Submarine Museum in Moscow and St. Petersburg

All over the world there are several museums equipped on submarines. In our country, submarines are open to visitors in Vytegra, St. Petersburg and Moscow.

Museum of the submarine in Moscow

After twenty years of impeccable military service in 1998, the legendary diesel submarine called the Novosibirsk Komsomolets was decommissioned from the Russian Navy and turned into a museum. After 8 years, it was converted and installed on the shore of the Khimsky reservoir in the capital of our country. Now there is the Submarine Museum (in Moscow), which is part of the museum and memorial complex of the history of the Russian Navy.

submarine museum in Moscow

Inside the boat, the interior was slightly modernized: the upper deck was equipped with doors for the convenience of museum visitors, instead of the hatches through which the submariners sat. Expanded boat facilities for inspection. In fact, the submarine was very crowded, the military moved through the hatches, which had to be battened down after moving from compartment to compartment. Each hatch has a table in which the symbols of conditional tapping signals are indicated, they are needed for communication between submariners.

Torpedo compartment

The Museum of the submarine in Moscow invites for a tour; the maximum number of sightseers is 15 people. For these purposes, compartments are open: battery, diesel, torpedo, residential, stern and officer cabins. Museum-boat "Novosibirsk Komsomolets" offers a glimpse into the torpedo compartment, where there are real torpedoes with mines and diving suits.

submarine in spb museum

A captain’s cabin is also open for visitors, equipped with a variety of navigation devices, where everyone can feel like a captain of a controlled vessel, a sonar cabin, an air supply system, a radio room, a medical isolation ward, a shower room, and a sea latrine. The showroom offers a look at the personal belongings of the crew.

Submarines do not have portholes, and the movement depends on navigation, which is an important control element and the life of the ship depends on it.

The submarine museum at the Skhodnenskaya metro station conducts interesting excursions in order to get acquainted with the combat capabilities of the submarine, its history, and during the tour you can find out how the service of ordinary submariners and command personnel was carried out and what were their living conditions.


Near the submarine are samples of naval equipment, which the Museum of the submarine in Moscow installed in the open air on the Khimki reservoir. Curious visitors can get information about the periscope, retractable antenna, rescue buoy, torpedo, hovercraft, ekranoplan, which is designed to deliver the landing.

Petersburg submarine museum

An excursion to the Submarine Museum for a fee makes it possible to find yourself on an attraction simulator that simulates an ekranoplan cockpit. In it, virtually piloting, you need to perform certain tasks as part of your mission.

The submarine is open for tourists from 10 to 17 hours five days a week, Monday and Tuesday - weekends.

Petersburg "Submarine"

The museum was opened in March 2010. He immediately became very popular, especially among boys. The museum submarine is located opposite the Peter the Great Marine Corps in St. Petersburg on the embankment of Lieutenant Schmidt. The submarine of the S-189 series was manufactured at the Baltic Shipyard in 1955. The boat is equipped with six torpedo tubes and is capable of sinking to a depth of 200 meters. This type of ship easily withstood numerous battles. The United States and Germany greatly appreciated the quality of such boats. Over the years of its military service, the boat plowed the blue of the Atlantic, Arctic Ocean, the Baltic Sea and the Neva River.

submarine museum on skhodnenskaya

Recovery work

After 35 years of service, it fell into disrepair and sank in Kronstadt in 1998. In 2000, submarine veterans made an attempt to appeal to the initiative to raise it from the bottom and make the museum a submarine, but it was unsuccessful due to lack of money. It was possible to complete the lifting operation only five years later. It was repaired at the Kanonersky shipyard, and new equipment was supplied with the help of military specialists. Today, the boat has been restored to its original form.

Five years later, with the charity help of a submarine veteran A. Artyushin, the submarine was turned into a museum and installed on the Lieutenant Schmidt embankment. In the Club of submariners of the city there is information that the boat was restored at his expense. The submarine received a rebirth, only now as a museum.

The "crew" of the submarine today consists of submarine veterans. They keep an eye on the museum, maintaining proper order, and conduct tours.

"Submarine" in St. Petersburg - museum number three in a row, after the cruiser "Aurora" and the icebreaker "Krasin".

museum tour submarine

How to get to the museum?

Getting into the submarine is not easy, as it is moored to the pier related to the border service. Foreign cruise ships often dock here. The passage is free when one liner arrives, but if two arrive, then the passage becomes blocked. On days when there is no influx of foreign tourists, you can easily approach the boat. Just be careful: going down to the compartments, you can get considerable bruises.

"Submarine" in St. Petersburg - a museum for getting ideas about military service in the Navy. Having been in it, you will know firsthand what it means to be a submariner. If you go further along the coast, then after three hundred meters you will see the icebreaker Krasin. It will be a fascinating walk along the promenade.


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