The main directions and principles of the police. The principle of the police in the Russian Federation

Before talking about each principle of the police, I would like to note that these provisions are not arbitrarily determined by the legislator. They are a reflection of the type of state and its corresponding law, as well as the legal awareness of citizens. So all principles should be oriented towards the good of our society. Is it so? It’s worth sorting out.

police principle


I would like to start with terminology. The principle of police activity is the basic principles (or they can also be called regularities), which reflect the essence of the work of the body and its application by the representatives of the norms set forth in the Law on Police. How to explain this? So, firstly, the position that makes up these or those principles of the police’s activities is always enshrined in law. That is, it is legal in all respects. Secondly, not everyone is called a principle, but an exclusively basic rule that most accurately reflects the essence of the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

It is generally accepted that any wrong action (inaction is equivalent to those) of the employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is usually regarded as a violation by a public servant. No wonder they say that the principles of the police are a reflection, a mirror of its humanism. But this is all a theory. And now you should plunge into the topic in more detail.

General Provisions

So, now directly on how our police work. Its tasks and principles of activity cannot be called easy. After all, employees in this area work with the law and with those people who violate it. So the provisions are general (i.e. constitutional), special, tactical and organizational. It’s worth starting from the first. Constitutional principles relate to the rule of law, humanism, as well as respect for human rights and equality between nationalities. They also affect the combination of professional secrecy with publicity and interaction with government agencies.

Special principles of the police are planning, scientific, as well as an integrated approach applied to solving all problems. It is also collegiality and one-man management. And mandatory coercion, combined with persuasion. And, of course, the preventive focus of their activities. And finally, tactical special provisions. These include efficiency - the most important principle of the police. The list is supplemented by flexibility, continuity and maneuverability. That, without which a true civil servant of the Ministry of Internal Affairs cannot exist.

police principles

the federal law

So, all existing categories of principles have been listed above. But in the Federal Law "On the Police" they are considered in more detail. If you paint in detail, then dozens of pages will not be enough, so it’s worth describing them briefly.

So, the principles of the police in the Russian Federation. The first is respect for the rights and freedoms of each of us. It is not only recognized by law, but also guaranteed. But at the same time, the exercise of certain human rights should not in any way violate the comfort of other citizens. If this happens, then the police can apply a certain law or regulatory act in order to prevent violation of someone’s personal space. The employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs should not demean the honor and dignity of citizens or create dangerous conditions for their lives. On the contrary, they are obliged to prevent all of the above.

The principle of legality is to ensure public safety, as well as universal order. Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, following this provision, must prevent crimes and offenses, as well as hold accountable offenders. And, of course, they are forbidden to persuade or incite citizens to commit a certain action that is contrary to the law. Impartiality is another important principle of the police. Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are obliged to protect the rights of all people. Regardless of their gender, religion, race or nationality. They are also forbidden to be in any political associations or parties. Employees are required to show respect for all the customs, as well as the cultural traditions of residents and visitors. In general, to be impartial and humane.

police its tasks and principles of activity

Publicity and openness

Two critical points to which special attention needs to be paid. They must follow the police of the Russian Federation, the principles of organization and activities of which are based on them. So, everything that employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs do should, in simple terms, lie on the surface. Information that can be made publicly available should be readily available to everyone. Of course, there are restrictions, and rightly so - the provisions on confidentiality and professional secrecy must be respected. But all people have every right to ask the authorities for information affecting their own rights. The Ministry of Internal Affairs is also obliged to inform the media about what they are doing if publications and editorial offices ask them to. Press conferences also need to be held. And the distribution of statistical materials is necessary. In general, the Ministry of Internal Affairs should not have secrets from its people.

police of the russian federation principles of organization and activity

Interaction with citizens

The basic principles of the police are also provisions relating to concepts such as support and trust of people. Here we are talking about the fact that the Ministry of Internal Affairs is obliged to interact with citizens. This is necessary not only for their benefit, but also so that people trust the authorities and support them. Therefore, every action taken by the police should be as clear as possible to ordinary citizens. For this, it is important to justify everything. Citizens should understand that their rights and freedoms are violated. Otherwise, if this is allowed, the Ministry of Internal Affairs is then obliged to restore justice.

It is also important that regular surveys are conducted among people regarding the activities carried out by the agency. And the results should reach the higher authorities. This measure aims to improve police performance. The opinion taking shape in society is extremely important, and it must be taken into account.

That is why, more and more often, ordinary citizens, as well as various public associations, are inviting to join the public implementation of a particular state policy regarding the protection of order and other important issues. Also, the Ministry of Internal Affairs often attracts the public to participate in the process of developing various kinds of programs and concepts that affect police activities. It is advisable to regularly conduct a public examination of draft federal laws and mass collective discussions on relevant topics in the media.


Still something worth noting attention, talking about the principles of organization and activities of the police. The Ministry of Internal Affairs is obliged to cooperate and interact with other law enforcement agencies and associations. And the police have every right to appeal to their capabilities. But these steps must have good reason. The Ministry of Internal Affairs may fully request information regarding something if this helps in the investigation or in the study of a particular case / issue. But also the police themselves must provide appropriate assistance to the municipal authorities. And, of course, state also.

In general, if any organization needs the help of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and it openly asks for it - everything must be done to satisfy their request. Police assistance is important. So the Ministry of Internal Affairs respects the rule of law, the rule of law and confirms the main purpose of the case, which is to ensure the safety of people, their freedoms and rights.

the basic principles of the police are

Primary activity

So, the principles of administrative activities of the police were described in rather detail above. Now it is worth paying attention to something else, no less important. Namely, how the Ministry of Internal Affairs usually copes with its main tasks.

The word "protection" has been said more than once. Indeed, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and its employees are required to protect citizens from various kinds of dangers. But there is a sequence. The first step is the acceptance of applications and their registration. That is, if a certain offense has occurred, it will first be recorded in writing. And then they will arrive at the place of its commission. If this is something from the category of serious crimes (assault, murder, attempt, etc.), then without fail the police must help the victims. Then - to identify the reason why this or that offense could have been committed. And then comes the investigation stage. That is, the search for the guilty begins, or immediately, if available, the procedure for sentencing is performed. All these actions correspond to the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 140, which, in fact, regulates the activities of the police.

By the way, it is important to know that the registration of all received messages takes place in a special book for 24 hours a day. That is, without interruption. And it does not depend on cities, regions, weekends or holidays.

main directions and principles of the police

Work with the rule of law

So, as it was already possible to understand, various principles apply to the principles of the police’s activities, but in general the essence is that the Ministry of Internal Affairs and its employees are obliged to provide citizens with maximum protection and safety.

Well, then it is worth revealing such a topic as the prevention and suppression of various kinds of illegal actions. The police are obliged not only to record statements and appeals of citizens and travel to crime scenes. The duties of this authority also include identifying the possible manifestation of extremist activities of various associations and individuals. It is important not only to reveal the crimes committed, but also to prevent those that are only planned. This is even more important, since the incident cannot be corrected, but what has not yet happened can lead to serious consequences. For this, the Ministry of Internal Affairs must use any forces and methods.

Firstly, the police must monitor the observance of the law and order by those people who previously were deprived of their liberty or committed some illegal actions. Secondly, make sure that they do not violate the prohibitions. Thirdly, to control the migration process. Especially in our modern age. In connection with recent events (and these are terrorist attacks), one must be especially careful. Therefore, they are trying to strengthen the security system in every possible way. And, of course, the main principles of the police are to immediately identify and solve crimes. The Ministry of Internal Affairs is obliged to carry out urgent investigative actions regarding criminal cases. They are especially dangerous and serious, especially when the offender is at large. Therefore, in such situations it is important to identify and bring him to court.


In continuation of the topic, it is worth talking about the implementation of the search for persons. Police are required to look for people who have either committed a crime or are suspected of it. Citizens escaping from places of detention or those who are hiding from a court, investigation or inquiry are also wanted. Every person who decides to evade the enforcement of coercive measures (community or correctional labor) must also be found. The whole point is that in most cases such citizens are dangerous to society. Except in those situations where the punishment was truly innocent - this happens quite often. Once breaking the law, having committed a crime, they can do it again. Especially if they are hiding from the authorities.

Also, the Ministry of Internal Affairs is obliged to search for missing people - those who left spontaneously or disappeared without a trace. As well as stolen substances and property. The Ministry of Internal Affairs must establish the owners of certain things that are subject to confiscation. These are the main directions and principles of the police.

principles of the police in rf

About security

This is the last thing to talk about. In principle, all police activities are connected with this. But now it will be a little about something else. Namely - about the organization by the police of public order in crowded places. Perhaps the most pressing problem. Streets, squares, stadiums, squares, parks, train stations, airports, ports, shopping centers - all these are public places. And though few people think about it, but they can also hide in themselves a potential danger. How many cases are known when, unexpectedly, out of nowhere, a man emerged from the crowd and, grabbing a bag from a passerby, disappeared into the mass of people. And this is just the most harmless example!

Yes, any public place is fraught with potential danger. Especially if a public event is coming. What tension reigns in the crowd during various meetings, concerts, actions! And besides, a large crowd of people attracts criminals. I don’t feel like talking about bad things, but lately, unfortunately, what terrorist attacks were not organized at stadiums, restaurants, concert halls - we heard about this from foreign news. Therefore, it is so important to ensure safety in public places. And this burden lies on the shoulders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The road is another place where danger lies in wait at every step of the person. Moreover, both the driver and the pedestrian. That’s why police authorities must monitor compliance with traffic rules (both those who cross the road and those who are driving) and other standards, monitor compliance with technical and ethical standards and prevent accidents. And if these happen, take immediate action to eliminate them.

And, by the way, the police are also obliged to control detective and security activities. That is, to issue and verify licenses that allow you to do this, issue certificates, check candidates for a particular position for professional suitability. All this needs to be done for security reasons. After all, hired people will be associated with ensuring the safety of society. Therefore, they are subject to special requirements. In general, the topic of the police is very detailed. Everything concerning her is simply impossible to tell briefly. But, in principle, all of the above can reflect reality.


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