Museum of modern history of Russia. Generational Museum

An old mansion of the 18th century, which today houses the State Central Museum of Contemporary History of Russia, was built by the famous architect Adam Adamovich Menelas. Previously, the building housed a trendy English club. The community ceased to exist by 1917, and an exhibition opened in the mansion, called “Red Moscow”.

Museum of Contemporary History of Russia

It contained materials about the revolutions of 1917 , the February and October. Based on the documentation, the exhibition was transformed into the Moscow Historical and Revolutionary Museum, later in 1924 it was called the Museum of the Revolution of the USSR.

The impact of World War II

The main profile of the museum was determined at a meeting of the world of science and art. By 1941, the elements of history were estimated in a million. In the modern history of Russia, the museum among similar institutions occupied an honorable line in the list of leading places.

However, during the war years, most of the exhibits were destroyed, and in 1950 the collected collection of the pre-revolutionary movement was transferred to the State Historical Museum. The collective has decreased several times. In 1941, an exhibition dedicated to the Great Patriotic War was opened. And a year later, more than 420 thousand visitors passed through the doors of the museum. In the courtyard there was a captured weapon, which was examined every day by more than 1,500 people:

  • mortars;
  • guns;
  • machine guns;
  • airplane;
  • tank.

The exposition began to be restored since 1944, although the profile of the institution has changed.

Modern museum

Gathered by 1998, a unique collection of exhibits, telling about the history of modern Russia, defined a new name: the State Central Museum of Contemporary History of Russia. This was an important milestone in history.

State Central Museum of Contemporary History of Russia

Along with the developed new concept, a modern exposition was created, which objectively and deeply analyzed the country's past. Bright artistic solutions, modern technical equipment, computer technologies were used.

The Museum of Contemporary History of Russia is a multifunctional historical complex with exhibition venues and halls equipped with the most modern technical equipment.

The materials presented here are of particular historical value, as they recreate the true picture of the life of Soviet people, the names and images of participants in important events. Today it is about half a million cultural and historical monuments.

Thematic events

It hosts various concerts, tours and thematic exhibitions, including lectures for students and classes for children, as well as a free lecture hall. These events allow you to become more familiar with the events that took place in Russia since the 19th century: revolutionary and political coups, and simply with working days.

museum of modern russian history reviews

By unique, constantly updated expositions, one can safely study the historical past of Russia. Today, the modern history of Russia, the museum is an important major center for the study of domestic civilization.

The museum has collected documentary sources telling the story:

  • political;
  • social;
  • spiritual development;
  • economic.

The museum of modern history of Russia immediately after its opening began to attract the attention of public figures of foreign and domestic.

Museum of modern history of Russia

A great idea, one of the most beautiful mansions of that time, amazing interiors and a fascinating story - all this aroused and causes incredible interest. Famous world artists gave their works to the museum.

SCMSIR working hours and ticket prices

Anyone can visit the museum and see a huge collection of cultural property.


The museum's doors are open six days a week, closed on Monday, from Tuesday to Sunday is open from 11:00 to 19:00. Every last Friday of the month a sanitary day is held here, respectively, the institution is closed.

Ticket prices

The cost of a ticket for an adult is 250 rubles. The cost of a preferential and children's ticket is 100 rubles.

The complex consists of a main building, 4 exposition and memorial departments, an exhibition department and two branches. For the whole year, the entire center of the Center for the Management of Social and Political Development and Science accepts over 500,000 visitors.

Museum collection

In the 30s of the XIX century there was a period of formation of a new society, one of the most difficult in the history of Russia. Not without expositions on the achievements in space exploration, aviation technology and the nuclear industry - all this is the clearest embodiment of scientific and technological progress.

State Museum of Contemporary History of Russia

The State Museum of Contemporary History of Russia holds an exposition dedicated to the Civil War in Russia 1918-1922, which reflected the split in Russian society, then the “white” and “red” appeared. A lot of information was collected about the reign of L.I. Brezhnev.

Among the documentation and material monuments there is a unique complex that restores the events of 1939 on the Halkin-Gol, of Mongolian and Soviet soldiers who took part in the cue ball against invaders from Japan. Photos, documents and awards reflecting the life and military activities of commanders:

  • Horlogiina Choibalsana.
  • Marshal George Zhukov.
  • Stern Grigory Mikhailovich.
  • Smushkevich Yakov Vladimirovich.

Exhibits of the beginning of the XX century

The materials contain exhibits of samples of weapons of the XX century - machine guns, armored cars, carts. The museum’s halls store genuine documentation, rare photographs, works of art, medals and orders, flags and banners, newspapers, books, personal items of both public figures and ordinary ordinary citizens, autographs. Also, visitors are presented with:

  • machine gun cart;
  • model of an atomic icebreaker;
  • costume of Japanese warriors;
  • hockey player Vladislav Tretyakov uniform;
  • guitar and personal belongings of Vladimir Vysotsky and much more.

Museum reviews

The visitors are especially impressed by the collection devoted to the Great Patriotic War, which is unfolded by the museum of modern history of Russia. Reviews on the institution leave both Russian citizens and foreign. Of particular interest is the part of the wire fence of the Auschwitz camp, which killed more than 4 million people.

Central Museum of Contemporary History of Russia

Visitors also note the convenient location of the museum (near the Tverskaya metro station) and the professional work of the guides. It is also pleasantly surprised by the demonstration of documentaries on a large interactive screen, modern decoration combined with classic design and original design. Many more visitors talk about the pleasant retro smell reigning in the museum, and a buffet with delicious dishes.

Near the museum are group catering complexes and hotels, which is very convenient for tourists. Today, the modern history of Russia, the museum has federal significance and is a vivid landmark of the architecture of the Classicism era, which preserves the memory of many generations. Thanks to this property of the country, you can go back in time and feel the spirit of every era.


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