The stories of the scariest dolls

After numerous horror films, people began to see something terrible and fearful in the most ordinary toys. The frozen gaze of glass eyes can panic some impressionable personalities. Today we’ll try to figure out whether it’s worth to be afraid of these cute creatures, and we will also learn the stories of the most terrible dolls in the world.

Where does horror live?

Fear of dolls, or pediophobia is present in a fairly large number of people. If a person is afraid of one toy, then visiting a Mexican island may simply die of horror. In this place, a huge number of the most terrible dolls are collected. Legend has it that the Mexican Julian Santana Barrera began collecting the collection in the middle of the last century. He abandoned his family and went to live on the island, where he began to appear the ghost of a dead girl. To pacify the spirit, he began to collect dolls and hang them on trees and taut ropes. Natural elements and time have done their job - now the toys look creepy and can cause fear even in the most balanced person.

Doll island


When talking about the most terrible horrors about dolls, an eerie creation from the movie of the same name comes to mind. A malicious grin and sudden movements increased fear and made him believe in otherworldly forces. In fact, the doll looks quite harmless - an ordinary rag toy, which my mother gave her daughter, a student. However, settling in the room, Annabelle began to travel around the rooms. In the morning, two girls went to school and left the doll in one room, and when they returned, they found it in another. She not only moved, but also began to throw notes to her neighbors asking for help.

Annabelle doll

Soon, more terrible things began to happen - objects soared into the air and fell with a terrible roar on the floor. When blood appeared on the doll’s hands and clothes, the girls turned to a medium for help. She made contact with the spirits and told a terrible story about the deceased seven-year-old girl, whose spirit dwelt in the doll. Her name was Annabelle Higgins. Girlfriends decided to leave the doll. Further, the story took an eerie turn - the spirit began to harass their friend Lou, and, it came to wounds. Ed and Lorraine Warren took the toy and put it in a box. After the exorcism session, the students began to live a quiet life. The famous and scariest doll was just a toy of evil spirits.


This smiling sailor can be put on the same shelf with Annabelle, and they will create a terrible tandem. Straw-stuffed Robert also did a lot of things. He was made by a servant for his little master Jean. The doll is quite large - about one meter in length. The boy liked the new friend so much that he did not part with him even for a minute. I only went to bed with Robert. Soon nightmares began, and his parents forced upside down furniture in his room. The boy claimed that this was the work of Robert. The doll was taken to the attic, where many years later, an adult Jin found him and brought him into the house.

Doll robert

Robert began to move during the absence of the owners and scared the young wife to death. Even after he was again sent to the attic, he continued to terrify the whole family. Households heard shuffling and evil whispers. After Gene died, she quickly sold the house along with a doll in the attic. There the daughter of the new owners found him. The straw sailor was back in the house and quickly brought to hysteria a new little mistress. The girl claimed that Robert even tried to kill her. After all these events, the doll was taken to the museum, where to this day it scares workers and visitors with its tricks. Outwardly, this is not the scariest doll in the world, but its history is terrifying even after several decades. Judging by the stories of the first owner, the creator of Robert was a real sorcerer.

The scariest dolls "Monster High"

Parents are horrified when children ask to buy dolls of this series. Accustomed to the Soviet small dolls and the American Barbie, they do not understand how these unpleasant creatures attract their babies.

Monster High dolls

At first glance, dolls really look creepy - bluish skin color, vampire fangs, disproportionately large heads and thin legs. But if you look closely, it becomes clear that there is nothing wrong with them. Bright clothes, multi-colored hair and interesting makeup attract children. Behind them there is no terrible story and such “horror stories” are not capable of harming the kids even if they wish!


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