From what age can I take on the right to a car and a motorcycle

Almost every teenager wants to quickly become an adult, learn to drive and buy a car or motorcycle. Only first you have to learn to drive and pass exams. In Russia, there are certain restrictions that modern potential drivers face. Until a certain age, they cannot get the document in their hands. And study in automobile schools too. Next, we will understand at what age you can take on the right. There is nothing special in this process. In addition, we will try to figure out how to correctly request the mentioned document.


At what age do they get a driverā€™s license? To give an unequivocal answer to this question does not work out with all desire. It all depends on which category of transport the citizen plans to drive.

When can I pass on the right

A person can start self-education at any age. Restrictions apply only to studies at a car school. And they will be discussed later.

In a car school

At what age do you get rights to a car or motorcycle in Russia? To begin with, we will deal with training. The thing is that until a citizen unlearnes and passes exams, he will not be given rights under any circumstances.

In the case of the automobile school, as already mentioned, certain restrictions apply. Citizens can enroll in classes and attend them in specialized institutions from the age of sixteen. Not a day before. Up to this point, as already mentioned, a person is able to learn independently. In any case, the theory of driving a vehicle.


Want to get a motorcycle license? To cope with the task, you have to reach a certain age. But which one? It all depends on which vehicle you plan to drive.

Let's start with mopeds. This type of transport is not very powerful. And it is he who is accessible to young people. Get a driver's license for a moped (with category M or A1) in Russia is allowed from 16 years.

Accordingly, the exam can also be passed at the indicated age. The main thing is to prepare for it correctly. If you fail, you can retake the exams an infinite number of times. And not only during the design of the WU on a motorcycle, but on any vehicle.


At what age do they get a driverā€™s license? The answer to this kind of question depends, as has already been said, on many circumstances. The main thing is to know when it is impossible to contact the authorized bodies for appropriate services.

Many people are attracted to motorcycles. This type of vehicle is not available to adolescents. They will not be able to manage it legally. This is due to the fact that you can get a VU with a similar category only for adults. So, at least eighteen years old.

At what age in the Russian Federation they pass on VU

It follows from the above that only adults will be able to open category A in the ā€œdriver cardā€. The legislation of the Russian Federation does not provide for any exceptions.

Conventional cars

How old can I get a driverā€™s license? In the Russian Federation, an appropriate result can be achieved at any age. Especially if you prepare in advance for the upcoming actions.

It's no secret that most often drivers drive cars. They are marked in the "driver card" category B. At what age can I take on the right in this case?

Under such circumstances, a citizen will have to be patient. The thing is that cars can only be driven from the age of 18. But with exams the situation is somewhat different. Just like the rights to a motorcycle.

To date, a potential driver can take over the rights to drive a car in the future from the age of seventeen. It is advisable not to abuse such authority and enroll in exams shortly before adulthood.

Tricycles and quadricycles

Today there are a lot of vehicles. And they are all divided into categories. They are noted in the driver's license. At what age can I take the right to a tricycle or quadricycle?

Driving such vehicles is permitted to persons who have reached the age of majority. In our case - 18 years. It is impossible to achieve the desired result earlier, later - easily.

Light trucks

How old can I get a driverā€™s license? There are no significant restrictions. The main thing is to reach a certain age, and then take exams. True, in some cases, a potential driver will have to gain a certain driving experience of a vehicle of one category or another. We will talk about this later.

How old can I get a driver license

Light trucks can be driven from eighteen. It is about the opening of category C1. At the same time, it is better not to start studying at an automobile school to pass exams long before adulthood.

Category D

From what age you can take on the right to a particular transport, we almost figured out. After that, you will have to understand how to proceed to order the document mentioned earlier. Otherwise, even on time and well-passed exams will not give any sense.

Vehicle categories D and D1 can be opened in the "driver card" only from twenty-one years. The same applies to vehicles such as Tb and Tm.

Category E

Still wondering how old you can get a driverā€™s license? Then it remains to consider several existing rules regarding the issue under study. In reality, everything is much simpler than it seems.

Sometimes there is a need to drive category E vehicles. In this case, the fundamental condition for obtaining rights is the presence of driving experience with other vehicles.

In order to successfully order a VU with an open category E, a person must without fail drive a passenger car or a transport of category C or D for at least a year.

What follows from here? If a citizen draws up a ā€œdriver cardā€ for driving a car at 18, by 19 he will be able to open category E. The same goes for type C vehicles.

But if the driver has an open category D, it will be possible to get a "driver card" with category E much later. Namely - at least 22 years old. The exact age depends on when exactly the rights with certain open types of vehicles were issued.

When to start driving training

Exception to the rule

But this is far from all. The fact is that in Russia in many laws there are exceptions. And regarding the design of the VU including. At what age can I get rights in the Russian Federation?

It was previously noted that category D can only be opened at age 21. The exception will be only in relation to the military. Those who undergo military service. It can be operated by category D or D1 vehicles from the age of 19. This exception applies exclusively to military equipment. Civil transport of the corresponding categories is allowed to drive from the originally specified age.

Where do they give out

We found out at what age they get a driverā€™s license. In fact, everything is not as scary as it seems. The main thing is to know what to do after passing the exams. A similar process gives a minimum of hassle with proper preparation.

Registration of a "driver card" is carried out in the traffic police or MREO. A citizen may submit a request of the established form to a single window service or a multifunctional center.

Also in the Russian Federation it is allowed to order rights through "State services". But such a scenario develops only on users registered on the site. The user must have a verified account. And therefore, everyone decides how to act for the implementation of the task.

Passing an exam at the university - at what age

We order VU in bodies

From what age they get the right to a car, we have already figured it out. But how to cope with the task? Let's start with issuing a "driver card" in authorized bodies. Suppose a person wants to personally request a similar document.

To do this, you need:

  1. Pass driving tests, and then generate the documents required by the legislation of the Russian Federation for further maintenance.
  2. Fill out an application for the issuance of a CV.
  3. Submit a request to the selected authorized body. It is advisable to choose a service at the place of registration of the driver.
  4. Contribute to the state treasury under the guise of a state duty.
  5. Wait until the document is ready.

All that remains after the actions done is to pick up the ready rights with one or another open category of transport. In fact, this process does not take much time and effort.

Application for the issuance of rights after exams

Online application

How old can one get rights? More search for an answer to this kind of question will not put a person in an awkward position. A lot more trouble is the direct request for a document. How to cope with the task through the Internet?

In order to form and send an application "for rights" through "State services", you need to do the following:

  1. Visit the archive of all available options on the e-government website portal.
  2. Find the section with the signature "Driving License".
  3. Select the item in it that most accurately describes the reason for contacting the authorized service. For example, ā€œReceiving VU after examsā€ or ā€œReplacing after timeā€.
  4. Enter data on the citizen, his health and driving skills in electronic form. This is the petition.
  5. Send a request for processing, while choosing a convenient place for delivery of the final document, as well as uploading photos to the portal "on the right."
  6. Pay for upcoming service.

At this stage, active actions can be completed. After processing the request, the citizen will receive a notification invitation. It is an occasion for a visit to the authorized body for the university.

Age table

Documents and cost

Want to get a driverā€™s license? Then you have to prepare a specific package of documents. Usually it includes:

  • cheque;
  • statement;
  • photos on WU;
  • application form;
  • identity id;
  • "warrior" (if any);
  • certificate of passing the driver's commission;
  • statements about the successful passing of exams.

It is worth noting that a national-type university will cost 2 thousand rubles, an international one - 1,600 rubles. The rights of a new generation (not yet issued), with a chip, cost 3 thousand rubles. Now itā€™s clear how many years they get rights to a motorcycle and not only.

Important: Citizens transferring fees through ESIA receive a thirty percent discount.


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