Malaya Sukharevskaya Square - a great place to stay

Malaya Sukharevskaya Square is part of the Garden Ring of Moscow. It is located between two avenues - Sretenskaya and Mira - and Sadovo-Sukharevskaya street. The nearest metro station is "Sukharevskaya", you can also get here by bus, following route No. A and B.

In recent years, the area has changed its appearance. There is two-way traffic, 8 lanes in each direction. All ground pedestrian crossings have been completely removed from the street; the road can be crossed exclusively by underground. A design code has been introduced here, now you will not see flashy raised facades, but neat and harmonious signs appeared.

In the 30s of the last century, the Sukharev Tower was demolished, because of which the square got its name. A lot of myths and legends hung around her.

Sukharev tower

Historical reference

Malaya Sukharevskaya Square appeared in the XV century. However, it was divided by the Sukharev Tower, which was built from 1692 to 1965. In 19th, one part of the square was renamed into Malaya Sukharevskaya (located to the left of Sretenka), and the second into Bolshaya. When the tower was demolished (1934), the street was immediately renamed Kolkhoz Square. In 1939, the street was again divided into two parts. In 1994, the square returned to its historical name.

The area was famous in its time for the Sukharevsky market. They opened it in 1812 after a fire, and he worked for about 100 years. Originally on Sundays, things stolen during the fighting were sold here. However, after the revolution, the market resembled a real flea market, where criminality flourished. The soldiers of the Red Army sold their overcoats in the bazaar, and the factory workers - everything that they could take out of the factory. It was decided to close the market, but managed to do this only in 1924. Later it was decided to restore the market. Melnikov was engaged in designing. Already during the perestroika period, rows of goods and kiosks with shop windows were placed around the central building. Today, only the administration building remains from the market.

Noteworthy buildings

Despite the long history, Malaya Sukharevskaya Square cannot boast of buildings that are of historical value. However, there are residential buildings, a clinic, a studio theater, a business center and a medical center, in other words, well-developed infrastructure that fully meets all the requirements for a comfortable stay.

All you need for life

In the house number 1, p. 1 on Malaya Sukharevskaya Square there is a residential building, erected under Stalin. On the ground floor there are administrative and commercial premises. This is a network grocery store "Red and White", an antique salon and a team of professional cosmetologists (beauty studio Timur Begichev).

The house is famous for its famous resident. Here, from 1954 to 1969, People's Artist Bernes M.N.

Garden Gallery

House number 12

On the opposite side, closer to Mira Avenue, at number 12 on Malaya Sukharevskaya Square in Moscow is the Sadovaya Gallery business center (opening year - 2002). This is a 6-story building with a total area of ​​more than 11 thousand square meters. The building has an attractive modern facade, ventilation, and air conditioning. On the ground floor there is a reception, three elevators, video surveillance and fire extinguishing systems throughout the building. A business center is guarded around the clock. Attendance of the center is 25 thousand people a day.

The Liberty Clinic of Aesthetic Medicine in Malaya Sukharevskaya Square is located in the same building. The clinic specializes in three types of medical services:

  • weight correction;
  • dietetics;
  • cosmetology.

There is a surgical outpatient clinic at the medical center.

In addition, the business center has many shops: with sporting goods, fashionable clothes, a bookstore.

Tabakov Theater

House number 5/2

And in this building on Malaya Sukharevskaya Square in September 2016, an interesting institution appeared - the Theater under the direction of O. Tabakov, more precisely, a new scene. The theater has been waiting for this event for 20 years. Local authorities decided to build a new stage back in 1997, when Tabakov's studio received the status of a state theater. A commemorative capsule was laid under the building back in 2007, but economic downturns hindered the end of construction all the time.

Now this is a building equipped with the latest technology. The hall accommodates 400 visitors. In this case, part of the seats can be removed. The hall is equipped with a turntable and a virtual acoustics system, which is almost comparable to the sound in a 3D cinema.

The total occupied area under the theater is 5 thousand square meters. There is a lobby, several buffets and a rehearsal room. The opening of the scene was facilitated by the current mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobyanin. The stage has more than 100 lifting mechanisms to surprise visitors as much as possible.

The theater traditionally opens its doors at 19:00, of course, except on December 31. Do not be surprised that for security reasons, metal detectors are installed at the entrance.

Sukharevsky market

Thus, on some 340 meters of the area (total length) there are many interesting places. The street is a comfortable place to live, where there is all the necessary infrastructure, from ordinary grocery stores to the theater.


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