Registration of hazardous production facilities: rules and requirements, registration procedure, necessary documents

Registration of hazardous production facilities is a complicated procedure, but necessary for the safety of others. Since 2017, the registration procedure through the state registry has been updated.

Legislation governing the filing of public education data

New acts regulating the registration of a hazardous production facility in Rostekhnadzor are the following documents:

  1. Order issued by Rostekhnadzor, No. 494 dated November 25, 2016, which approves the Administrative Regulations for the provision of registration services through the state register of facilities belonging to the group of industrial and hazardous, by the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision in the corresponding registry.
  2. Order issued by Rostekhnadzor, No. 495 dated November 25, 2016, approving the requirements for the registration of hazardous industrial facilities and the procedure for recording information about them in the State Register of industrial hazardous facilities, as well as determining the procedure for maintaining the corresponding registry.
Hazardous production facility

Identification of hazardous production facilities

Before registering hazardous production facilities in the state register, it is necessary to identify them, according to the first appendix to the 116 Federal Law of July 21, 1997. This process is carried out by an expert or operating organization, which during the verification of the object establishes the following facts:

  • Does this production facility belong to the group of dangerous;
  • what signs he has regarding the hazard and what are their quantitative and qualitative characteristics;
  • whether hazardous processes of the technological type that are carried out at the facility have been taken into account;
  • whether all technical devices used in the production facility that have signs of danger have been checked.

Having established these facts, the owner of a hazardous industrial facility, in accordance with the eighth paragraph of the Requirements for the registration of hazardous industrial facilities in the registry, analyzes the following documents:

  1. Design documentation for the facility.
  2. Justification that the object is safe (if it is under development).
  3. Industrial safety declaration (if any).
  4. Technological regulations.
  5. A key plan for the location of structures and buildings.
  6. Information about what technologies are used in the implementation of the main and auxiliary production.
  7. Hardware specifications.
  8. Passports, operating manuals and other documentation for devices of a technical type that are used at the facility.
  9. Information on the permissible content of hazardous substances present at the facility.
Production facility

After identification, the owner (or invited expert) fills in the information that characterizes the facility, and sends it along with other documents for state registration of hazardous production facilities. The Rostekhnadzor during the verification document checks whether the identification is carried out correctly and the name is indicated, whether the hazard class is correctly determined.

Documents required to register an object

The fourteenth paragraph of the Requirements of Order No. 495 states that the owner must submit a list of documents for registering an environmentally hazardous production facility to Rostekhnadzor within ten days (workers) from the moment of using the facility. This list includes:

  • a written application requesting the registration of an object (or objects, if there are several);
  • information on hazardous industrial facilities (two copies), the form of information is fixed in the fourth appendix to Order No. 494;
  • documents that confirm the right to own hazardous industrial facilities (copies), including land, buildings, buildings, structures related to the location of facilities;
  • justification regarding the safety of facilities with reference to the details of the approval from the EPB (if necessary under the fourth paragraph of the third article of the Federal Law No. 1160);
  • the text relating to the section on technological solutions in the design documentation for production facilities related to capital construction (together with the details of the relevant expert opinion).

Registration Procedure

Since 2017, the registration of hazardous production facilities is carried out exclusively by Rostekhnadzor. The owner must contact the management of this organization at the place of legal registration of the object.

How is the coordination of information that characterizes hazardous production facilities? After making amendments to the legislation, there is no need to transfer documents to the FSETAN management for approval. Rostechnadzor does this on its own.

Emergency response

According to the new standards, Rostekhnadzor is obliged to transfer its opinion to the appropriate supervisory department of the FSETAN within ten days (workers). In conclusion, the organization indicates whether or not a specific hazardous production facility is being agreed.

Information that characterizes hazardous industrial facilities

If Rostekhnadzor has doubts when checking documents submitted in respect of hazardous production facilities subject to registration (for example, whether the identification has been completed correctly and whether information about the facility has been fully submitted, etc.), he is entitled to request the applicant to provide the following additional documents:

  1. A package of statutory documents of the organization and data on its structure.
  2. General type plan with the location of structures and buildings.
  3. Information on the amount of substances of various degrees of danger, the need for these substances per year, procurement volumes according to ledgers and so on; data on the capacity of containers with substances classified as dangerous; information on the number of employees at each facility.
  4. Data on the boundaries and sizes of the territory, security and sanitary protection zones of hazardous industrial facilities.
  5. Data on the technologies used at the facility, both in the main and in auxiliary production, which operate technical devices.
  6. Documents that confirm the commissioning of hazardous industrial facilities (permission, act, etc.).

These documents will comply with the requirements of the law, Rostekhnadzor will record this object in the register for the registration of hazardous production facilities.


Due to the fact that the application form has changed in connection with the publication of Order No. 494, innovations in this area should be considered separately.

The following data must be included in the application for registration of hazardous production facilities:

  • information about the applicant (with details);
  • brief information about the production hazardous facility corresponding to the second subparagraph of the twentieth paragraph of the Regulation.
Study circuit

In a written statement, it is strictly forbidden to correct errors using a corrector or other similar means, to print on paper from two sides, to fasten the sheets, resulting in damage to paper.

The fourth annex to the Regulation defines the necessary amount of information and the form of its provision, as well as contains recommendations for completion.

According to the regulations on the registration of hazardous production facilities, an application with a package of documents is provided for each facility that is to be entered in the register.

The main document should contain the following information:

  1. Name, location of the hazardous production facility.
  2. Signs that determine the danger of the object.
  3. What hazard class does the object belong to?
  4. How the object is classified according to the types that are indicated in the second appendix to the Federal Law No. 116.
  5. What types of activities does the owner of the list requiring licensing to use the facility.
  6. Information about the owner of the object.
  7. Details of the object and its registering body.
  8. Information about the full composition of the facility, indicating the list of devices, sites and other things.

According to regulatory changes related to the registration of hazardous production facilities, facility registration cards have been canceled since 2017.

The above data are filled in on the basis of the materials of the earlier identification and documentary analysis conducted on the basis of the eighth paragraph of Order No. 495.

Documents that confirm the ownership of the object

To register hazardous industrial facilities, it is necessary that the documents provided by the owner confirm his right to own the facility and its parts. The supporting documents include:

  • sales contract or vehicle passport (if we are talking about mobile lifting facilities such as truck cranes, manipulators, towers or car lifts);
  • certificate of ownership, or agreement (lease, operational management, economic management, etc.) for land (industrial type sites, buildings, structures, structures) on which a hazardous industrial facility is located;
  • the contract for the operation of the facility, which is concluded with its owner and so on.

The following documents may be options for documents proving ownership, for example, gas consumption networks:

  1. Certificate of ownership, or agreement (lease, operational management, economic management) for the boiler room and auxiliary facilities for it.
  2. Certificate confirming ownership of the external gas pipeline aboveground or underground type, which is part of this hazardous production facility, and documents on the ownership of the land under it.

Documents for stationary lifting devices

The following documents are required for entry into the register and registration of hazardous production facilities of this type:

  • certificate of ownership, or agreement (lease, operational management, economic management) to the site on which the lifting mechanism is installed. This may be a workshop, construction site, etc.
  • contract for the sale of hoisting gear;
  • an agreement for the provision of services between the owner of the hoisting mechanism and the owner of the site where work is performed using it.

If registration will be carried out in relation to mobile lifting mechanisms, in addition to documents confirming ownership, it will be necessary to provide documents for the ownership of the base center, where the object will return after the work is completed and where it will be repaired.

Separate sections of project documentation

If we are talking about the registration of an object of a production type, which includes an object of construction of a capital type, it is necessary to provide additional textual part of the project documentation in the form of technological solutions. Such documents may be gas consumer networks with a boiler house or warehouses with hazardous substances.

Gas pipeline inspection

In this case, it will be necessary to submit additionally the following documents:

  1. Design documentation for the construction, overhaul or reconstruction of the facility. In relation to this documentation, an examination must be carried out according to the norms of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.
  2. Design documentation for re-equipment (technical), for liquidation or conservation. This documentation should also be verified.

When submitting these documents at the end of the examination to Rospotrebnadzor, it is necessary to indicate the details of a satisfactory conclusion of the examination.

In the event that the design documentation for the capital construction project is lost, the expert opinion on industrial safety can replace it if it has been registered with Rostekhnadzor.

Object Registration Results

If all the requirements established by law for the registration of industrial facilities that are dangerous are met, all conclusions are received and there are no errors in the documents, after twenty business days the applicant will be issued two documents:

  • certificate of registration of an industrial hazardous facility;
  • information that characterizes it, agreed with Rostekhnadzor.

The object will also be assigned a hazard class and a registration number, which consists of twelve characters separated by a hyphen (three to five to four). This number will be the identifier of the authority that performed the registration, the applicant organization and the facility itself.

Large object

When all the necessary procedures have been completed, the owner of the facility has the right to develop regulatory and technical documents such as PMLA and the like, as well as obtain a license from Rostekhnadzor to use the facility if it has a hazard class of no more than third.


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