Crafts from plywood. How to make DIY plywood crafts using a jigsaw

Making various crafts with your own hands is not only a wonderful activity, but also very useful. Such a pastime provides an excellent opportunity to relax, rest and spend free time to good use. In addition, the creation of things that will serve for the benefit of coziness and comfort ennobles a person spiritually. If you live in your house or you have a summer residence, then hand-made crafts will allow you to feel the aura of beauty and goodness on the site adjacent to your home.

DIY craft material

You can make interesting and unusual things with your own hands from simple plywood. Each of us is familiar with this sheet of wood, which is usually used in the construction work. But few people realize what varied and interesting crafts can be made from plywood.

What is this material? Plywood consists of several layers of veneer. In its manufacture, a certain technology is respected. Veneer, which is a thin layer of wood, is glued together with layers in a certain way. The first sheet is located along the fibers of the tree, and the next is laid across. This pattern is repeated further. A plywood sheet may consist of a different number of layers. There can be either two or several dozen. In this case, the gluing method, when the layers are arranged alternately along and across, allows you to give the material a special strength.

Many of us in childhood did plywood crafts with a jigsaw during labor lessons. This material is convenient in processing, malleable, and can retain its shape for decades.

What can be done

If you have skillful hands and a rich imagination, then a great many products from plywood can be made. At the same time, in order to create an interesting thing, special skills are not required. The most important condition is creativity and desire.

crafts from plywood
Crafts from plywood can be very diverse. From this malleable material, stands for fixtures, frames for photographs and paintings, cutting boards for vegetables and meat, vases, window sills, coffins, as well as racks for hangers are made. Furniture or any major interior details can be made of plywood. Plywood is a noble material. Working with him is a real pleasure. Finished products are extraordinary and last long enough.

Crafts for the garden

The appearance of the site can change the simplest, even small details. Such elements will be crafts made from plywood for the garden. They will become the decoration of the site and emphasize the design features. In addition, the manufacture of crafts will allow you to have a great time and realize your creative potential.

crafts from plywood with a jigsaw

Plywood makes beautiful sculptures. The material is given a pre-selected shape (frogs, storks, mills, etc.), and then it is painted. A special highlight of the site will be provided by plywood figures of animals, gnomes, mushrooms, as well as other characters you love. They can be placed near a tree, under a bush or near a flower bed.

Plywood sheets can also be used to make containers for plants. Finished crafts are decorated with shells, twigs or simply painted. And if you hang out feeders or a birdhouse made of plywood in the garden, then you will have the opportunity to observe feathered guests who will flock to refreshments.

Crafts for home

From plywood you can make a beautiful thing of small size. For example, a wonderful magnet on your refrigerator. Making it is quite simple. It is necessary to cut out any figure from a plywood sheet, process it with sandpaper, paint and stick a magnet to the back.

crafts made of plywood for children
Crafts made of multilayer material will look original and beautiful. If plywood has a thickness of five to ten centimeters, then it will make an interesting sea shell. All unnecessary should be sawed off from the material, the workpiece should be rounded, and uniform dents should be made from the edges to the center. The resulting figure is sanded and varnished. The original sink can be used as an accessory for a desk.

Christmas tree decorations

Do-it-yourself plywood crafts is not so difficult. In addition, they can act as interesting pendants for decorating the Christmas tree. The snowman figure originally made of plywood looks original. Before proceeding to its manufacture, it is necessary to prepare certain materials and tools. At hand should be a piece of plywood, scissors, a jigsaw. You will need acrylic paints, a brush, a piece of ribbon, wire or thread, glue and a pencil.

crafts from plywood schemes

Before making crafts from plywood, drawing patterns of the selected figure must be applied to paper. Then they are transferred to a blank.

In order to make a snowman, you need to draw a head with a hat, two legs shod in boots, a body consisting of two circles, as well as mittens. After transferring all parts to plywood, they should be carefully cut.

Holes are drilled in the resulting blanks for fastening parts. Then all parts of the snowman are covered with acrylic paint. At the same time, it is necessary to take white for the trunk and legs, and green for mittens. Eyeliner, mouth and carrot nose are drawn with a pencil on the face. You can colorize all the details at your own discretion, as your fantasy tells you.

DIY plywood crafts
At the next stage, the prepared parts of the snowman are connected using wire or thread. It should be borne in mind that mittens should not be tied close to the body. Distance is necessary to create the effect of the presence of hands. In the hole located at the top of the cap, a thread loop is tied, for which the figure will be suspended from the tree. A ribbon prepared in advance is tied to the snowmanโ€™s neck. She will play the role of a scarf.

Interior Details

Plywood is a material that bends easily. This property also often finds its application. Crafts from plywood that will decorate your interior can be made in the form of arched shelves for a small number of books or for disks.
Before proceeding with the manufacture of original things, it is necessary to prepare the necessary materials. You will need plywood and a jigsaw. To give color and shine, you can take acrylic paint and varnish.

Having outlined the width and length of the future shelf, the main piece is cut out of plywood, as well as four small squares with a side length equal to the width of the board. Two side walls are attached to the curved workpiece, and two partitions are located along its length. This is to keep things on a shelf.

Playground figures

Crafts from plywood can have various subjects. Funny figures on the site will surely please your child.

crafts from plywood for the garden

Crafts from plywood for children must be bright and colorful. What they will be depends on your imagination. On the playground you can put figures of funny kittens and heroes of your favorite fairy tales, funny animals and birds. The technology of their manufacture is simple. The selected silhouette is sawn from plywood, which is then painted with acrylic paint and varnished.

Practical advice

In the event that when cutting the crafts the upper part of the plywood is stratified, work should be stopped. To continue working, the material is strengthened with a solution prepared from water and PVA glue. The procedure is repeated at least two to three times. After drying, plywood will become better.


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