Breast crap foam: why it happens and what to do to parents?

Each parent has a feeling of anxiety if the child begins to shit foam. In fact, the appearance of such a stool indicates a malfunction in the work of the whole organism, which provokes fermentation inside the intestine. Pediatricians advise to carefully study the reasons why the baby pooping with foam, and pay attention to methods of eliminating the problem.

why babies shit foam

Improper lactation

This is the first reason why a newborn baby is foaming. In most cases, a similar stool occurs in children who are not yet 1 year old. If the baby is fine with mood and is active, then this indicates incorrect lactation.

Scientists have proven that in front milk contains a large amount of sugar, that is, lactose. Therefore, it has a watery consistency. The process of digesting it is based on the use of an enzyme such as lactase. Milk, called back, is considered more fat and nutritious. In a small child, the digestive system is not fully matured, so enzymes are excreted in small quantities. This means that a large volume of front milk does not completely break down glucose. It can not be absorbed by the body and begins to come out with feces, which becomes more liquid after drinking water. As a result, parents see the foam.

To eliminate the current situation, it is recommended to do nutrition adjustments. Doctors advise at one time to offer the child one breast and completely empty it. If he does not eat up and wants more milk, then another time you should start with another. In addition, it is not recommended to take the breasts after a short period of time, even if it seems that the baby is sucking for too long.

newborn foams

Lactose deficiency

Lactose deficiency is considered to be another reason that the baby poops foam. The body does not produce enough enzymes, so mother’s milk is not fully absorbed. This is reflected in weight gain.

In some cases, this is associated with the development of dysbiosis. After the examination, the doctor prescribes probiotics, which allows to normalize the situation in a short time. Of course, some babies have congenital lactose deficiency. To make an accurate diagnosis, you need to check the feces for the amount of carbohydrates. The results are analyzed by a specialist and, if necessary, prescribes certain enzymes, due to which milk will be digested. In an extreme case, a lactose-free mixture must be introduced into the diet of the baby.

newborn baby pooping foam


If we are talking about a small child, then foamy stool indicates an increased formation of gases. As soon as the digestive system completes its development, then everything will return to normal. Such changes can be noticed 4 months after birth, that is, from this period the baby practically gets rid of intestinal colic.

why the newborn spoils foam

Allergic reactions

If the baby is foaming, this indicates the development of an allergic reaction and dysbiosis. Of course, there are a number of other reasons provoking the appearance of such an unpleasant symptom. This happens in children at different periods of life.

Quite often, such a reaction occurs with intolerance to certain products. For example, if a nursing baby eats mother’s milk, then it’s her diet that’s the fault. It is important to remember everything that was eaten in the last day. Even the usual food can cause malfunctions in the functioning of the intestine, especially with its large amount.

baby foams


Often, allergic reactions are associated with taking medications, not only mothers, but also the baby. Among children who are breast-fed, loose stools with foam appear due to an improperly selected mixture. If the baby is foaming, then you should immediately consult a doctor and choose something else.

why a newborn baby poops foam


Children of different ages may experience symptoms of dysbiosis. Among newborns, this problem is most common, since there are not so many bacteria inside the intestine. To fix the fact that the baby is pooping, it takes time. Older children suffer from microflora disturbance due to a number of diseases or when taking an antibiotic. To confirm the diagnosis, special tests are performed, after which a probiotic is prescribed.

baby spoils foam

Intestinal infections

Young children often have feces with foam. But with the addition of other symptoms, parents should immediately seek medical help. We are talking about high fever, vomiting and diarrhea, in which there is blood and mucus. These signs indicate an intestinal infection.

Some pathogens pose a serious threat to health and require urgent care. The appearance of a foamy stool indicates the need for careful monitoring of the further condition of the child. The occurrence of such a symptom may indicate the presence of worms in the body. With active reproduction, their metabolic products bring a lot of trouble and disrupt the normal functioning of the digestive tract. If you wish, you can try a decoction of rice to save the child from diarrhea with foam. It is consumed several times a day.

Gastrointestinal diseases

Feces with foam can indicate the presence of a digestive system disease that can cause an inflammatory process. Without proper and timely treatment, it will become chronic.

Gluten Immunity

Another problem that such stool points to is called celiac disease, that is, complete intolerance to gluten. If even a small dose of this substance enters the body, then inflammation of the intestinal mucosa begins almost immediately. In order not to endanger your baby, it is recommended to create a strict diet without products containing gluten.

baby spoils foam

Wrong diet

In children, problems with stools occur with improper nutrition. For example, if you give too fatty food in 1 year, then the unformed body will not be able to completely process it. It is not recommended to give the baby spicy dishes or exotic fruits. If feces with foam appeared, then you need to start with a review of the diet.

Treatment methods

Even with a single appearance of a foamy stool, parents are advised to pay special attention to the child. With repeated repetition, it is important to take certain measures in a timely manner. It is easier to prevent the development of such a problem than to treat the baby later. This means that prevention is necessary, that is:

  • Do not forget about personal hygiene;
  • maintain an acceptable diet;
  • exclude all harmful products;
  • apply to the chest in accordance with all the rules.

In no case do not self-medicate. Before using any medications, you need to consult a pediatrician. Do not take into account the opinion of neighboring mothers who have been helped by a particular remedy. Each child may have its own reasons that provoked the appearance of such a chair.

After treatment, the doctor gives directions to various tests that will help identify the presence of lactose deficiency and other problems with the intestines. After making an accurate diagnosis, appropriate treatment will be prescribed. If loose stool with foam was only once, then the specialist is limited to the choice of absorbent. Activated charcoal is usually prescribed for young children.

With prolonged diarrhea, it is recommended to give the baby a plentiful drink. The presence of an allergic reaction means taking an antihistamine. Intestinal infection and inflammatory disease requires a mandatory antibiotic. After such medications, probiotics are always recommended, allowing you to quickly restore the microflora. During the period when the body will undergo rehabilitation, it is important to remember some nutrition rules:

  • The menu should not contain heavy food. The most suitable dish is boiled rice without the addition of salt.
  • From fruit, everything except bananas is allowed.
  • So that the intestines do not bother, it is important to carefully return the previous menu.
  • The child should be given a large volume of liquid (linden tea or mineral water, but without gas).

The appearance of a foamy stool should not be ignored, even if it happened only once. This may occur with certain foods. Frequent repetition indicates the presence of a serious problem in the body. Do not hesitate in contacting a specialist, as in the future this will affect the duration and complexity of the prescribed treatment.


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