Druid tauren: skins, professions, name. Warcraft universe

The WarCraft universe has long been a huge, densely populated world in which there are various races, classes, types of characters, as well as their symbioses. Among them there are tauren druids, which will be described in this article.

World of Warcraft

Fans of the WarCraft universe know that it is divided into several worlds. The main action takes place in Azeroth, Argus and Draenor. Each has its own history and race, living in it. In the course of events, the inhabitants of the worlds sometimes visit one or another for the purpose of migration or capture.

tauren druid

Tauren race

Outwardly, these creatures look like a mixture of an orc and a bull. Men are much larger than women and can reach 2.3 m in height and 180 kg of weight. Animal skins are used as clothing, and bones are used for jewelry.

Until a certain moment, they led a nomadic lifestyle. Cairne the Bloodhoof brought the sedentaryness, which was able to establish a city in Azeroth - Thunder Bluff, which became the capital of tauren.

warcraft universe

The formation of the race was influenced by the orc Thrall, who, in the course of his mission, met once with Cairn and helped him defeat the centaurs who plagued him. After the victory, the tauren joined the Horde.


In Warcraft, Druids are a character class. It is believed that they can draw their strength from natural sources. At first, only night elves possessed such abilities, however, then this teaching spread to other races.

The leader's tauren druid name is Hamuul Runic Totem. He was a good friend and supporter of Cairne.

tauren druid guide

Character Features

By default, a tauren druid has its own set of specific bonuses and features:

  • Thundering tread. The ability to stun nearby enemies for 2 seconds. It takes 0.5 seconds to cast a spell.
  • Endurance. Passive bonus, giving a health gain of 5%.
  • Cultivation. Gives +15 to Herbalism, which is a good help in the initial stages of the game;
  • Resistance to Nature Magic. Protection against the effects of spells.

Pros and Cons of a Druid

This class is able to take a variety of animal forms. In particular, a tauren druid can transform into a bear and a cat. This helps the character transfer damage, inflict it and quickly move around the world. Druids also have good spells.

If the druid is in the form of a beast, then he receives complete immunity to the polymorph spell. However, if it was applied to a character in a human form, then he will not be able to turn into another form.

When transforming, all effects that affect the speed of movement, for example, various stuns, are eliminated.

Of the minuses, it is possible to note the impossibility of wearing heavy types of armor. Their armor is fabric or leather. And transformation into animal forms does not make it possible to use the entire spectrum of spells, since they are absent in these forms.

Order of abilities

One of the first things to pump is the appearance of a tauren-druid bear. It becomes available at character level 10. When converted, armor increases by 200% and endurance by 55%.

Then the first marching appearance is studied. This is a marine animal in the form of which it is possible to move under water at a speed increased by 100%.

Further, you can study the appearance of the cat, which helps to increase the movement of the character by 30%.

tauren druid profession

The next camping look of tauren-druid allows you to take the form corresponding to the current terrain.

Lunar owl is a special form of tauren druid. In this guise, the hero deals 10% increased damage from magic, and his armor is improved by 200%.

The following hiking options significantly increase the speed of the character.

Meeting other classes in the game

When fighting with hunters, it is better to stay at a distance of a direct strike, since this type hits well from afar.

The warrior will try to stun the druid, depriving him of the opportunity to heal during the battle. Therefore, one must act quickly and be proactive.

Shamans and Druids are a bit alike. However, when meeting with him, he should not cause any difficulties.


Further, it is worth considering a tauren-druid guide on pumping professions. Typically, experienced players immediately explore fishing, cooking and first aid. Fish can help in alchemy, and the fishing profession itself improves cooking. Then it would be nice to study herbalism and leatherworking. This will help to make clothes at an early level, as well as sell things. Other tauren-druid professions will not be able to help him much.

tauren druid name


Each player in the process of becoming a character himself chooses? what to wear and how to arm your hero. However, small recommendations will not hurt.

First, a brief educational program on things in the game:

  • Gray. The simplest things are of poor quality.
  • White. Medium quality items.
  • Green. Can be obtained for completing quests. They have an unusual quality.
  • Blue. Rare things. You can get a chain of completed quests.
  • Violet. They are also called epic. Drop out, as a rule, in raids at the maximum level.

As for weapons, the main for the druid is the staff. In most cases, they are not used by other classes, they are easier to find and items are suitable for any character specialization. It should be borne in mind that a druid cannot carry weapons in both hands.


In battle, a druid can have a specific role. There are 4 types of specializations for this class:

  • Balance. The main damage in this role the druid deals from afar with the help of magic. Therefore, their main resource is mana. This happens in the form of a moon owl.
  • The power of the beast. In cat form, the druid deals melee damage with its claws. This image is very fast and agile. Has the ability to become invisible to attack the enemy unexpectedly.
  • Sentinel. Druid in the shape of a bear. Its main task is to take a large amount of damage, distracting enemies from allies.
  • Healing. Everything is simple here - the basic skills and abilities allow the druid to heal allies, remove curses.

Druid balance and ways of development

In addition to the main resource - mana, tauren druids in WoW also use astral power, which can be used for some spells.

tauren druid bear

Main abilities of balance druids:

  • Moon fire. Deals periodic damage using arcane magic. It will be most effective to keep it on target for a while.
  • Sunny fire. Damage is caused by nature magic. It has a radius of exposure of 5 m. It also has a periodic cycle.
  • Stellar stream. When used, it consumes astral power while doing damage to the enemy. But for applying this spell, the character receives charges of Solar and Lunar power.
  • Starfall. It has a lesion area that can act for 8 seconds. This spell also takes astral power.
  • Sunny anger. Damage is inflicted on one chosen target using nature magic, while replenishing astral power.
  • Lunar strike. Inflicts Arcane damage to enemies and targets within 5 yards.
  • Solar and lunar power. Positive effects that can increase the power of Solar Wrath and Lunar Strike by 20%.
  • Inspiration. Ability to cast spells without mana cost. Valid for 10 seconds.

Talents Druid Balance

Talents have 6 shooting galleries, at each of which, depending on the level, new ones are opened.

The talents of the first look like this:

  • Power of nature. It makes it possible to summon 3 Ancients for 10 seconds, which attack and distract the enemy. Cooldown: 1 minute.
  • Warrior of Elune. Allows you to perform two Lunar strikes instantly. In battle it is not so useful, therefore it is used extremely rarely.
  • Star lord. Reduces the time it spells Lunar Strike and Sunwrath by 20%. Use preferably as often as possible.

Talents 2 shooting ranges:

  • Update. Replenishes health by 30% of its maximum value. Recharge lasts 1.5 minutes. It is rarely used, as there are more priority and effective talents.
  • Astral leap. Moves the character forward, and also turns him into a cat's norm. This increases the speed of movement by 50%. Moderately useful.
  • Swift jerk. Depending on the form, it can achieve a different effect. From moving to an ally to a jerk to the enemy and his immobilization. Very useful talent.

Talent 3 shooting:

  • Kinship with the power of the beast. Includes the passive effect Cat Swiftness, giving an increase in movement speed by 15%. Grants access to several Beast Power spells, such as Rinse or Ferocious Bite.
  • Kinship with the guard. Allows you to use Dense Hide, which reduces damage taken by 6%. Additionally, access to some opportunities from the specialization of the Sentinel. For example, Thrash and Berserk Recovery. It is recommended to apply talent on bosses.
  • Kinship with healing. Acquires the Gift of Ysera ability, which restores the character or his ally for 5 seconds at 3% of the maximum possible health value. Additionally, access to healing abilities is available - Rejuvenation and Quick Recovery.

Talent 4 Tire:

  • Powerful stunning. Active ability. Just stuns the enemy for 5 seconds. Cooldown is 50 seconds.
  • Mass braiding. For 30 seconds, fetters all enemies within a radius of 15 meters. Cooldown lasts 30 seconds.
  • Typhoon. Throws enemies back, followed by dizziness for 6 seconds. Charges in 30 seconds.

Since each of the talents is almost equally effective, you can use everything.

Talents of Tier 5:

  • The soul of the forest. Adds 20% damage to Lunar and Solar power. This reduces the cost of astral power when using Starfall in the amount of 20 units.
  • Incarnation: Chosen of Elune. There is an increase in spell power by 40%, increases astral power by 50%, obtained with the use of Lunar strike and Solar anger.
  • Star flare. Active ability. The adversary suffers periodic astral damage.

The most effective talent of this set is the Incarnation: Chosen of Elune. Star flare is rarely used.

Talents of Tier 6:

  • Falling stars. When using Lunar or Solar fire, there is a 10% chance that a star will fall, which will cause damage to the enemy and give the character 4 units of astral power. Can be used on two or more opponents.
  • Astral unity. Generation of 80 power units. Charges in 80 seconds.
  • Blessing of the Ancients. It includes two effects - Blessing of Elune and Blessing of Anshe. Only one of them can be used at the moment. The first increases the amount of astral power received, the second - replenishes 2 units of power every 3 seconds. It is very convenient to use when fighting with a single target.

Talents of Tier 7:

  • The fury of Elune. Deals astral damage in radius with a period of once per second. It will act until the supply of power is exhausted.
  • The offset of the stars. Increases Starfall radius by 30% and increases its damage by 50%.
  • Natural balance. When using a Lunar strike, Moonfire can last 6 seconds longer. It works similarly with the Sunfire, only the duration is increased by 4 seconds.

Battle Druid Tactics

If the goal is one, then the character is recommended to first use the Lunar and Solar lights, supporting them. Then apply the Star Stream to spend astral power. This will give a charge of Lunar and Solar power, during which it will be actual to apply Solar anger and Lunar strike.

tauren druid skins

If there are several opponents, the tactics do not change much. First you need to apply the Lunar and Solar lights with their support. Then it will effectively cause the New Moon. With a large number of targets, a Lunar strike along with Lunar power will be much more reliable than Solar Wrath.

Character Characteristics

Recommended priority is:

  1. Mastery. Increase damage from Star Stream and Starfall.
  2. Speed. The higher the characteristic, the faster the character will cast spells and generate astral power.
  3. Intelligence. In fact, the primary characteristic of druids. Allows you to increase the power of spells, and, accordingly, and damage.
  4. Critical hit. Allows you to inflict increased damage to the enemy.
  5. Universality. It will provide an opportunity to increase damage and healing, as well as reduce the effect of damage received.

Legendary Balance Druid Items

Regardless of which particular thing fell into the hands of the hero, it must immediately be worn. The best options for a balance druid are:

  • The impeccable essence of filth. A powerful legendary item that significantly reduces cooldown time, and also adds points to speed, stamina and skill.
  • Lady and Child. Enhances area damage. Saves time for Moonfire and increases damage.
  • Intuition of Onef. It is especially effective in battles with a single opponent. Gives an increase in intelligence, stamina, critical strike and speed.


In the world of Warcraft there are so many interesting races and classes, as well as options for their development, that each would have to be described in a separate book. However, for beginners, this article will help to avoid mistakes in the first steps.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E30743/

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