Papillomas in cats: causes, symptoms, treatment methods, reviews

Warts on the skin are formed not only in humans, but also in pets. Papillomas in cats are not uncommon. Such skin growths are far from harmless. Under adverse conditions, they can develop into malignant tumors. After all, an animal can easily comb and scratch a wart. And trauma to papillomas very often leads to cancer pathologies. Why do cats have warts? And how to get rid of skin growths? We will consider these issues in the article.


Warts in animals arise as a result of infection with papillomavirus. This leads to the appearance of skin pathology - papillomatosis. The causative agent of the disease has more than 8 species that can be dangerous for pets. Introducing the body, the virus causes accelerated division of skin cells. This leads to the appearance of papillomas in cats.

Ways of infection

The papilloma virus is most often transmitted from a sick animal to a healthy animal through direct contact. Pets often become infected during mating. Therefore, before mating, it is necessary to check the cat and cat for the presence of papillomatosis.

However, the genital tract is not the only way to become infected. Animals become infected by any bodily contact with a sick relative, for example during games or mutual licking. The papilloma virus can live in the external environment for some time. In rare cases, infection occurs when using a common bowl or tray with a sick animal.

Virus Transmission Routes

However, warts on the skin and mucous membranes do not always occur during infection. Many cats are carriers of the causative agent of papillomatosis, but they are absolutely healthy. This virus is considered a conditionally pathogenic pathogen. It lives in the body of many animals, but is activated and becomes pathogenic only under adverse conditions. Papillomas in cats occur with a decrease in immunity. The appearance of warts indicates that your pet is very weak.

Provocative factors

The following factors can provoke activation of the virus:

  • chronic illness;
  • pregnancy and feeding kittens;
  • long medication;
  • stress
  • avitaminosis;
  • hypothermia;
  • old age of the animal.

Small kittens often suffer from papillomatosis. Their immunity is still poorly formed.

It is important to remember that if papillomavirus penetrated the body of an animal, then it remains in the cells forever. Treatment can only reduce its morbidity and lead to the disappearance of the external manifestations of papillomatosis. After the therapy, the virus will be in a "sleeping" state. It can be activated again at any moment, as soon as the animal's immunity decreases.

Can a person get infected from a cat

Should you be careful when dealing with a sick animal? After all, it is known that papillomatosis affects not only cats, but also people. However, the owner of the animal has no reason for concern. Indeed, in humans, warts occur as a result of infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV). In cats, skin damage is caused by a completely different pathogen. People with papillomatosis also cannot transmit the virus to animals. HPV is characteristic only for humans. A sick cat cannot infect a dog. She is dangerous only to her relatives. Therefore, one should limit her contacts with other cats, especially with small cubs.

Symptoms and types of papillomas

What do papillomas look like in cats? Warts are growths on the skin. They can fit snugly on the epidermis or stay on the leg. The color of the neoplasms can vary from flesh to yellow or dark brown. The size of the warts can range from 4 mm to 1 cm. In severe cases, the papillomas merge and form growths similar to a head of cauliflower. A photo of the cat’s papilloma can be seen below.

The appearance of papillomas

This viral infection is not only accompanied by the appearance of warts. Other signs of the disease are noted:

  • loss of appetite;
  • lethargy, apathy;
  • itchy skin in the area of ​​rashes;
  • sores on the site of torn warts.

General deterioration of health often occurs in small kittens. Cubs can hardly tolerate papillomatosis.

Rashes can be localized in different parts of the skin and mucous membrane. Papilloma on the ear in cats most often occurs with tick-borne invasion - otodectosis. In this case, the appearance of warts is accompanied by severe inflammation and itching in the auricle. Such a combined disease requires persistent and long-term treatment.

Itchy cat

Papilloma in the nose of a cat can cause pain. After all, the animal’s nostrils are very sensitive. A large wart in the nasal passage can make breathing very difficult.

How to distinguish a wart from a tick

During the walk, the cat may be attacked by ixodid ticks. These parasites are carriers of serious diseases that are dangerous for both animals and humans.

How to determine: a tick on a cat or papilloma? Large grayish warts may resemble parasites in appearance. You need to carefully look at the formation on the skin of the animal. If necessary, use a magnifier. If there are paws around the "wart" - then this is an ixodid tick.

Ixodes tick on wool

In addition, papillomas grow slowly, and the tick, having pumped blood, quickly grows in size. However, in such cases, one cannot passively observe the growth of a strange formation on the skin. The parasite must be removed immediately from the body of the pet, otherwise the cat may become infected with dangerous infections. Therefore, in case of any doubts, it is urgent to contact a veterinary clinic.

Possible complications

As already mentioned, warts in animals can lead to serious consequences. Papillomatosis is often accompanied by itching. Animals comb the affected areas and tear off neoplasms. Bleeding sores appear on the skin. This can lead to malignant degeneration of cells and skin cancer.

Oncological diseases are the most dangerous, but far from the only complication of papillomatosis. When injuring large warts, severe bleeding can occur, leading to anemia. Also, sores and scratching can become infected and suppurate.


Often, papillomatosis is diagnosed already with an external examination of the animal by a veterinarian. However, sometimes the specialist has doubts about the nature of the neoplasms. There are times when warts resemble malignant and benign tumors in appearance. To identify the etiology and nature of skin growths, a serological blood test for antibodies to the virus and biopsy of papillomas are performed.


For the treatment of papillomas, immunomodulators and vitamins are prescribed:

  • Vitafel
  • Gamavit
  • Maksidin;
  • "Ascorbic acid" (in injections).
Immunomodulator "Vitafel"

They also use drugs for symptomatic treatment. With severe itching, the animal is shown taking Suprastin. If there are scratches on the skin, it is recommended to lubricate the damaged areas with antiseptic ointments and solutions:

  • Levomekol;
  • Betadine;
  • Chlorhexidine.

Treatment with immunomodulators takes quite a long time. If the neoplasm grows strongly or prevents the animal from breathing and eating, then removal of the wart is indicated.

Most often, the removal of papillomas in cats is carried out with the help of Novocain injections. Prescribe injections of the drug intravenously or at the base of the wart. The amount of medicine is calculated by the veterinarian, it depends on the weight of the cat. The injections are repeated three times with an interval of 2-3 days.

Novocaine for injection

Surgical treatment of papillomas in cats is performed in the absence of the effect of the use of novocaine. Warts are removed using the following means:

  • liquid nitrogen;
  • a laser;
  • ultraviolet radiation.

After removal of neoplasms, it is necessary to undergo treatment with immunostimulants and vitamins. This will help prevent relapse of papillomatosis.

Folk methods

Is it possible to treat papilloma in cats at home? It is not worth completely relying on folk remedies. After all, papillomatosis is a viral infection, and it is impossible to do without drug therapy. Folk remedies can be used only after consulting a specialist. They are used only in combination with veterinary drugs, and sometimes with surgical treatment.

With small papillomas, the following remedies are effective:

  1. Iodine. This antiseptic should be applied to a cotton swab and cauterize the leg of the wart.
  2. Rowan. Ripe fruits are crushed to a state of gruel and applied to papillomas twice a day.
  3. Celandine. It is necessary to squeeze the juice from the plant and process the neoplasms with it.
  4. Acetic acid. The product is applied to a cotton swab and papilloma is spotted.
  5. Garlic. It is necessary to squeeze out the liquid from the garlic clove and grease the wart.
Veterinary examination of a cat

Folk remedies are effective only with single neoplasms. If papillomas affect large areas of the skin, then only medical and surgical treatment can help.


Owners of animals leave positive feedback on the treatment of papillomatosis with novocaine injections. After 2-3 injections, the warts completely disappeared. However, the owners of cats emphasize that after a course of treatment it is necessary to give immunomodulators to pets. Otherwise, papillomas can grow again.

You can find positive reviews about the treatment of papillomatosis with injections of ascorbic acid. Vitamin therapy helps to strengthen the immune system and mobilize the body's defenses to fight the virus. However, such funds are effective only in the mild form of the disease.

Experienced cat breeders recommend resorting to surgical methods for treating warts only in extreme cases, if the neoplasm prevents the animal from breathing or eating. Surgery is also necessary if there is a risk of malignant changes. This is a rather expensive procedure that is not available to all cat owners.

Good reviews were also received by the pharmaceutical preparation "Cryopharma". It is available as an aerosol and contains a mixture of dimethyl ether and propane. This product is used to freeze and remove warts. In its action, it is similar to liquid nitrogen. However, this drug is intended for people. Before using it to treat animals, it is necessary to consult a veterinarian. Only a specialist can take into account the indications and contraindications for the use of aerosol.


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