How is Christmas celebrated in Europe?

Christmas in Europe is usually celebrated on December 25th. The whole Western world is waiting for him with great impatience. Prepare for the bright holiday begin in a month. European countries celebrate Christmas according to common Catholic traditions. But at the same time, each country has national characteristics of celebrating a magical celebration.


In Germany, they start having fun early. Big and small cities open Christmas markets at the end of November . The tradition originated in the fifteenth century.

Noisy trade takes place on the largest square of the city. Merchants are dressed in ancient paintings. Mountains of sparkling Christmas toys, the smell of roasted chestnuts and mulled wine create a foretaste of the holiday.

Christmas in Germany

Advent is preceded by a holiday - a Christmas post. In houses, as a symbol of Christ's expectation, a wreath of fir branches with four candles is installed. Candles are lit every Sunday. First one, then two, on the third Sunday - three. Before Christmas, all four are already on fire.

Before Christmas, Europe will celebrate another holiday - in honor of St. Nicholas. From the fifth to the sixth of December, the children leave shoes behind the door. And in the morning they find sweets and small figures of men from the dough in them.

Beautiful spruce trees in garlands of lights and elegant toys, set in the central squares of cities just before Christmas. German families also put Christmas trees in their homes and decorate window sills with traditional biblical scenes and villages from small houses.


December 25 Christmas in Europe begins with the Mass at the Vatican. On a big Catholic holiday, the Pope blesses Italians and the whole world.

Each Italian church hosts the traditional Presepé - a theatrical performance of the birth of Christ. The cave (nativity scene) with a manger and a baby is depicted on the stage. Many families perform at home. Children are happy to take part in the play.

Christmas in Rome

In the early morning everyone gets presents. They are brought to children by the Italian Santa Claus. Here his name is Babbo Natale.

Go to Christmas Mass as a family.

In the evening, a family dinner is arranged. A tradition for an Italian Christmas dinner is fish dishes. A dish with mussels, cod or shrimp is sure to be placed on the table. Of course, a meal is not complete without a roast goose. It is served with lentils.

She is a symbol of prosperity and good luck. Grains resemble coins. It is believed that the more you eat them, the richer you will become in the new year.

Celebrations continue until January 6th. On the Feast of the Epiphany, the sorceress Le Befan flies in search of the baby Jesus. She leaves gifts to obedient children and coal to naughty ones.


The French begin to celebrate Christmas on December 6. This is a day of commemoration of St. Nicholas. Well, the 25th is already Christmas in Europe. The fun continues until January 6th. This is the day of the King. It is also called Epiphanius Day.

Children are given toys and sweets by Per Noel. So called Santa Claus in France. Children, especially for gifts, put their shoes near the fireplace. Peer Noel arrives on a donkey. He gets into the house through the chimney and leaves gifts. But he has an assistant who comes to naughty children with rods. He brings them coals, not gifts. His name is Per Fuetar.

Often the French hang a bouquet of mistletoe sprigs above the door to the house. It is believed that she will bring good luck.

Christmas in France

A festive dinner in France is called Revillon. What does it mean to be reborn. After the solemn mass, the whole family sits at the table set for the holiday.

On the Christmas table, the obligatory dish is a bird. At the same time, Burgundy prefers turkey with a side dish of roasted chestnuts. In Brittany, buckwheat cakes are traditionally cooked for her. They are served with sour cream. Parisians prefer oysters and champagne.

The French consider the traditional cake Bush de Noelle to be the decoration of the Christmas table. It has a log shape and an interesting history from the twelfth century.

Once upon a time on the eve of Christmas in Europe, cherry logs were brought into the house. With prayers he was watered with oil and warm wine. Then they set fire to them with slivers from last year's block.

They believed that the ashes of the Christmas log protect the home all year. Misfortunes pass him by.

Now this tradition is adhered to if there is a fireplace in the house. And Bush de Noel is a French favorite chocolate roll.

Christmas dinner in Germany


In Advent, children sing Christmas songs right on the streets. Entrance doors are decorated with holly and sprigs of mistletoe. These are symbols of the world. The British love to send each other Christmas cards. Putting them on the fireplace, they try to outdo the number of congratulations to relatives or friends. In a noisy and lush holiday handy crackers and intricate fancy dress hats will come in handy.

Traditional treats are pudding and fried turkey.

Santa Claus flies on deer and brings gifts. A piece of sweet cake and a glass of sherry are always prepared for him. In England, the main Christmas event is the Queen’s conversion. His whole family is listening to him. Remember what date is Christmas in Europe? Surprisingly, the majority of construction stores and markets open the next day. The British exchange gifts on the "day of surprises", and it is customary to make them with their own hands at home.


The Spaniards begin to have fun on December 24. Festivities resemble a colorful carnival. People dress up in national clothes and go out with songs and dances.

But of course, everyone remembers what date Christmas is in Europe. Waiting for the Christmas Mass, everyone gathers at the entrance to the Catholic Church. They hold hands and arrange dances. Pastry shops are open all night, selling polvoron shortbread aerial cookies and Turron's favorite Christmas sweet. These are nuts in honey, reminiscent of kozinaki.

Christmas day nursery

Every province in Spain honors local customs. Valencia loves Christmas processions with giant dolls and performances with their participation.

Puppet Theater is a tourist attraction in Alcoy.

At the meeting of Christmas in Agost, the King of the Moors solemnly arrives. Everyone is having fun and dancing Moorish dances.

At the Christmas table in Spain, there is certainly an almond soup, your favorite honey halva with honey, fried pork, and aromatic ham.

And on December 29 the whole country is joking. They say that even TV news cannot be trusted on Simple Day.

The celebrations last until January 6 and are called Navidad. Papa Noel brings gifts to children in Spain.


Czechs very carefully decorate Christmas trees. The evening before Christmas is celebrated in Europe is called generous. First, the whole family prints cooked gifts. Charged with a good mood and good emotions, they sit down at a festive dinner. Carp is the main decoration of the table. It is baked with caraway seeds. And you need to buy it by all means alive.

Christmas fortune telling is a favorite pastime. Fortune telling on apples is the most common. They need to be cut, and to see the star from the bones inside - then luck awaits in front.

Youth launches candles in nutshells on the river. If you swam and do not drown - fortunately for the whole year.


Holiday celebrations begin in mid-December. Celebrate Apostle Luke's Day. Girls gather for Christmas fortune telling. They spell thirteen male names on thirteen notes. One note per day is thrown away and read the rest. This will be the name of the narrowed.

Christmas in Hungary

Men make Luke's chair before Christmas in Europe. To do this, use 7 varieties of wood. On Christmas, someone stands on this chair to see if there is a witch in the company. After making sure that there is no danger, children and adults rush to the smart Christmas tree. There for them hung chocolates in gold wrappers.

Table decoration - pig. Believe me, this dish brings happiness to the family.


On the day Christmas is celebrated in Europe, several generations gather at the holiday table in Sweden.

One of the symbols of the celebrations is the Christmas goat. The city of Yevl became famous for the fact that for half a century now they have been building a fabulous goat on the main city square. A huge figure made of straw. She is being erected in a Christmas post. But the goat managed to celebrate Christmas only twelve times. For some reason, it becomes an attractive target for arsonists.

Christmas Holidays opens Lucia Day. This is the legendary Queen of the World. In Stockholm, Lucia is officially chosen. She leads the parade on Christmas night. Lucia dresses up in white clothes. She has a red belt and a crown with candles.

Christmas in Sweden

Another old Swedish tradition dates back to when people believed in gnomes. It was believed that these creatures live around. And to appease the home-made gnome Yultten, they cooked rice porridge with almonds. A pot with refreshments was set over the threshold. If it turned out to be empty, the dwarf will help the owners all year.

Now put almond nut in Christmas rice porridge. Whoever finds him on a plate can make a cherished desire.

After dinner, one of the adults, dressed as Yultten, brings everyone presents.

Christmas is celebrated differently in European countries. But equally a sense of unity, kindness and support. And also - the desire for happiness.


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