Sparrows - wonderful exotic birds

Sparrows are small birds found in Central and South America. Their sizes are not very large. Approximately, like budgies. However, these will be, so to speak, "more horny." Parrots have very short tails and a rather large head compared to the body. In nature, these birds are green. Although lovers of these birds brought out other species - blue and cream.

Sparrows - funny quiet birds

And now some details. Sparrows speak pretty well. True, some bird owners complain about their small vocabulary. But this is their own fault. With parrots you need to do a lot. They pronounce the words clearly. They can be taught to speak whole phrases without much difficulty.

This bird is not large. But the beak is quite massive. Therefore, experts recommend feeding the bird with mixtures for medium-sized parrots.

In general, the birds are very quiet. They scream extremely rarely. In most cases, they just sit and mumble something under their breath. They are balanced, although it is difficult to call them tame.


With other birds

Sparrows do not always get along with their brethren in the same cage or aviary. Sometimes they can become quite aggressive. Even deaths are known. Therefore, it is not worth keeping them in groups. In addition, pay particular attention to the sitting of the female and male. But this is not necessary at all. Some birds live quite amicably together.

parrots photo

Increasing popularity

Sparrows (photos are familiar to every bird lover) are found not only in the homes of US residents. In many countries of the world, birds have gained immense popularity. They have long been familiar pets. Parrots easily adapt to life in captivity. Moreover, they are small, and this is ideal for keeping birds at home. Their body length is only about twelve centimeters.

It is best to get a young parrot. The bird will quickly get used to the presence of a person. The main thing is to provide it with a large cage or aviary.

parrots reviews

Choose carefully

Parrots get the most diverse reviews. It all depends on what kind of bird you have chosen. Do not make mistakes. Do you really need a pet that you won’t like, whom you are afraid of, which you feel sorry for spending your free time on, and which you will soon regret buying?

When choosing a bird, do not focus on appearance alone. Many people buy beautiful parrots, but in the end they give them to someone. The fact is that all birds are different. Each of them can have its own oddities, with which the owner simply can’t put up with.

Do not forget that parrots are centenarians. They can become loyal friends of your baby from kindergarten age until graduation. The choice right in the market or in the store is not worth doing. Think carefully about everything in advance.

parrots contents

Variety of characters

And one more important moment. What else do parrots require? The content of birds in many respects depends on their characters. After all, the matter is not only in a certain variety. There will always be individual birds that are absolutely not suitable for the description of a particular species. And in order to find out their character, temperament and habits, it will take some time.

For example, many experts claim that these parrots are known for their touchiness. However, some birds will never peck at anyone. It is also believed that parrots are quite easy to learn to talk. But some individuals do not say a single word, but only whistle and copy the surrounding sounds. Not everyone gets along with any parrot. After all, to different representatives of the same species, you can feel the location or complete lack of interest.

But what you need to be prepared for in any case is the occasionally raised noise. These birds are basically quiet. But at the same time demanding. They can express their desires quite loudly. Some of them also like to greet the sunrises and sunsets with their cries. If the bird is unhappy, it will also scream to attract attention.

parrots how to contain

Choose a house

So, let's say you are interested in parrots. How to contain? Nothing complicated. The main thing is to pay attention to them, feed them with good mixtures for medium-sized birds. And, of course, do not forget that a parrot, like any bird, needs a place to move. It’s best if you grab it for flying. Do not save on housing space. A crowded parrot will become miserable. And this means that he will have various unpleasant habits. He will bite, scream and pluck feathers. That is, despite their small size, birds require spacious houses. They should have enough space for the exercises.

Of course, the parrot will be a mess. He will tear paper, scatter grains, spray water in all directions while swimming. If you allow him to move freely around the house, he can also break something. There are no species less or more neat. However, the fact remains: the smaller the bird, the easier it is to clean it.

And think carefully about whether your pet will need a company like him. Some birds relate to their relatives quite normally. And some are ready to fight with them to death. There is absolutely no guarantee that the parrots will make friends. Although individual individuals are instantly attached to each other. By the way, this happens between birds of the same sex. In this case, you can not worry that they will have chicks.

In a word, having such a pet or not is a matter of taste. The main thing is not to make the bird miserable. After all, she is absolutely not to blame for anything. Think carefully before making such an acquisition.


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