"Dragon Age 2": codes and cheats on abilities, passing

Codes for "Dragon Age 2" are used to adjust any indicators in the game. For example, to add items, abilities, or build relationships with a member of the squad. How to do this will be discussed in the article.

About the game

The second part of the Dragon Age saga is the tragic story of the Houko family - poor refugees who, fleeing the plague, decided to return to their relatives in Kirkwall.

The narrative covers a time span of ten years, and the player can observe the consequences of decisions made. There are no direct paths to the goal: thanks to the innovative ideas of the developers, the protagonist follows the plot scenario in ornate ways, made up of deals with conscience, searching for clues, investigations and building relationships with satellites.

Events do not always develop according to a clearly defined plan, because gamers resort to using codes for Dragon Age 2 to adjust aspects of the game. Not everyone does it: some prefer saving.

battle with the dragon

How to activate cheats

Codes for Dragon Age 2 are entered as console commands. However, first you need to activate the functionality that allows you to receive scripts. This requires:

  1. Find the DragonAge2.exe file in the root directory and create a shortcut on the desktop.
  2. Right-click on the icon and in the line "Object" write -enabledeveloperconsole after the quotation mark.
  3. Save changes and run the game.

The console is activated, it is turned on by pressing "~" (tilde). However, teams are written blindly. After all, the characters do not appear on the screen. Therefore, you should check the language layout to enter codes in "Dragon Age 2" as correctly as possible. In addition, you should disable utilities like PuntoSwitcher and remember that copy-paste also should not be enabled.

Negotiations with Kunari

General Cheats

The most popular codes in Dragon Age 2 set out to fix the financial aspect (to acquire expensive equipment) or make the character invulnerable.

They look like this:

  • runscript pc_immortal 1 - immortality;
  • runscript pc_immortal 0 - disable immortality;
  • runscript addmoney N - add money in the amount of N;
  • runscript addxp N - add N experience;
  • runscript killallhostiles - destroy all enemies in sight;
  • runscript healplayer - the code allows you to replenish mana and health, but not to resurrect.

These are general scripts, but there are also more narrowly targeted ones.

tomb of Coryphaus

Class change

The game has the following character classes: mage, robber and warrior. Each has its own characteristics, abilities and weapons. The class also affects plot development. After all, the events of the game revolve around the growing conflict between magicians and templars.

If a player suddenly doesn’t like the templars have a negative attitude towards his mage hero, you can use the corresponding runscript chargen [Z] command, where Z:

  • rogue - change class to robber;
  • warrior - retrain into a warrior;
  • mage - become a magician again.
    Magic cast

Gaming abilities

Codes for "Dragon Age 2" contribute to the adjustment of skill branches, which provides a lot for each class. There are 12 of them (along with the challenge of Mabari).

Added by the runscript addtalent X command, where X is the sequence number. If desired, you can remove the branch using removetalent.

To add a branch to a specific class, you need to activate using runscript addtalent X:

  • skills of a warrior - 100,000;
  • the robber - 200,000;
  • magician - 300,000.
Abilities that can be added with cheat code
TitleID to add / activateTitleID to add / activateTitleID to add / activate
Ripper109000/109001Mage of Strength307000/307001Killer210000/210001
Templar107000/107001Spiritual Healer308000/308001Duelist208000/208001
Berserk110000/110001Blood Mage309000/309001Shadow207000/207001

Specializations "spill over" into the tree of abilities of 10 each.

ID of available abilities
RipperTemplarBerserkMage of StrengthSpiritual HealerBlood MageKillerDuelistShadow
Rabies blood109040Holy punishment107010Berserker rage110030Hand of the Creator307030Healing aura308030Life force309050Death mark210030To challenge208020Point injection207030
Devouring109010* Fair punishment107011* Endless rage110031* Creator rage307032*Radiance308032Bloody thirst309051* Indelible mark210031* Not for life, but for death208021Blow disorientation207040
*Voracity109011* Stunning punishment107012* Wild rage110032* Creator hammer307031*Vera308031Desecration of graves309030* Doom mark210032* Stinging taunts208022Predator207050
* Gluttony109012Cleansing107020Adrenalin110010Unwavering307050Universal healing308010Step to the grave309031Thirst for blood210050Right kicks208040Stealth207010
Sacrificial Rage109020* Wave of purification107021* Adrenaline rush110012Telekinetic eruption307020Togetherness308011Victim309010Aim strikes210010Fend off208030* Indistinguishability207011
Long Rage109021* Long cleansing107022* Fuse of adrenaline110011Telekinetic explosion307021Viability308040Horrible victim309011Ruthless blows210011*Counter attack208031* Elusiveness207012
Aura of Pain109030Righteous blow107040Dam110020The attraction of the abyss307010Rebirth308020Bleeding309020Indirect harm210040* Deaf defense208032Bait207020
* Avalanche of Pain109032Silence107030* Rampant flurry110021Edge of the abyss307011* Update308022Paralyzing bleeding309021Attempt210020Skillful maneuvers208050* Tenacious bait207021
* Rage of Pain109031* Long silence107031* Persistent boom110022Gravel Ring307040*Renouncement308021Blood slave309040Annihilation210021Blood feud208010* Bait with a surprise207022
Ardor109050Liquidation107050Deadly blow110040Gravisphere307041Second chance308050Blood splatter309041Excessiveness210022Family feud208011Shadow curtain207060

Abilities marked with * are interchangeable development options for the above. That is, you can choose either one or the other.

Arishock in Dragon Age


It is so conceived by the developers that the inventory is diverse only in the main character. Satellites are deprived of this luxury. There are even fewer things added through commands - only amulets. Item codes in Dragon Age 2 begin with runscript additem [ID]. But with the ID a little more interesting - all serial numbers for amulets begin with gen_im_acc_amu_act [amulet number] [quantity].

Example: runscript additem gen_im_acc_amu_act1_03 1 - the protagonist will receive the Liar Talisman.

1Stone of life1_01
2Tin Pendant with Howling Wolves1_02
3Talisman of the Liar1_03
5Amulet of Peace1_05
6Amulet of Influence1_06
7Shiny Light Wood Amulet2_01
8Moonstone Amulet2_02
9Metopium Medallion2_03
10Talisman of the Copper Naga2_04
elevenTasteless Amethyst Pendant2_05
12Master's Life Stone2_06
thirteenTorn bone necklace2_07
14Fen'Harel's Tooth2_08


Having a good relationship with your companions is important not only in order to have an affair. With a high level of trust, squad members can issue personal quests for which there will be a special reward.

Coryphaeus in the official expansion

If hostility has suddenly arisen and confidence points have fallen, you can register a relationship code in Dragon Age 2. It looks like this: runscript zz_ [M] _debug, where M is the letter of the character’s name (without brackets):

  • and - Anders;
  • mrl - Merrill;
  • vrc - Warrick;
  • ave - Avelin;
  • fen - Fenris;
  • isa - Isabella;
  • bet - Bethany;
  • car - Carvet.

Sample code: runscript zz_isa_debug - opens a debug window for relations with Isabella.


A BioWare project like Dragon Age deserves attention in general. Each part of the trilogy is the result of the hard work of developers, designers and screenwriters. Any part individually is a tragic story of a world that confronts the danger of the invasion of the Creatures of Darkness, who do not know fear and fatigue.

Dragon Age 2 is the tragedy of the Hawke family, who managed to escape the horrors of Mora, but failed to escape from the feuds of mages and templars. The story that unfolded in Kirkwall, step by step describes what leads to the reluctance to compromise. And it shows what desperate people are capable of.

To feel the role of the Kirkwall Defender, created by the developers, you should not resort to the use of codes for "Dragon Age 2". All the hardships and hardships of the Hawke family are that highlight of the game that betrays its atmosphere. Therefore, the presence of an extra “stick-killer” will minimize the impression of the project.

Isabella, hawk and dragon

Those who first took up the passage of the second part are strongly recommended to forget about using console commands and additional software that can introduce an imbalance.

This is exactly the world where it cannot be easy. Here you have to fight not only with a sword or staff, but also with a word. Ornate dialogues that can affect the further development of the plot and the attitude of others are another feature of the project. With their help, you have to resolve conflicts, confront demons, build relationships and just make purchases.

Therefore, the cheat code is not the best assistant. An exception may be gamers who have already gone through the series far and wide, who start the second part just to kill time and quickly run from the beginning to the end of the game. And along the way, give the head of Coryphaus, whose personality is given to the whole third part.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E30825/

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