List of interesting books for children and adults. List of interesting books: fantasy, detective stories and other genres

It is said that people who prefer reading books to TV will always dominate those who spend time behind “blue screens”. Literature is called the ruler of doom because it guides people on the right path, teaches them life truths and simply allows you to organize interesting leisure time. It is important not to make a mistake in choosing a work of art and look at interesting books to read, a list of which is presented below.

Immortal classic

Various magazines and information sites in accordance with the opinion of experts and survey participants created a rating of the best works of all time, among which there are high-profile names familiar to everyone. The list of interesting books consists of Russian foreign classics of different times. It includes creations “451 degrees Fahrenheit” and “Dandelion Wine” by Ray Bradbury, “Dog Heart” and “Master and Margarita” by Mikhail Bulgakov, “Crime and Punishment”, “Idiot”, “Demons” and “Brothers Karamazov” Fedor Dostoevsky. You can also find interesting books for teenagers of 14 years old in it: the list is represented by the works “The Little Prince”, “Monday starts on Saturday”, “The Hobbit”, “Scarlet Sails”, a series of novels about Harry Potter.

For younger readers

list of interesting books

The books of Alexander Volkov from the series “The Wizard of the Emerald City” are recommended for reading to children aged 8-12, however, even many adults are happy to immerse themselves in a fantasy world. The main characters - Ellie, Totoshka, Scarecrow, Tin Man and the Cowardly Lion - fighters against evil wizards and sorceresses. The list of interesting books for children consists of six novels: “The Wizard of the Emerald City”, “Urfin Djus and His Wooden Soldiers”, “Seven Underground Kings”, “Fiery God of Marranes”, “Yellow Fog”, “Secret of an Abandoned Castle”.

What is interesting to teens

Children of transitional age are always difficult to please: some of them do not want to say goodbye to childhood and continue to read fairy tales, while some, on the contrary, begin to consider themselves adults and look at the books “18+”. Parents should follow and recommend the correct literature, which will contribute to the development of personality and learn to recognize good and evil. You should pay attention to interesting books for teenagers of 14 years old, the list of which consists of the works of Jules Verne, Lewis Carroll, Mark Twain. Of the Russian authors, experts recommend stories about the war of Boris Vasiliev, adventure novels by Anatoly Rybakov, informative stories about animals by Vitaliy Biyanki.

Dorian Gray: the story of the fatal handsome

list of interesting books for children

The idea of ​​immortality was raised by alchemists, philosophers and writers from ancient times: the former sought the formula of the philosopher's stone, the latter made wise sayings about the eternity of the soul, and the third created works of art on this subject. “Portrait of Dorian Gray” is a novel about the incredible story of a young man who, having gained eternal youth, lost his human face. The book was first published in 1890, but even a century later it remains relevant and is on the list of the most interesting books for teenagers.

Dorian Gray calls on the artist Basil Hallward to write a portrait that would take the brunt of old age upon himself. To fulfill this dream, a young man makes a deal with the devil. He becomes angry, vicious; seduces the beautiful artist Sibylle Wayne and leads her to suicide. After all his atrocities, he takes life from the artist and destroys his portrait, which has become disfigured. After a while, the servants find the image of a handsome young man on canvas with an old man lying next to them, in which they recognize Dorian Gray.

The boy with the scar continues to conquer the world

interesting books fiction list

To write books about Harry Potter, Joan Rowling began in 1990. This idea, as the writer admits, arose on her own when she was riding in a crowded train car. Today, the series of her novels about the boy with the scar is the most interesting fantasy books, the list of which is represented by seven works to date: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Joan Rowling skillfully combines the genres of the novel-upbringing, detective story, thriller. The adventures of a scarred boy begin with the first book when he ends up at Hogwarts, a school of magic.

It is fair to say that the list of interesting fantasy books opens with this series, since for many children Harry Potter is an example to follow. He was brought up in a family with terrible conditions and achieved all the success himself: young children tend to look like little Harry, and teenagers look like an adult. To date, all the novels are filmed, but children prefer the paper version and prefer to read these interesting books.

Fiction (list) for adults

Children rarely think about what is happening in the world, and even the most fictional events seem to them to really exist. For this reason, they are more interested in reading fantasy instead of science fiction. The difference between these two genres is that in the second there is a scientific background and the action is based on events that are theoretically acceptable. The only science-fiction writer recognized in the USSR was Alexander Belyaev, whose books are still read with pleasure. For this, he was awarded the title of "Russian Jules Verne."

The list of the most interesting books for adolescents and adults can be represented by the following novels of the writer: “The Head of Professor Dowell”, “The Last Man from Atlantis”, “Lord of the World”, “Ariel”, “Star of the CEC”. Alexander Belyaev in his work predicted the appearance of orbital stations, the wonders of transplantation, the ability of a person to be under water for a long time.

The best adventure novel

interesting detectives books list

"Robinson Crusoe" is included in the list of interesting books of all time and all deservedly. This adventure novel can be a real instruction for those who are in urgent conditions and with minimal livelihoods. The full title of the book consists of fifty words - the fashion for long headlines is a typical technique for 18th century literature. The main character, having left his parental home at a young age, ended up on a desert island and lived on it for 28 years, but then he successfully returned to his homeland and started a family. The plot was based on the story of Alexander Selkirk, who settled on uninhabited land voluntarily. After reading this novel, each reader will certainly wonder what he would take with him to the island, being in the place of Robinson Crusoe.

A series of detectives about Erast Fandorin

For writing books on the investigations of the young detective, Boris Akunin began in 1998. The writer had a goal: to assign a feature of one of the varieties of detective stories to each new book. To date, 15 books about Erast Fandorin have been published, the last of which was released in April 2015. These are interesting detective books, a list of which proves that it is not without reason that Akunin is recognized as a master of his craft. So, the first novel “Azazel” was released in the genre of conspiracy theories, “Turkish Gambit” - spyware, “Leviathan” - hermetic, “Death of Achilles” - detective about a hit man, the collection “Special Assignments” consists of a story about scammers and a story about a maniac ; “State Counselor” - a political detective, “Coronation, or the last of the Romanovs” - the high society, “Mistress of death” - decadent, “Lover of death” - Dickens, “The Diamond Chariot” - ethnographic, “Yin and Yang” - an experimental play, “ Jade Rosary "- a storybook," The whole world theater "- a theater detective," Black City "- adventurous," Planet Water "- a collection of technocratic, nostalgic and idiotic detectives.

interesting books to read list

Boris Akunin’s novels are included in the list of interesting books for teenagers and adults. The detective, as it seems at first glance, is a long irrelevant genre, but readers highly appreciate Akunin’s work for the main character, Erast Fandorin, who is a constant protagonist in all books. He is incredibly beautiful and educated, even in his advanced years he continues to engage in self-improvement, for which he always enjoys success with women.

Alexander Dumas: interesting books to read (list)

French literature is recognized as the most read in the world. One of the outstanding authors is deservedly named Alexander Dumas, who, in addition to writing, became famous as a journalist and playwright.

interesting books for teens 14 years old list

The Count of Monte Cristo is the best of the novels, which tells of the sailor Edmond Dantes, who was tricked into jail and lost the opportunity to marry his lover. Once released, the hero takes revenge on the enemies and tells his true story.

“Three Musketeers” is a favorite adventure novel, telling about the adventures of D'Artagnan and his friends. Their motto: “One for all and all for one!”, Which is already over one hundred and fifty years old, can still be heard from the lips of a modern reader.

“Queen Margot” is a novel telling about the situation in France of the 16th century. The main character, passionate and beautiful, involuntarily enters into political intrigue and experiences tragic love.

Immortal novel of Ilf and Petrov

list of the most interesting books for teens

“Twelve Chairs” is the most famous book of Odessa journalists, which was recognized as the sharpest satire on Soviet society. The plot of the novel develops around the search for a furniture set of the deceased Madame Petukhova, who hid hundreds of thousands of rubles of jewelry under the skin. The heir to the stupid and clumsy Ippolit Vorobyaninov, who hires the adventurer Ostap Bender as an assistant, becomes the heir. Priest Fedor Vostrikov is connected to the search for chairs with jewelry. He spends his entire fortune on useful investments that should lead to the desired goal, but in the end he stays with nothing and goes crazy. In the end, no one gets the treasure.

The novel is on the list of interesting books and continues: in the Golden Calf, readers will again see the great combinator Ostap Bender, who will be carried away by new adventures.

Immortal Detectives Conan Doyle

Sherlock Holmes is a favorite detective detective character: he has excellent detective skills and does not lose his sense of humor even in the most difficult situations. Undoubtedly, Arthur Conan Doyle wrote the most interesting detective stories. Books, the list of which can be continued indefinitely, were published by the writer at different times and are represented by sixty works: 56 stories and 4 stories. Other authors have liked the literary hero so much that Sherlock Holmes’s personality is mentioned in several hundred other novels. Boris Akunin, in the story “The Prisoner of the Tower ...” from the collection “Jade Rosary”, instructs everyone in their beloved detective to investigate one complicated story with Erast Fandorin.


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