How to remove a disk from a grinder: methods, recommendations of specialists

Angle grinder (angle grinder) or grinder has established itself as a very effective tool with which you can perform a wide range of work. However, during its operation it is necessary to adhere to safety precautions, since the speed of the disks is very high and can be injured. Judging by numerous reviews, many home craftsmen have problems with disks, they often crack, and bites the nuts with which they are clamped. The reason for this may be the human factor or just marriage. As a result, it is impossible to use such a nozzle for its intended purpose.

It would seem that there is nothing complicated in replacing a disk with a new one. Nevertheless, at this stage, the master is faced with a problem - the nozzle is tightly clamped by a fixing nut that does not want to loosen. How to remove a jammed disc from a grinder? What methods are used for this? What improvised means can I use if the standard key is lost? About how to remove the clamped disc from the grinder, you will learn from this article.

What is the cause of the malfunction?

Before asking how to remove a disc from a grinder, experts recommend figuring out why a nut is being bitten on a angle grinder. It is noted that this problem is mainly observed in angle grinders, which have a significant disk size. A large disc is considered to be larger than 18 cm. During operation, torque is generated. Further, when the master begins cutting, a small blow occurs. In other words, a force is exerted on the disk. If the nozzle size is not more than 12 cm, then this effect will be insignificant. If the disk is large, then the nut inertia is tightened more. As a result, it is not possible to dismantle it in the usual way. More information on how to remove the disc from the grinder is described below.

Angle grinders

First way

How to remove a disk from a grinder if it is broken and tightly clamped by a clamping nut? Of course, you can try to use a special key for angle grinders or gas. However, judging by the reviews, having made tremendous efforts and spending time, the master may not get the expected result. Dismantling is easier and faster. To do this, use pliers to completely break the disk. Due to the fact that small fragments will fly apart during the work, the master will need protective glasses (mask) and gloves.

Face mask

Then you need to take a metal plate, the thickness of which is less than that of the disk. With the help of this plate, its remains will be grinded. To do this, turn on the grinder, and securely clamp the metal piece with pliers. After performing these steps, the nut can even be unscrewed by hand.

How to remove a clamped disc from a grinder

How to remove a disk from a grinder with a key?

If the special key that is attached to the angle grinder is not lost, then it will be easier to cope with the task. Those who are interested in how to remove the disk from the grinder, experts advise to fix the spindle first. It is on it that the disk is located and is pressed using the flange. It is dismantled with an open-end wrench. To make this technically possible, the flanges are equipped with special holes in which the key pins are inserted.

Open-end wrench

To fix the spindle, you need to press the button, which is located on the housing on the back side of the disk. During operation with the open-end wrench, the lock must not be released, otherwise the spindle will continue to turn. If the disc in the grinder rotates clockwise, turn the open-end wrench counterclockwise and vice versa. It is important that the flange yields and moves. Now it can be completely unscrewed and set aside. Then the old disk is removed and replaced by a new one.

How to remove without a key?

Judging by numerous reviews, the disc of a grinder can be dismantled with the help of a large pipe wrench, which is popularly called a gas one. First of all, the master needs to separate it so that it can completely wrap it around the flange. While turning the gas key with the flange clamped in it, the spindle is held by some metal object. According to reviews of home craftsmen, this method is considered very effective. If it did not help, then experts advise the nut to β€œtap” with a metal bar or thin chisel. The spindle is also fixed. The nut will move if you lightly tap on the flange at the very edge. Impacts should be performed in the direction in which the disk is spinning. According to experienced masters, this method cannot be called safe. The fact is that you can damage the flange, namely the holes into which the open-end wrench pins are inserted.

Nail removal

Removing a damaged disk will not be difficult with a key made of a nail. According to experts, its optimal size is at least 100 mm. First, the nail must be bent into a U-shape. It is important that the distance between its ends corresponds to two holes in the flange. Then with the help of a hacksaw from the "weaving" you need to carefully cut off the hat and the tip. Now, a homemade key can be inserted into the flange, fix the spindle and unscrew the mount. If it so happened that the nut was tightened very tightly, a larger lever would be required. You need to insert between the two vertical ends one more "hundred".

What else can be done?

If the above methods did not work, then the nut will have to be heated with a gas burner. Under the influence of high temperature, the nut will expand and begin to turn. You can also use a rather barbaric method, namely, saw a nut with a hacksaw. Then you have to purchase a new one. Some craftsmen use WD-40 penetrating grease. It is used to handle threaded joints. Judging by the reviews, after a few minutes, the nut can be scrolled.

How to remove a disk from a grinder with a key


Despite the fact that many methods have been invented to solve the problem with a jam nut, it is best to prevent breakage. Many masters independently equip angle grinders with washers. For the manufacture of such gaskets, cardboard or tin is suitable.


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