Red Book of the Kemerovo region: animals, plants. Reserves of the Kemerovo region

The Red Book of the Kemerovo region is constantly growing. Its first volume was published in the year 2000; by 2012, the second part was published in two volumes.

For whom is the Red Book of the Kemerovo Region published?

This book includes animals, birds, mushrooms and plants that exist on the verge of extinction and complete extinction. It is published not only for specialists, but also for ordinary people who are not indifferent to what happens to the nature around us. The Department of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Kemerovo Region is working to ensure that citizens are savvy in environmental literacy, conduct seminars in childcare facilities.

red book of the Kemerovo region

Why do whole species die out?

Many thousands of years ago, the cause of the extinction of such a species of animals as dinosaurs was the fall of a huge meteorite. Mammoths replaced the giant lizards, but they also completely disappeared. We cannot imagine the diversity of animals and grasses that has died out due to climate change on the planet. One species was replaced by others capable of living in the conditions created by the Earth.

Today, the main reason for the extinction of whole species is man. On the whole planet, people are the only species that takes more than is necessary for life. We are constantly creating the conditions for our comfortable living, completely destroying them for many living organisms. Deforestation, pollution of water and air, hunting for pleasure and money - these are the factors that kill the lives of many representatives of flora and fauna.

reserves of the Kemerovo region

Animals of Siberia on the brink of extinction

Siberia is the beauty and pride of Russia. It has long been famous for its fur. A harsh land that presented marvelous furs to its wild inhabitants, and subsequently to many people living not only in the country, but also abroad. The Red Book of the Kemerovo Region, whose animals are registered in the second edition, has absorbed one hundred and thirty-five species that are on the verge of extinction. There are as many as fourteen species of mammals, bird species as much as fifty eight, fifty one species of rare insects, fish - five species, the rest are worms, amphibians, reptiles and mollusks. Endangered animals were such as reindeer, otter, Siberian frog, newt, whooper swan, golden eagle, white-tailed eagle, white owl, hoopoe, black stork, common. This is not the whole list of animals in need of human help for conservation.


Red Book of the Kemerovo region: plants

Few people think that picking a beautiful flower can become a link in the disappearance of this plant. Hunters for useful roots rush for profit, not realizing that the threat of extinction is not a joke, it is a sad fact. Many believe that having a beautiful bouquet or picking up a bucket of mushrooms will not affect the safety of the species. But so many think, so the bucket is not one, but hundreds, thousands of bouquets. The red book of the Kemerovo region in the first volume tells about plants that our grandchildren might not see anymore. Ural licorice, European hoof, Siberian catchment , irises - this is only a drop in the sea of ​​the names of rare plants of Siberia. Every year they are becoming less and less. The Department of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Kemerovo Region calls for an end to the barbaric treatment of plants and uncontrolled collection of medicinal roots.

Red Book of Kemerovo region plants

Do nature reserves help save lives?

National parks protected by the state are a real protection for many animals and plants from human encroachment. Reserves of the Kemerovo region stretched across Siberia, protecting rare species and helping in the renewal of their population. You can’t drive cars in areas where animals live near water bodies so that harmful substances do not get into the water. You can’t hunt and fish uncontrollably. You can not collect plants. At the exit of the reserve, cars and bags are carefully checked. If someone decides to take out “contraband”, he will face a rather big fine, or even an article, up to imprisonment. Mostly tourists come to the reserves of the Kemerovo region in order to enjoy the wildlife of the Siberian forests, admire animals and plants, breathe fresh air, and take only beautiful, unique photographs as a keepsake. In the Kemerovo region there are two large reserves - this is the Shor National Park and the Kuznetsk Alatau.

Department of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Kemerovo Region

Shor National Park

This park is located on the south side of the Kemerovo region. It is huge - its length is more than one hundred and ten kilometers along, about ninety - across. And this is truly a harsh place. Entire mountain systems with real river valleys. The average temperature in winter is minus twenty-five degrees, and in summer, the thermometer rarely rises to plus seventeen. And wind, wind, wind. In winter, a person who does not know the terrain, you can simply disappear in the Shorsky park. The depth of snow here reaches four meters in the lowlands, and two and a half in the mountains. If you are going to conquer the mountain peaks in this reserve, hire a guide. The Red Book of the Kemerovo region took many animals of this park under its care. This is a hare, wolverine, foxes and wolves, otters, Siberian mole, black stork, golden eagle ... and many other species.

Red Book Kemerovo region animals

Reserve Kuznetsk Alatau

This is a real paradise for lovers of summer warmth. The reserve has an area of ​​more than four hundred thousand hectares, in its possession there are mountains, rivers, valleys and real Siberian forests that store many types of plants protected by law. Winter is warm and mild, the average temperature of the coldest days is only minus ten. In summer, you can fry on forty-degree heat. The reserve is spread out in the center of the Kemerovo region, therefore it is most popular among tourists. Alpine meadows and alpine tundra - there is something to see. The Red Book of the Kemerovo region here also found many wards, not slow to write in their pages: Rhodiola rosea, popularly known as the golden root, grows in these forests. Her miraculous properties became the cause of her extinction. Venus slipper, maral root, fir, Siberian cedar pine, elk, sable, red deer and roe deer, musk deer, reindeer, golden eagle and black storks are a small part of the living creatures and plants that are in danger of extinction.

Time to think

Is it not time to think about what will become of our planet if animals and plants disappear from its face? What will happen to humanity itself? Fantastic films made by Hollywood directors show a beautiful and carefree existence, where the era of air transport, artificial food and artificial plants is coming. Yes, we learned how to create food from plastic, but how will the lives of our descendants turn out if we do not leave for them the heritage of nature? It is impossible to imagine that once the handsome Amur tiger, the majestic deer and the smartest elephant will not become. Every blade of grass, every little bug created by nature has the right to life no less than man. The Red Book is a reminder, it is a quiet cry for help to people, a call to stop and help, finally, the nature that created us not to die at our hands. Everyone has the power to save endangered species: for hunters - to reduce fishing, collectors - to rest on their laurels, all - to contribute one ruble to maintain animals and plants. The impossible becomes possible only when everyone unites for a single goal - to save the world from death.


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