How to sow the lawn: expert advice

Buying their own home, many seek to perfect everything perfectly. This applies not only to the internal space of the structure, but also to the entire personal territory. The main task is to sow lawn grass.

A well-kept lawn in America and Europe is considered the pride of the owners. They spend a lot of time, effort and money on caring for personal territory.

There are several options for decorating the lawn, so before you realize the dream of an emerald carpet around the house, you should familiarize yourself with them.

attractive lawn

Lawn design options

Choosing a lawn option provides for a different option for planting and caring for it. Each of the options below has its own characteristics.

  • Mauritanian. Use flowering plants planted in the open territory and in places where cultivated plants do not take root.
  • Ground floor. Use Canadian elite varieties of grass.
  • Lugovoi. Planted in park areas, similar to Moorish.
  • Ordinary. Use domestic varieties of herbs with a stable root system and strong stems.

Often planted an ordinary lawn. But when to sow grass for a lawn: in the spring or in the fall? We will try to answer all questions related to arranging a green thick carpet around the house.

Choosing the perfect variety

To create the right lawn with your own hands, you should choose high-quality seed. First of all, you need to decide on the main purpose of the lawn. After all, the choice of various varieties of grass depends on this. The main components of such mixtures include:

  • bluegrass;
  • ryegrass;
  • fescue, etc.

Often, several varieties of plants are used to design home gardens. Only one is rarely planted.

How to choose the right seeds?

All grass mixtures for lawn differ in the ratio of pre-selected varieties. The composition also affects the time of planting the lawn. After all, all varieties of herbs differ from each other in growth rate and frost resistance. For example, in the first years of life bluegrass grows slowly. The height of the future lawn also affects the choice of grass. For example, fescue is an herb that tolerates a short haircut.

Particular attention should be paid to the soil in your garden. After all, various grass mixtures require a certain soil. You can learn all the features of planting by studying the packaging with seeds. Therefore, before buying, you should carefully study its contents.

re-sowing the lawn

Before buying, it will not be superfluous to consult with the seller. Whether the selected mixture is suitable for your climate, what is the best time to plant it - these are the main issues that should interest each customer. You should also take into account all the features of your personal plot - the presence of nearby groundwater, the illuminance of the plot.

Lawn layout

You can plant a lawn in almost any household plot. It is suitable for both illuminated and shaded areas, slopes and horizontal surfaces, clay and sandy soils. Features of growth require a different amount of physical and material costs that must be incurred in order to get a beautiful, high-quality lawn as a result. How to sow planting material and which place is ideal?

If possible, it is better to sow mixtures in sunny places where rain and melt water do not stagnate.

Before starting sowing, it is advisable to draw a diagram of the future lawn cover. You should think carefully about the placement of flower beds, individual flowers and fruit trees. It is necessary to plan well all the places where all the elements of landscape design will be placed. Otherwise, it may be difficult to mow the lawn.

sowing grass mixtures

You should also consider how the lawn will be taken care of. If you intend to use the lawn mower in the future, you should leave a distance of about 1 m between the fence, walls and borders. The same distance should be observed around shrubs and single trees. Trunk circles can be decorated with ground cover plants or decorative chips.

Calculation of the required amount of seed

Herbal mixtures are made from several types. The ratio of each of them can be different. To calculate the required number of seeds of each variety, a special formula is used. After the results are summarized.

The seeding rate must be multiplied by the percentage of this species in the mixture and divided by the actual suitability of the seed. Experienced gardeners know how to plant a lawn. They recommend an increase of 2-2.5 times the required amount of seed to obtain a good result.

Only one type of grass can be sown . In this case, it is necessary to use the seeding rate of the selected variety specified in the basics of agricultural technology. Sow a lawn at the rate of 35-50 g of seeds per 1 m 2 .

If you cannot calculate the required amount of seed based on seeding rates, you can do this at home based on the density of grass germination. You must select approximately 100 seeds, find out their weight and plant in the soil. After 10 days, you can check the result by evaluating the germination of planting material.

Many do not know what grass to sow for the lawn. You must choose the right composition, taking into account the type of soil in your area. You can also purchase ready-made compounds at retail outlets, after consulting with sellers.

division of a site into squares

Planting date: autumn or spring?

Many beginner gardeners do not know how to plant a lawn and when. Many gardeners argue that it is impossible to say unequivocally what is the right time to plant a grass mixture. Sowing can be carried out starting from spring, ending with frost. The main thing is to plant seeds in the warmed ground in the spring and before the first snowfall in the fall. When to sow grass for the lawn - you decide.

There are 2 options for planting grass in the fall:

  1. Seeds are planted in early autumn. So even before the onset of frost, the grass can climb and it can be prepared for wintering.
  2. Sowing material is introduced into the ground during the first frost, but even before the onset of the first snow. So the seeds will be stratified, become resistant to many diseases. And in the spring they will grow well with the onset of heat.

And how to sow a lawn in the spring? Are there any features? The main thing in this business is regular watering and timely removal of weeds.

You can sow grass mixtures at the end of summer. This period is considered by many experts to be optimal, because the soil is well warmed up and moist, and weeds are much less compared to the spring period. In addition, the grass will be able to germinate well and take root before the onset of frost.

So, when sowing grass for a lawn, the owner of a country site chooses. Each period has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages that should be considered.

sowing grass mixtures into the ground

Soil preparation

Having decided to sow lawn grass, you should properly prepare the soil. All rubbish, branches, stones must be removed from the site. Stumps must be uprooted. They dig the earth to a depth of about 25 cm. Clay earth must be added to the sandy soil, and sand to the heavy soil. Compost must be used for soils with low fertility. Carefully pick all the weeds.

Sow the lawn right! Only following all the recommendations can you achieve a good result. Before sowing (for 7 days), it is necessary to evenly distribute complex mineral fertilizer with a rake. The site is leveled, all earthen lumps are broken. After re-leveling the site with a large board. So you can fill in the hollows and cut off the tubercles.

Immediately prior to sowing, it is necessary to compact the soil with a board or with a hand roller. Remember that this procedure must be performed with dry soil in clear weather. For 2-3 days, this area should be watered.

Features of sowing grass

Many experts argue that it is better to sow the lawn when the weather is calm, dry and clear. For an even distribution of seeds, it is advisable to divide the entire area into 1 x 1 m squares. Each of them sows the required amount of seeds, taking into account the recommendations on the packaging of the selected grass mixture.

The seed planting depth is 1.5 cm. First, they must be scattered along the site, and then across. Experts recommend using a hand seeder. So the sowing process will be not only quick, but also simple. After the seeds are sprinkled with a layer of peat (approximately 1 cm) and rolled. So the seed will not be carried away by the wind.

lawn mowing

Watering the lawn

Is it possible to sow lawn on any type of soil? Of course yes. It is necessary to choose a quality herbal mixture and regularly monitor the condition of plants. Good care is the key to a beautiful, vibrant lawn in your garden.

If sowing of seeds occurred in dry land, it is carefully watered on the same day. In order not to wash the seeds, use a weak pressure of water. During the period of germination and formation of the root system, it is necessary to ensure that the earth does not dry out. After watering should be carried out regularly. In this case, you should pay attention to weather conditions.

Water the lawn after mowing. This procedure helps not only to recover, but also to give an attractive look and richness of colors. Also, plants need watering after top dressing.

Agronomists recommend watering the lawn in the evening.

Lawn mowing

Mowing is a must. This is not only a way to keep the lawn in good shape. Mowing helps fight weeds, stimulates the vegetative development of plants.

Before cutting, you should carefully examine the territory for the presence of foreign objects. The first time the lawn is mowed 1.5 months after the appearance of sprouts. The height of the shoots after cutting should be at least 6 cm. Subsequent manipulations directly depend on the varieties of plants. The height of the green cover should be 3-5 cm.

During the procedure, it is necessary to ensure that the mowing is located across or diagonally to the previous one. It is recommended to cut no more than 3-4 cm. If the lawn grass has grown very much, then the mowing is carried out in several stages with a difference of several days.

The blades on the tool must be sharp and the grass dry. Otherwise, the tips of the grass will turn rusty. Haircuts must be done regularly. As soon as the grass grows by 1.5-2 cm of the desired height, it must be repeated. Perform this procedure approximately 1 time per week.

landscape design

Lawn care at different times of the year

Everyone knows the bright green frames of attractive modern houses. These are lawns. How to sow and care for them, you already know. But what about at another time of the year? As you know, lawn grass requires frequent watering, cleaning, fertilizing and cutting.

In winter, it is not recommended to walk on the lawn if the snow cover is not more than 20 cm in height. The lawn area should not be covered with snow and moreover it is impossible to arrange a skating rink at this place.

In spring, the lawn is cleaned of debris, plants are combed out using a fan rake. At this time, aeration and top dressing of the soil. The exposed areas are sown, and the grass is sprayed with fungicides.

In summer, grass is trimmed, fed, and fertilized.

In autumn, bare areas are sown and the edges are leveled. Spend aeration and feed the soil.

Proper lawn care allows you to get a perfectly smooth emerald surface.


A personal plot framed by an even, bright, emerald lawn is a sign of purposefulness and success of its owners. Indeed, to get high-quality coverage, many spend not only a lot of material means, but also physical strength. You can easily sow the lawn in the spring yourself. But even at other times of the year, you can radically change your personal plot, planting it with a suitable grass mixture. The main thing is to remember that the lawn requires regular maintenance. In this case, the result will not be long in coming.


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