Description of onion varieties. Sturon - representative of the Dutch selection

From ancient times, human companions are vegetable crops. It is impossible to imagine catering without them. Among the huge variety of these plants, onions have a special place. Vegetable culture has survived to this day and has not lost its popularity. In the modern world, it is used in all countries. It is difficult to count the number of dishes that include this vegetable masterpiece.

Features of spicy vegetable crop

Numerous varieties of onions are widely used and recognized not only in cooking. It is very often used as a medicinal plant. Moreover, not only the turnip bulb is suitable for food. Unripe green mass is widely used for the preparation of a wide variety of salads and dishes. Spring onion greens is an excellent vitamin product that will replenish the lack of useful substances in the body in the spring.

Like any culture, onions have varietal variety, the distinguishing characteristics of which will be color, taste and smell of the plant. Breeding work is aimed at creating crops that will be resistant to frost, drought, diseases and pests. High-yielding, with excellent taste, promising new vegetable crops are successfully grown and quickly develop new territories.

Description of varieties of onions Sturon

Description of onion varieties Sturon

Vegetable crops are divided by maturity. Early, middle, late varieties have a different harvest period. An important characteristic is the taste - it is sweet, spicy, peninsular vegetable crops. These indicators contain a description of onion varieties.

Sturon - onion, bred by Holland breeders. Modern vegetable culture is characterized by an average late ripening period. Both annual and biennial crops are grown on turnips. To obtain a high yield of large specimens, preference is given to cultivation for two years.

In the first year they get shallow sevoc. And then next season a high crop of excellent products will ripen from it. To get acquainted with the advantages of culture, we study the description of onion varieties. Sturon is characterized by acute taste. Juicy onion has a white color. It is covered with a dense peel having a tan shade. The turnip has a regular elliptical shape. With a two-year cultivation method, bulbs reach a mass of eighty-one hundred grams.

The advantages of this variety are resistance to the appearance of a peduncle. This property improves the quality of the crop and contributes to its excellent preservation. An important factor is resistance to certain diseases. This information contains a description of onion varieties.

Sturon is slightly affected by diseases that damage plants of this species. This condition allows cultivation without the use of special pesticides. Preventive agricultural technology is sufficient, providing for a minimum amount of chemicals, which helps to obtain high-quality products.

Features of growing onions

Bow sturon reviews

To get an excellent high-quality crop, you need to know the features of the agricultural technology of this crop. Varietal variety of onions allows you to get a crop in one or two years. The bow of Sturon is no exception. Cultivation of this variety is possible at different times. Also use its green feather. For this purpose, winter winter onion sets or germination in winter in containers or heated greenhouses is suitable.

Planting and caring for onions

When grown in one year, the seeds are sown at the earliest possible date. However, bulbs grown in this way are relatively small in size. To increase the mass of this culture using a two-year period of obtaining marketable products. The possibility of obtaining a crop in one year guarantees the description of onion varieties.

Sturon is a variety that is grown mainly by planting a seed set obtained by sowing seeds in the ground. For this purpose, intact specimens are selected that have reached two centimeters in diameter. Prevention of flowering will ensure the planting of seeds after the threat of night frosts. In late April - early May, bulbs are planted in fertile areas. In this case, crop rotation should be considered. Great predecessors that will provide disease prevention are cruciferous, nightshade and bean vegetable crops.

The embedment depth is one and a half centimeter. The traditional landing pattern is twenty by ten centimeters. Further care complies with the general rules for the crop. Timely dressing, watering and removing weeds allow you to get a good harvest.

Where to Use Sturon Bow

Reviews about the modern variety perfectly confirm its popularity. The advantage of this culture is its high yield, excellent taste and suitability for long-term storage.

Onion Sturon Growing

Juicy onions, which have a spicy taste, are used fresh, as well as for preparing all kinds of dishes and for making winter preparations.


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