A new type of hobby - diamond mosaic

The painstaking types of needlework captivate many craftswomen. For a long time, embroidery with colored threads dominated in this niche. The development of industrial methods and the emergence of new materials pushed manufacturers to the idea of ​​a new kind of creativity. Diamond mosaic - needlework, which was liked by so many people.

The main share of production belongs to the factories of the Middle Kingdom. You can buy materials for production in specialized stores or immediately write out from China, making a purchase on the Internet at virtual trading floors.

diamond mosaic

Types of crystals

As a rule, the image is laid out with rhinestones of the same shape. They come in the form of a circle or square. The material of manufacture is multi-colored acrylic plastic. Transparent or fully colored, in addition to form, rhinestones vary in color. Each shade has its own number, which marks the bag in the set and cells on the basis on which these elements are attached are numbered.

diamond mosaic needlework

The basis for the panel

For the convenience of performing a decorative painting, which is a diamond mosaic, a special basis was invented. It consists of a lined diagram divided into cells, in each of which a number is indicated that matches the marking of a certain color of crystals. Rhinestones themselves do not have an adhesive backing or other fastening elements.

The glue is applied to the fabric base on top of the pattern and the colored background. The layer is protected from dirt and unwanted adhesion with an additional layer of wax paper. The consistency and composition are similar to the adhesive side of the self-adhesive film and tape.

Diamond mosaic sets

Diamond embroidery, stone painting - this type of needlework attracts many. The mosaic kit consists of all the necessary tools and materials:

  • a base twisted into a roll or folded several times;
  • a set of colored plastic diamonds;
  • bath for rhinestones;
  • magnifying glass;
  • tweezers or a special pencil.

When choosing a picture, you need to focus on the quality, which should be distinguished by a diamond mosaic. Handicraft kits by good sellers pack well. They twist the base into a roll and wrap it around a cardboard tube, thanks to which the paper and canvas are not deformed. If the picture is folded several times, creases are formed that interfere with full-fledged work. In places of bends, the glue peels off, and it can be difficult to smooth the finished panel, this requires additional effort. In this case, the diamond mosaic does not work out as we would like.

diamond mosaic sets

Panel Fill Types

Mosaics differ not only in the shape of rhinestones, but also in the number of diamonds in the background. Square brilliants lay out the entire surface, the pattern closes completely, nowhere is free space left.

Pictures with round elements are most often partial. Against a beautiful background, a small scheme is indicated, covered with an adhesive layer and drawn on cells that are numbered by color. As a result of the work, a colorful background is obtained, in the center of which a mosaic is laid out in the form of a flower, still life or character.

diamond mosaic needlework kits

Subjects, genres and purpose of the panel of rhinestones

Diamond mosaic refers to a variety of interior paintings. They are used to decorate the premises, they can be placed in the living room, bedroom, in the children's room and in the kitchen. It all depends on the subject and plot.

Rhinestones are laid out beautiful bouquets of flowers, still lifes of vegetables. Fantasy plots depict various birds and animals. The rich world of flora and fauna is also reflected in this form of creativity.

Grotesque and cute images of seals, domestic plots in the cartoon genre, icons and even ready-made schemes for photographs of customers - sellers are ready to provide panels for every taste.

diamond mosaic paintings

Diamond display for children's creativity

Sets with rhinestones are popular not only for adult consumers. Acrylic pebbles found their fans in the younger age group. For children's creativity, there are special blanks. They include a finished drawing with a game animated plot, which depicts your favorite characters or just cute pictures.

On a colored basis, white circles or small squares, unfilled spots for gluing acrylic diamonds are indicated. Rhinestones themselves are included. Unlike adult panels, here the adhesive layer is applied to the back of the pebbles.

The paintings (diamond mosaic) are partially filled, several rhinestones for each fragment of the image. This process is more like the decoration of the main pattern, which, however, gives the children a lot of pleasure. This is a useful and enjoyable activity for needlewomen of any age.

Children learn perseverance and patience, while developing fine motor skills and imagination, and adults relax, enthusiastically engaged in the painstaking process of gluing small elements on the base. In this case, the work does not require physical stress.

Diamond mosaic is akin to embroidery or knitting. The result is an original beautiful panel that will decorate the interior or serve as a worthy gift. Especially if the picture carries a deep semantic load. For example, a mosaic icon or a panel made from your own photographs. A diamond portrait or landscape deserves to spend several free evenings on their production.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E30804/

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