Celebrating Neptune Day in kindergarten

This holiday is one of the favorite among the kids resting in the camp. Neptune Day is often held in kindergarten in the summer heat. In addition to the sea ​​king of Neptune, there may be such characters as Water, Kikimora, Little Mermaid, Frog, Medusa, Sea Devils and other evil spirits that live in seas, lakes and swamps. Teachers with the help of methodologists develop a script.

neptune day in kindergarten

Neptune Day at Kindergarten

The holiday should be held on a very hot day, because it is imperative to pour water, and in kindergartens that have their own pool, bathing is also needed. In order not to spoil the clothes, the children participating in the competitions dress in swimsuits or swimming trunks.

Neptune Day Holiday

First, the host greets the children. He offers to consider the holiday open and, together with the children, calls for the main character - Neptune. The music turns on - some kind of marine theme, and the sea king himself appears under it. His assistants come along with him, it can be devils, kikimora, fish. Further competitions and games are held. Children are divided into two teams with "marine" names. If the kindergarten has a pool, then the water goes down to a safe level. Many tasks can be performed in it.

holiday neptune day
Neptune Day Pool Games

"Bring a coin"

The pool is divided in half, several coins are scattered along its bottom. Participants are divided into teams and at the speed of collecting money in their area, passing them to their captain. The winner is the team that copes with the task of the first.

"Mine clearance"

Instead of coins, kinder surprises without chocolate with a load inside are placed in the pool. Children catch them in small buckets. The winning team is the one that has neutralized more shells.

Moor ship

2 boats descend into the water. Team members must moor it to the port located on the opposite edge of the pool, without touching it, but only blowing at it. If there is no pool, then games can be held at the playground.

"Cross the swamp"

games for neptune day
Planks and pebbles are placed on the ground. These are bumps. It is necessary to move from one edge of the site to the other without stepping on the ground. The team with the largest number of participants managed to cope with the task wins.

"Save the fish"

Buckets of water are placed on stools. On the other side of the platform are banks containing plastic fish. Participants of the teams run to the bucket, scoop it up with a wooden spoon and quickly move back, after which they pour the brought water into the jar. The winner is the team whose capacity is filled faster.

neptune day for kids

"Collect the rain"

On the stool are the assistants of Neptune, in their hands are watering cans. They spin in different directions, pour water. The children have disposable cups in their hands, in which they try to catch the "rain".

Neptune Day in kindergarten . The end of the holiday

In between active competitions, you can arrange intellectual ones by picking up puzzles on a marine theme. Then the results are summarized, the winners receive prizes, the losers receive gifts. Neptune says goodbye to the guys, praises them, says he did not expect them to be so brave, strong, fervent. Then everyone pours water on each other. That's how they celebrate Neptune's Day in kindergarten.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E30757/

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