Strawberry Baron Solemacher: reviews. Planting strawberry remontant

The magnificent garden strawberries Baron Solemacher reviews receive rave reviews. This is a variety that is actively fruiting to the very frosts. Berries have a strong aroma and taste of wild berries. Remontant strawberries Baron Solemacher prefers soils enriched in phosphorus, which should be well fertilized, covered with mulching material.

Strawberries Baron Solemacher: variety description

This variety belongs to the repair, early ripening. This is a strawberry dessert direction.

wild strawberry baron solemacher reviews

The bushes of this variety are medium-sized, semi-spreading, compact, well leafy. No mustache. The leaves are medium-sized, light green in color, convex, pubescent, with sharp denticles. Petiole of leaf in middle lobe longer than lateral, strongly pubescent, hairs not pressed. Stipules with anthocyanin tan. The flowers are small, bisexual, untwisted. Peduncles are quite short. They are below the leaves. Strawberry Baron Solemacher is small, on average its weight is 4 grams. It has a conical shape, shiny, red.

Berries contain:

- sugar 7.6%;

- vitamin C 82.4 mg /%;

- acid 0.7%.

The taste is sweet, with a slight acidity, with a pronounced aroma. The pulp is juicy, red, rather dense. Productivity on average is up to 83.8 centners per hectare.

Strawberries Baron Solemacher (gardeners' reviews testify to this) is a winter-hardy and heat-resistant variety with moderate drought tolerance. Resistance to pests and diseases is high. It is successfully cultivated in garden plots, household plots and summer cottages.


The seeds of wild strawberry Baron Solemacher are very small. Before sowing, they are recommended to be placed on the lower shelf of the refrigerator for 15 days. They are sown at the very end of February or, as a last resort, in the first ten days of March. Seedlings germinate within 4 weeks.

strawberry seedlings


How is strawberry seedling grown? At the end of February, you can begin to sow the seeds of this beardless strawberry. If you postpone it at a later time, then the time for picking berries will be significantly reduced.

strawberry planting

Early sowing has another important advantage. The seeds of this strawberry, for various reasons, sometimes do not germinate. Quite often, gardeners doubt the freshness of store seeds. Due to the freshness, the percentage of germination is reduced. When sowing in the early stages, there is time to purchase new, fresher seeds so that the strawberry seedlings are of high quality.

How to sow seeds?

Sowing very small seeds of strawberries should be superficial. They should not be sprinkled with sand or earth. Through them, tiny seedlings will be very difficult to break through.

The surface of the soil in a cup or other planting container should be well leveled so that the seeds do not fall into the recesses. It is better for the top layer to sift the earth through a sieve. Much depends on the quality of the soil. It should be loose, permeable and nutritious. This can be achieved by using different substrates - from the summer cottage and purchased soil.

Baron Solemacher

Now many gardeners use hydrogel when growing seedlings. It is pre-filled with an aqueous solution of complex fertilizers (very weak). Then, a root stimulant is added to this mixture (it can be liquid β€œKorneSil”). Then the swollen hydrogel is mixed with a small amount of soil, and with this composition the lower part of the tank is filled at about half the height. The top layer is light nutrient soil with an acidity close to neutral (without hydrogel). It must be moistened, dusted on top with dry earth.

Now you can sow the seeds, moisten them from the spray bottle and cover with a perforated film on top. If you don’t have one, then you can use a sheet of glass or transparent plastic, leaving a small gap for ventilation.

Another option for growing seedlings

To do this, you can use a plastic box, the lid and the bottom of which have holes. Cherry tomatoes are often sold in such containers. This option is good in that it frees from airing, watering, etc. When filling these boxes with earth, there should be enough space for seedlings to grow. They close the lid immediately after sowing and opens only when the seedlings are pushed into it. The soil is moistened through the lower and side holes. To do this, pour water into a container of suitable size and put a box with seedlings in it.

wild strawberry baron solemacher cultivation

Strawberries Baron Solemacher (reviews of gardeners confirm this) emerges for a long time and is not unhappy. When the first tiny leaves appear on the seedlings, natural daylight will be enough for them. Sowing containers can be kept on the windowsill, and, as a rule, they do not require additional illumination.

First shoots

They have to wait a long time. After about fifteen days, the first, very tender sprouts appear. Mass germination occurs much later - on the twenty-fifth day.

Seedlings appear so tiny and delicate that it is far from always possible to pick under two real leaves. It is very risky to do this until four leaves appear. When diving, do not bury or sprinkle seedlings with soil.

Strawberries Baron Solemacher: growing

This fragrant berry loves sunlight and warmth. She is uncomfortable in the lowlands and on too damp areas. Planting strawberries is not recommended where tomatoes or potatoes used to grow. This ban lasts four years.

Reinforced seedlings are transplanted into the open ground in spring or late summer. From those bushes that you plant in the spring, you will get the crop only after a year. And plants planted in the summer will please you with the first berries in the spring. After August, planting seedlings is not worth it: it will not have time to take root well before frost, and the planting will suffer.

Planting strawberries is carried out on ridges, ridges or furrows. Nowadays, vertical culture is gaining popularity - in ladders or pyramids.

The method of landing depends on the characteristics of your site. If the soil on it is very moist or ground water is located close, it is more advisable to plant the seedlings in ridges or ridges, thus raising them above the soil level. You can make high ridges, fenced with sides. Usually they are made from boards or other improvised materials.

strawberry remontant baron solemacher

If the soil is dry, then there is no need to build such structures - seedlings are planted in low ridges or in furrows. Pyramids and other vertical structures are built to save space, and more often to decorate the site.

When planting strawberries, do not deepen the heart - the growth point, the top of the bush. Planting seedlings very high is not worth it - the roots should not be bare. The roots when planting should be well straightened. If they are very long, they need to be trimmed.

Experienced gardeners recommend planting wild strawberries Baron Solemacher in the evening or in cloudy weather during the day. The distance between the bushes in a row is about thirty centimeters, and between the rows is about seventy centimeters.


It is recommended to plant the planted strawberries, in other words, to cover the ground around the bush with any material. You can use straw, sawdust, needles, etc. Black non-woven covering material is great for mulching the soil - it prevents weeds from developing, which greatly facilitates planting care. Unlike the black PVC film, the non-woven material does not bask in the sun and perfectly passes moisture and air.

wild strawberry baron solemacher cultivation


Strawberries need watering, but she does not like waterlogging. Checking how much the plant needs water is pretty simple. If the soil crumbles in the hands at a depth of 25 cm in the garden, watering is necessary if it is wet, while watering can be delayed, if it is sticky and moist, there is too much moisture.

During the growth of bushes, the watering interval should be 7-10 days (if there is no rain), and during the formation of berries - 5 days. This delicate berry is watered very carefully, under the spine, using a watering can. You cannot water bushes directly from a hose or spray water from above. A very effective drip irrigation system.

Strawberries Baron Solemacher: reviews of gardeners

This wonderful strawberry is grown today in many regions of our country. Especially gardeners of Moscow suburbs are pleased with it. They like its early ripening, good harvest, easy care. True, many complain that it is quite difficult to grow seedlings - it is very fragile and tender. But those who do not want to do this on their own can buy ready-made material.


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