future we can make a bouquet of sweets with our own hands, we need to prepare beautiful flowers for it. So, for starters, take the candy on a skewer and carefully lay out the darkest petals around it. If you want, you can leave one of the wrapper tails peeking out. But in any case, you must remember that the petals should lie on each other. When the ideal is achieved, everything needs to be fixed with a sewing thread.

The second layer is laid out even more carefully. Petals should imitate a real flower. Therefore, laying out the next is better with going to the previous almost half. When they are fixed with a thread, adjust the upper edges. They should be perfect.

We spread the third layer as close to the previous one as possible. The problem with such multi-layered colors is that you want to attach the outer petals just below the base. It is lighter, but the decorative side of the bud will only suffer from it.

At the last stage, you need to attach the lower leaves, attach a twig with leaves and wrap everything with decorative tape.

To get even more beautiful bouquets of sweets, you can resort to such a decorative technique: make the petals two-layer, as in the previous workshop. Only in this case, swap the dark and light shade. So you get a bright rose, the back of the petals of which is beige.

Bouquets and gifts with flowers from sweets

a bouquet of candies Raffaello

Now let's figure out how to create a bouquet of sweets with our own hands, because the flowers are already ready. Everything is very simple. It’s necessary to pick up some “dishes” into which we will insert our flowers. Most often, vases, mugs, baskets play this role. But you can make these flowers part of the gift decoration, as in the photo above with Raffaello sweets. A bouquet of several "sweet" flowers perfectly complements the packaging of these exquisite sweets.

To do this, you need to take wire as the basis for the stem, then all the flowers can be twisted together like a boutonniere. It will become the decoration of organza packaging. These simple bouquets of sweets will significantly affect the mood of the woman for whom they are intended.

Another simple design option for the design of the bouquet is an envelope made of ordinary wrapping paper. Make it easy: take a square cut of a sufficient size. Bend the upper corners to the middle on the wrong side. So you get a beautiful angle from both the front and the back.

Now take an armful of ready-made flowers from sweets, lay them beautifully on the blank of the envelope and wind them up. Pull the bottom of the bouquet over the packaging with a ribbon and make a bow out of it. That's all wisdom.

Spring flower arrangements

Remember, a little higher we learned to make snowdrops? Now it's time to make a composition out of them. In this way, tulips can also be presented. A bouquet of sweets with these flowers will be a bit more massive, as they have relatively long cuttings.

bouquet of sweets crocuses

For work, we need ready-made flowers on skewers, a basket, polystyrene foam and the remains of green crepe paper or organza flaps.

From the foam piece we cut out the base for the bouquet, which we then insert into the basket, after having pasted it over with green paper. Then, using pieces of crepe or organza wrapped with scotch tape on the toothpicks, we make a “grass” pillow.

The most difficult thing is to arrange the flowers beautifully. Such bouquets of sweets for beginners do not always succeed precisely because of the incorrect layout of the composition. Start arranging flowers from the center. Remember that in this place they should be the highest. Then gradually move to the edges. Here the buds can be inserted into the polystyrene at a slight angle, but you always need to remember the balance, because heavy buds can easily turn the whole bouquet of sweets.

We will conclude the master class on this composition with one remark: if you think that something is missing, you can supplement it with additional decorative elements, such as beads, bows, ribbons, twigs of artificial or dried flowers.

Thematic ikebans

a bouquet of sweets March 8

Do you want a bouquet of sweets on March 8 to be remembered for a long time? Then for your colors you need to purchase a large piece of thick foam. From it you need to cut a figure eight. We glue over the blank with decorative paper and stick flowers with sweets into it. But these compositions are not so simple. A bouquet of sweets will turn out really impressive if you take lush flowers for it. An ideal option would be roses. And the more you prepare the eight, the more positive emotions you will give to the girl. She will definitely not forget such a bouquet of sweets on March 8th.

Gifts for the little ones

a bouquet of sweets for children

Children are those who more than anyone else love bright colors and sweets. Therefore, they can also be presented with a bouquet of sweets in a basket, mug or vase. The main thing here is not to spare colors and fall into childhood a little by yourself, showing your imagination.

The example of a children's bouquet of sweets in the photo shows not only flowers, but also a colorful chocolate figure wrapped in a beautiful wrapper. This is a great idea on how to diversify a gift. Sometimes soft toys are added to such bouquets.

Another good option, how to please the kids, is to put a wide variety of sweets in bulk at the bottom of the basket, and only then insert the polystyrene base for the future bouquet. It is for this reason that the basket is most preferable for a gift to children: you won’t put a lot of sweets in a vase or mug.

Sweet gifts for all friends

If it seems to you that making bouquets of sweets is boring, and you can give them to one or two girls, then you are mistaken. There are also male compositions in floristry. You can also easily make men's flowers with sweets, such as calla lilies or anthuriums. For them, you need to take long candies, which will play the role of the core-ears. And what can we say about the fact that many men are sweet-tooths ... And they also know how to be surprised at unusual things. And to make the present even more courageous, decorate with a “sweet” buttonhole a bottle of strong good alcohol.

Now you know how to make a bouquet of sweets. Perhaps you will enjoy this lesson so much that you can no longer live without it. In this case, it makes sense to start selling them or making them to order. Who will buy them? Your friends and acquaintances who want to surprise their acquaintances.

But even if you make only one bouquet of sweets (it will be tulips or roses - it doesn’t matter), it will also bring you unprecedented pleasure, and twice. First you fulfill your need for creativity, and then you will bathe in the praises and admiration of the woman whom you prepared it for. But to give positive emotions to the most dear people is the main task of any gift, especially if it is made with your own hands with thoughts about who will be presented.


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