Shop tour: what is brought from Greece

How pleasant it is to go shopping in a country where, according to a well-known saying, everything is there! The most important thing is to familiarize yourself with the customs rules before making tours of shopping centers and boutiques . Otherwise, there is a risk of leaving a good half of your purchases at the border. Another good rule is to keep your head cool. Do not rush at all and immediately, approach the choice carefully. Pay attention not only to the low price, but also to the quality of the goods. Now is the time to go shopping.

Ceramic products are very popular among souvenirs brought from Greece . Hand-painted vases and figurines will be a great decoration for your home. The original gift may be the “Foot of God” - a plaster foot wrapped in sandals. Pay attention to the busts of historical figures: Plato, Aristotle, Archimedes.

what is brought from greece
Genuine leather shoes, bags, icons, carpets - these goods from Greece are also in the top shopping among tourists. When buying gold items, do not hesitate to bargain and bring down the price. No less interesting are jewelry made from natural materials: shells, gems, ceramics and other things. Cost of jewelry starts from 10 euros.

Local products, delicacies and goodies - this is what gourmets and just lovers of tasty food bring from Greece. The olives grown in local fields and the oil they produce are completely different from what is on the shelves in our supermarkets. Be sure to pay attention to the acidity of the oil: from 0.1 to 0.2% - for salads, starting from 0.3% - only for frying.

In second place among the gastronomic purchases is cheese. Favorite varieties are Cypriot Halumi, made from sheep and goat milk, and Feta. Sweet tooth will like thyme honey with pine nuts or walnuts. Also, be sure to check out the bakery and grab some local pastries and chocolates.

goods from greece
The alcohol that is brought from Greece as souvenirs is in great demand - for example, Metax brandy, which is easy to find in any local store. Another equally popular strong drink is Uzo anise vodka. Here it is customary to dilute it a little with water before drinking.

In addition to cognac, wine is also brought from Greece and Retsina - this is a weak alcohol with a touch of pine needles or pine tar. It is inexpensive, easy to drink and can be a great gift to friends. On the island of Crete, they make moonshine on honey - Rakomela. It tastes sweet, but strong enough. From the fruits of the kumquat tree growing in this country, the eponymous liquor is made.

shop tour to greece
We must not forget about fur products. The fur coats that are brought from Greece are not inferior in quality to Russian ones, but they differ significantly in price. However, you should not respond only to low cost. Carefully inspect the proposed purchase for flaws.

Of course, this is not the whole list of goods that you can bring when going on a shopping tour to Greece. Blankets, rugs and other textiles, dishes, natural sponges, spices and much more. Have a nice shopping and a great trip!


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