Garden Do It Yourself

More recently, on the main area of ​​garden plots, owners were growing vegetables, and only in a small area under the windows were flowers, mainly gladioli and asters planted. But now many gardeners are making their land an active recreation area, and for this it must be beautiful and unique.

Many owners of garden plots landscaping the garden with their own hands. Today there are a huge number of a wide variety of plants, as well as tips and ideas for decorating the garden, which will tell you how to make a garden with your own hands so that it is cozy and unique, and at the same time does not require much care. Many items for the garden - garden sculptures, garden benches, a reservoir for a pond - can be bought in the store, but if you show imagination and ingenuity, you can decorate the garden with your own hands.

Before landscaping the garden, you need to draw up a clear plan that will help to avoid many mistakes, because of which in the future you will have to redo something, for example, transplant a rare plant, because it will look better elsewhere or transfer the alpine hill that blocks the beautiful view.

Equipping your garden with your own hands, first of all, you need to take into account the terrain and beat the existing hills and lowlands. Many gardeners who have got to have a hilly plot are very upset about this, but making an even plot expressive is much more difficult. On the hills, you can set up terraces and observation decks, or you can arrange alpine slides that seamlessly turn into flower beds.

There are many different types of flowers, but often people plant everything in a row, thinking little about what they surround themselves with. Flowers need to be selected so that they not only do not obscure each other, but also bloom at different times.

How to decorate the garden with your own hands if the site has an irregular shape? In this case, the design of the garden should be approached especially carefully and with the help of special techniques to smooth out, mask all the wrong corners and ledges. To do this, use pergolas, hedges, plants. Small architectural forms, for example, arbors, especially those made by oneself, or garden sculptures, are well distracting.

The outbuildings also need to be hidden by planting some lush plant, or by building a “weeping wall” - this is a kind of original small waterfall that can be connected by a lively fun stream with an artificial pond. Almost any person can make such a water garden with their own hands, there would be a desire. The pond can be of strict form or have a free form, subject to the landscape. You can plant pots on the shores or plant ferns. It is good to place a bench or a gazebo near the reservoir, and make a path with exits on both sides around the reservoir.

Garden paths are laid out with stone, brick or covered with sand. It is possible to make concrete tracks, and to lay out a mosaic pattern from ceramic tiles, and shards of broken dishes will do. The main thing is that the paths are located in the garden conveniently and logically. Of particular importance is the paths in the Japanese-style garden; they should never be straightforward. Such gardens are becoming more and more popular today.

Want to learn how to make a Japanese-style garden? These gardens were invented by Japanese philosophers. A large role in such gardens belongs to water, stone and wood. These elements can occur one at a time, but you can mix them.

A large role in the Japanese garden is played by bridges, benches and fences, which can be made of stone, wood or cast iron. The texture of the material must be visible, so you can not use any paints or varnishes.
Instead of a real reservoir, you can make a dry stream of stones, through which you can throw a symbolic bridge of five flat stones. After a while, the stones will begin to be covered with moss, which will give the garden even more flavor.

After sunset, garden lights can be garden lights or solar powered mini-lights . It makes sense to think about how to decorate the garden with your own hands, since the garden site can be a great place to relax with the whole family, and not just a means of replenishing food supplies.


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