Why does a baby's skin peel off?

The skin of the newborn is very vulnerable and sensitive. Therefore, it requires delicate care. And if you do not follow the basic rules, then soon the skin will begin to peel off and even peel off. Not always this phenomenon relates to the pathological process, but more often it is the norm.

Peeling skin in a newborn

Sometimes this phenomenon can be confused with dangerous diseases. Therefore, in order for a young mother to be sure that this is the usual peeling of the skin in newborns, she must know how it looks. If this is a variant of the norm, then in dry places you can find particles of dead layers of the epidermis with a white tint. Their edges may be yellowish in color.

bathing a newborn

Often, parents notice that the baby on the head peels off the skin, like dandruff. This phenomenon is most often associated with dry air. The flakes can be removed using a comb with soft bristles or a damp cloth. So that peeling is not found in the crumbs again, it is necessary to maintain an optimal level of humidity in the room.

Sometimes in the places where the scales formed, you can see small wounds. This confirms that they bothered the baby and he combed this area of ​​the skin.

Especially often suffer from peeling transferred baby. Their skin is quite susceptible to irritation and the occurrence of diaper rash.

Causes of Peeling

Wrinkled legs and arms, as well as gray skin of a newborn, should not panic a young mother. After a few days, the body color will be restored, but during this period, peeling can be seen peeling.

The first 14-21 days from the birth of the baby, this process is considered natural. Moreover, peeling can be on any part of the body: from the crown to the heels. If along with this phenomenon there is no itching, redness or sore spots, then you can be sure that this is not an allergic reaction, but a temporary symptom, from which there will soon be no trace.

Pathological causes

Unfortunately, peeling in the baby on the head and skin can be quite unpleasant. But only if the skin turns red on flaky areas, becomes inflamed and is accompanied by itching.

The most common causes are:

  1. An allergic reaction, which can be due to pets, medications, diet products of a nursing mother, a mixture for baby food, dust, plants, cosmetics, household chemicals, air fresheners and fragrances.
  2. Dermatitis. Most often inherited. But sometimes it is provoked by additional irritants in the form of allergens.
  3. Viral, fungal and bacterial infections.
  4. Bowel disease and helminthiasis. Most often accompanied by a rash, redness and peeling.

How to determine

When the baby has flaky skin on the head and eyebrows, it is difficult not to notice. But nevertheless, there are a number of criteria by which it is possible to accurately distinguish the adaptation period from allergies:

Seborrheic dermatitis
  1. Crusts have white and yellow shades.
  2. There is no smell.
  3. Looks like dandruff.
  4. Crusts can make you want to scratch the area of ​​skin on which they formed.

An allergic reaction is accompanied by swelling of the tissue and redness.

Symptoms of peeling do not appear immediately, but gradually. And if measures are not taken in a timely manner, then dryness will spread throughout the newborn's body. Yellow crusts indicate a neglected case.

Quickly eliminate peeling

If the baby's skin is peeling, what should I do? The best way to get rid of peeling has been invented by our grandmothers for quite some time. They brought sunflower oil to a boil. And they wiped the problem areas of the crumbs after bathing with a cotton swab dipped in oil.

In addition to sunflower, you can use peach or olive oil. Or purchase goods suitable for you in the children's department of the store. If it is not possible to use this advice, then you can simply wipe it with oil, but apply it more abundantly.

Wipe the baby properly after bathing

As you know, after bathing, all the folds of the baby must be wiped with a cotton swab soaked in baby oil or boiled vegetable oil.

Consider the tactics of this procedure in order to prevent peeling:

  1. Wipe the folds behind the ears and under the neck.
  2. Moisten your elbow folds.
  3. The creases of each finger also need processing.
  4. Axillary folds, palms, groin area also need to be moistened.
  5. The folds between the buttocks, under the knees and the toes on the legs should also be wiped with a swab dipped in oil.
The right comb

Remember that for each zone you must use a separate cotton pad. The baby is very small, and his body is not yet able to actively fight bacteria. Since during this period, immunity goes through the stage of formation, parents must take care of the hygiene and cleanliness of their baby and his environment.

As soon as the baby’s skin passes the period of adaptation, you will forget about the procedure of frequently wiping the crumbs of crumbs.

The baby has flaky skin on her head

The skin of the newborn is quite delicate, sensitive and requires delicate care, while the crumb body is not used to the conditions of the surrounding world.

If you skip important procedures, then the baby may have problems in the form of cracks or peeling.

Skin peeling

Seborrheic dermatitis accompanies most babies at birth, especially the first 2 months of life. Usually disappears by the age of one.

Why does the scalp of an infant peel off at 2 months? Seborrheic dermatitis occurs due to an excess of sebum produced by the sebaceous glands. This phenomenon is physiological in infants of a given age. Peeling of this type does not require treatment, but only delicate and regular care.

Hair and scalp care

If you notice the first signs that the child's skin is peeling, like yellow dandruff, consult a pediatrician. The doctor will familiarize you with the necessary information.

An effective way to care for the delicate skin of an infant is massage. Light and gentle movements, more similar to stroking, perfectly stimulate blood circulation, thereby nourish the skin of the baby. From such a massage, the hair follicles are strengthened, and their growth is activated.

Delicate care

Even if your baby has very short hair, do not neglect the baby brush with soft bristles.

When the hair of the crumbs acquires length, it is necessary to use a comb with cloves, at the end of which there are small plastic balls. This design does not injure the delicate skin of the baby and actively massages the head area. And remember: with rare hair, you need to get a comb with frequent teeth.

It is common for young children to comb their hair, starting at the ends, where they are most prone to tangling. This technique will not allow you to hurt the crumbs. Do not push the comb strongly, the movements should be smooth. Comb alternately strands.


In order for the skin of the baby to maintain its smoothness, silkiness and softness, it is necessary to adhere to a number of basic rules:

Light massage
  1. Active bathing crumbs must begin no earlier than 10 days after birth.
  2. Choose baby cosmetics with a natural composition. Avoid silicone, paraben and lanolin.
  3. Watch your diet if you are breastfeeding. Avoid foods that cause gas, bloating and allergens.
  4. Track the humidity level in the room. Better still, take care of buying an air humidifier in advance.
  5. Use soap or bath gel no more than 2 times a week.

And remember: if you notice that the baby has flaky skin on the head and eyebrows, and then there are redness or wounds, then you should consult a doctor for advice.

Basic Rules

When parents first encounter a problem, which is that the baby's skin is peeling, they immediately try to find a way to spread it. Not always only oil can make a difference, sometimes you need to look at the root of the problem.

Basic Rules

General recommendations so that the baby does not bother with peeling:

  1. Avoid using rinse aid when washing children's clothing.
  2. Use powders for newborns with a natural composition. Chlorine and flavorings are not allowed!
  3. If the baby eats breast milk, then the mother must exclude from the diet all allergens (chocolate, citrus fruits, milk, muffins, etc.). If the baby is on artificial feeding, it may be worth reconsidering the choice of mixture.
  4. Use clothing only with a natural composition, without synthetic impurities. The same applies to bedding.
  5. After water procedures, the baby’s delicate body should be slightly wrapped in a towel with a soft pile. In no case do not rub the skin of the baby. Give preference to light shades of linen and clothes, so you will be sure that dyes were not used in the production of the material.
  6. If possible, then put a filter on the tap, so the sensitive skin of the baby will not suffer from chlorine and other harmful substances. Or the first time after birth, bathe only in boiled water at the optimum temperature.
  7. After taking water procedures, apply baby oil by gently massaging every part of the baby body.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E30736/

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