Black currant "Dobrynya": variety description, agricultural technology rules

Blackcurrant is one of the favorite berries of many gardeners. It is considered a fairly young culture, but there are more than two hundred varieties. Breeding continues, and almost every year a new species appears. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the currant "dobrynya". Description of the variety, features of care will be presented in the contents of this article.


The breeder A.I. Astakhanov is considered one of his most successful achievements. In the All-Russian Research Institute of Lupine, raisins and 42-7 varieties were crossed, so the currant "dobrynya" turned out to be.

In 2004, its cultivation began in the Central and West Siberian regions. The variety is ideal for the Midland, and is also recommended for cultivation in many Southern regions.

blackcurrant currant

Plant description

The currant bush "Dobrynya" is quite compact, sprawling, moderately upright. Plants can be medium or undersized depending on the area of โ€‹โ€‹cultivation and soil quality. Young shoots are slightly lowered, not thick, but strong, have a beautiful olive-violet shade of the bark, a little shine.

Leaflets have five lobes, leathery, dark green, wrinkled. Their size is medium to large, the plate is even. Blades with small cuts, denticles not too long.

The brushes are slightly loose and sinuous, green in color. Each can have from 6 to 10 yellow, huge flowers. Fruits appear quite rarely at the base; the majority grows in the middle of the bush and on its top.

blackcurrant dobrynya

Characteristics of berries

Currant "good", the description of which you see, is not in vain carries such a "name". Its berries are very large, the average weight of one is about 6.5 grams. The shape of the fruit is slightly oval, the color is black, shiny. The variety is characterized by a rather dense peel, it prevents cracking of berries, the separation is dry. Ripening occurs from late July to late August.

The berries are endowed with a delicate, attractive aroma, their taste is sweet with a characteristic sourness. Tasting score - 4.6. The pulp is juicy, the stalk is medium sized, green. Sugar content of at least 6.5 percent. Vitamin C - about 200 milligrams per 100 grams of berries.

Currant of the Dobrynya variety is medium-yielding; on average, 1.5 kilograms of berries can be harvested from one bush, which makes it less productive compared to other varieties. The maximum registered crop is 2.6 kilograms per bush, or 12 tons per hectare.

currant dobrynya description

Grade Advantages

Currant "Dobrynya" is a frost-resistant plant, bushes can survive winter frosts up to -25 degrees. If in the growing region there are lower temperatures, it is necessary to cover the bushes with insulation material and to throw more snow on top during the winter.

Currants are experiencing spring frosts well, do not dump flowers. If the summer is sultry and dry, then the bush will endure it steadily, it is only necessary to observe the rules of watering.

"Dobrynya" is considered a variety resistant to many diseases. It is rarely exposed to powdery mildew, but is susceptible to a kidney tick.

blackcurrant grade

Currant flaws

Available in grade and not the best characteristics. The first is low productivity compared to other types of blackcurrant. The berries do not ripen synchronously, you will have to harvest in several stages. Transportability is low, like other similar berries. The fruits are caked, crumpled, thereby losing their presentation.

Also disadvantages include weak survival of young cuttings. The root system is formed slowly, may wither away. It happens that early opened buds fade in mid-spring. It is recommended to use a root growth stimulator when planting, this will help the plant to take root.


Before planting in the soil, the stalk must be kept cool in the room so that the buds do not begin to open. Choose a time such that the threat of frost is gone, as young cuttings take root poorly, their roots are weak, and a newly planted plant may die.

For planting, annual seedlings are recommended. The place should be well lit, because the size, quantity and taste of the fruit depend on the presence of the sun. The ideal option is to plant bushes in the open space, along the fences that will protect the plants from the wind.

Before planting, you need to soak the roots for several hours, shorten the stalk so that the ground part is no more than 20 centimeters. Pits for planting are dug half a meter in depth and of the same diameter, half filled with loose, fertile soil mixed with fertilizers. The distance between the bushes should be approximately two meters, if less is left, it will be inconvenient for you to harvest.

When planting, keep the stalk inclined, the recess should be eight centimeters above the location of the neck of the root. It is recommended to water the planted plants immediately, two buckets of water under the bush are enough. So that the yield is high, and the bush takes root faster, cover the soil with humus with a layer of a few centimeters.

Dobrynya currant variety description

Further care

If the summer is dry, water the bushes twice a week in the evening. If rainfall is enough, you still have to produce watering - four per season will be enough. Water with the calculation of 4 buckets per 1 meter squared.

Black currant "dobrynya" needs pruning of old shoots, as a high yield can be obtained from new ones. Remove excess branches in spring before buds open, and in autumn, before covering (if necessary) a bush, it will calmly winter.

Currant "Dobrynya" loves loose soil, sometimes it is necessary to rake bushes. Mandatory is weeding, fertilizing the soil. It is also necessary to carry out preventive work from pests.


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