How to choose a boiler in the apartment? Best boiler: reviews, prices, specifications, photos

It is no secret to anyone that in summer, interruptions with hot water in apartment buildings are a common thing. The reason lies in carrying out scheduled repairs, for which utilities are responsible. They can last several weeks. At this time, most citizens have to forget even about primary comfort. In such cases, the boiler will be the salvation. Reviews of many owners of residential premises speak in favor of the presence of such an aggregate in the house.

how to choose a boiler in an apartment

General information

Few are willing to put up with a prolonged lack of hot water. In this case, it is advisable to purchase a special unit. Orientation in the existing assortment will help reviews. For many, the boiler has become an indispensable household item. However, a large part of consumers do not understand the features of these devices at all. A water heater (boiler) must be purchased such that its work ensures the realization of all the household needs of the family.


Currently, there are two varieties of the device: storage boiler and flow. In order to finally determine the model of the unit, it is necessary to take into account all the features of each type. Next, we will figure out how to choose a boiler in the apartment.


All water boilers are similar to each other in this parameter. Typically, devices have a cylindrical or rectangular shape. A special handle is located on the front surface. With it, the temperature is regulated. The storage boiler is impressive in size. According to many consumers, this is a big drawback of such units. Indeed, in some residential premises there is not enough space for its installation. The size depends on how much the model is designed for. Many homeowners buy a flow-storage unit. This preference is understandable. About the advantages of such devices say reviews. The combined type boiler combines the advantages of products from the first two main groups. Next, we consider in more detail the features of devices from each category.

water boilers

Flow type device: general information

Such a water heater (boiler) is quite compact. This is an undoubted advantage of the product. He can very quickly heat water, and, in unlimited quantities. As many buyers note, such a device has high performance. Cold water that enters the device instantly heats up to 45-60 degrees. At the same time, it passes through the flask and a special element - TEN. It is built into the device. Speaking about how to choose a boiler in an apartment, it should be said about the speed of operation and power of the unit. Preference should be given to models with copper heating elements. According to consumers, flowing boilers for water do a good job. However, one condition is necessary. Operation of the device is carried out when only 1 water point is operating.

Life time

Such equipment does not require thorough and frequent maintenance. Moreover, the service life is several years. Thus, it is advisable to use flow-through modules in case of short-term lack of hot water supply in apartments and houses. This also applies to catering establishments, schools and other socially significant facilities.

It's important to know

How to choose a boiler in the apartment? High power is an important technical parameter of any flow model. It is in the following range: 3-27 kW. It is worth noting that not every electrical wiring can withstand the operation of such equipment. Thus, when choosing a model, you should pay attention to the power of the device.

boiler instruction

Operational Features

Instantaneous water heaters, which have a power of 3-8 kW, can be connected to conventional outlets with single-phase voltage. It is 220 watts. Models with higher power can be used in apartments with electric stoves that are equipped with sockets with three-phase voltage. It is 380 watts.


Models of heaters differ in this parameter. In particular, this refers to the volume of hot water that can be heated in 1 minute. During this time, flowing models with a power of 3-8 kW give out from 2 to 6 liters. The heating period is no more than 20 seconds. This volume will be quite enough for important hygiene and domestic needs. Before choosing a boiler in an apartment, the needs of its inhabitants should be assessed. It is also worth taking into account the technical capabilities of electrical wiring. You can see the manufacturers rating. It is compiled on the basis of sales. Now leaders are considered brands such as Electrolux and Bosch. However, there are other popular models. For example, Termeks products are also presented in a wide assortment.

Pressure and flowless flow models: installation features

They are built into the water riser. This allows you to alternately carry out several household procedures. It is recommended to install these devices in urban apartments. Installation of non-pressure models of units has its own characteristics. They are located strictly near the water point. Thus, it is advisable to use these devices in the country.

water heater boiler

Additional Information

Many consumers indicate in their reviews one significant drawback of flow structures - high energy consumption. Not every owner of a dwelling is ready to spend a large amount on paying bills. To minimize costs, it is necessary to greatly reduce the consumption of hot water. For this reason, those people who are not going to limit themselves in this regard, such a model will not work. Flowing models are not used in houses that have autonomous water supply and heating systems. The reason again lies in the large consumption of electrical energy.

Second group

Accumulative aggregates are referred to it. These devices have their advantages. Their volume can reach up to 500 liters. For operation in residential buildings, models are selected that have a smaller tank. Its value may vary from the number of residents in the apartment. The main volumes are 10-150 liters. Such devices take up a lot of space on the wall or on the floor. It depends on the parameters of the selected model. Despite this, many consumers prefer this type of aggregate. With such devices in the house there will always be enough hot water.

Principle of operation

The device in question is an oblong or round insulating tank. In it, with the help of a heating element, water is heated to the required temperature. It varies in the following range: 35-85 degrees. This temperature can be maintained for up to three hours. After the water has cooled, the heater will automatically turn on and heat it. For this, the temperature should drop by only 0.5 degrees. After heating, the appliance will turn off automatically. Thanks to this mode of operation, energy is consumed more economically. This is the main advantage of the devices. The set temperature is maintained by a thermostat. It is included in the design of each storage device. Some models can be additionally equipped with the following elements:

  1. Automated or manual control system.
  2. Antibacterial coated tank.
  3. The function of accelerated heating.
    boiler ariston

Features of work

A clear advantage of this equipment, according to customers, is that all such models can be connected to ordinary 220-volt sockets. Also worth paying attention to power. It does not exceed 2-3 kW. This power can be compared with electric kettles, which are used in almost every home. At the same time, the performance of the device does not decrease even from low power consumption. Accumulative water heaters can simultaneously provide hot water to every water outlet in the apartment. Devices equipped with large tanks allow all family members to take a bath, as well as to satisfy other household needs. For example, wash dishes or clean.


In most cases, buyers do not know how to choose a boiler in the apartment so that its volume is optimal. It is necessary to accurately calculate the needs so that later its shortage does not arise. In addition, the device should not be idle. Heating an excess volume of water is completely useless. It is worth paying attention to the fact that a large tank will warm up longer. For example, a 10-liter water tank will heat up to 45 degrees in about 10 minutes. It is easy to calculate how long it will take for the same thing to happen with a 100-liter tank. In many cases, the best solution is a 50 liter boiler. This raises the question of which model to buy. Many consumers buy the Ariston boiler. One of the undoubted advantages of these units is the presence of an autoclave flange. Thanks to its presence, the likelihood of water leakage through the gasket is prevented. The sealant in such models is pressed due to the pressure of the head. The higher it is, the correspondingly, the gasket is more adjacent. In addition, the Ariston boiler with an average tank capacity is a fairly compact model. Experts recommend purchasing units with a simple design sensor - in the form of an arrow.


It is necessary to take into account the number of water outlets that are in the house. Thus, it is possible to calculate the approximate water consumption per family member. The result should be multiplied by the number of residents in the apartment. The result is an approximate tank volume, which is required in a particular case.

electrolux boiler

Features of accommodation

Before choosing a boiler in the apartment, it is necessary to take into account the availability of free space in the toilet or bathroom. These devices in most cases are located in these rooms. Many will want to save useful space. In this case, it is more advisable to purchase a horizontal boiler. It is installed under the ceiling. It is necessary to give preference to that device, the design of the case of which will be well combined with the interior of the room. Embedded models are also available now. They can be hidden in a niche under the sink.

Popular companies

Many consumers have a question about whether there is a better boiler. It is hardly possible to unequivocally answer it. Currently, the following brands are popular on the Russian market:

  • Ariston;
  • Electrolux;
  • AEG;
  • "Termex".


Wall mounted boiler of 50 liters, 100 or 150 is equipped with special brackets on the bodies. In this case, preliminary marking is required. At these places, hooks are driven into the wall. Then the device is suspended on them. It is worth noting that models involving a vertical type of placement cannot be placed horizontally. Also the other way around. If the boiler is horizontal, then mount it that way. Those floor units with a volume exceeding 150 l must be installed on an even, hard surface. In this case, additional fasteners are not provided. The device is connected to the water supply using a flexible connection. It is usually not difficult to understand how the tank is filled and the boiler as a whole works. The instruction contains all the necessary information. The unit is connected to the network after the tank is full.

Features of the combined models

These devices are universal water heating devices. They have incorporated all the best characteristics of other types of related equipment. These water heaters can operate in two modes. They are quite compact. In addition, these devices have a relatively low weight - up to 6 kg. Their installation is very simple. Due to the above advantages, these devices have earned the attention of buyers. They are often installed in private homes or cottages. The size of the tanks of such heaters is 10-30 liters. This is quite enough for those who went to rest in the country.

Leaders of sells

The Electrolux boiler is a rectangular tank. The material of the inner tank is glass enamel. There are two independent heating elements. A magnesium anode is provided. Models are available both vertical and horizontal. Different units are equipped with tanks of various sizes. The Electrolux boiler can have a capacity of 15 to 200 liters.

Termex boiler

Design features

The device features two independent heating elements. They are part of the X-feat system. TENY do not have direct contact with water. Fine glass enamel covers the tank from the inside. This material protects it from corrosion. Thanks to him, the device will last much longer. The process of tempering finely divided glass enamel occurs at a temperature of 850 degrees. This material has unique properties. This glass enamel is incredibly smooth and hard. Among its advantages, one can also distinguish a certain elasticity. Thanks to it, the tank of the device is reliably protected from corrosion. However, not only high-quality enamel fights rust. In particular, this relates to an increased mass magnesium anode.

Technical specifications:

  1. Power supply - 220 V.
  2. The maximum allowable pressure is 5 bar.
  3. The temperature is 30-70 degrees.

Before buying, it is important to know how much such boilers cost. The prices of small compact models are less than 2000r. More voluminous models cost from 5-7 thousand rubles.

Boiler "Termeks"

Products are manufactured using high quality materials and modern technology. Any Termeks boiler is equipped with a residual current circuit breaker . It provides complete electrical safety during operation. Many are undoubtedly interested in how much such boilers cost. Product prices are different. Quite a good model, for example, can be purchased for 2400 p.

Application area

This electric water heater is designed to provide industrial and domestic facilities with hot water. In this case, the pressure in the water supply should correspond to the following range: 0.5-0.6 MPa. The device must only be operated in heated and enclosed spaces. This equipment is not intended for continuous flow operation.


Models equipped with mechanical control have function keys (I and II) on the control panel. They allow you to select the required power. Built - in indicator lights. The inclusion of the I key corresponds to the following power: 1.3 kW, while both of them in working condition give 2 kW. A particular intensity of operation is selected by the user. It depends on the season and the specific needs for the volume of hot water. In models equipped with an electric panel, control is carried out using a digital display. Thanks to him, the user can turn on and off the device. The button on the control panel, which is located on the left of the display, is responsible for this. There is a display of the set heating temperature. All related information is displayed in a few seconds. Thus, the user can be constantly aware of the current temperature of the water. The power is selected using the middle button, which is also located on the control panel. The initiation of the L2 warning lamp accompanies the 2 kW mode, while the L3 is 1.3 kW, respectively. During operation of the device, the heating temperature can be adjusted by the user.

Management Features

Models with a mechanical regulator are available. It is located on the corresponding panel. The device will be disconnected from the network if the regulator is turned counterclockwise until it stops. At the same time, with the reverse procedure, the temperature will gradually increase. It can reach 75 degrees. It is worth noting that in some devices of water heaters of this company it is impossible to regulate the temperature manually, since this feature is not provided. In particular, this applies to the model RZB10. Electronically controlled devices are equipped with a display. The user can configure the device using three touch keys. All modes are easy to control thanks to the information that is displayed. There is also an indication of the three corresponding lamps. The choice of heating temperature is carried out by pressing the right button. To go to the desired mode, you need to do this several times. The temperature change step is 5 degrees. If the device is turned on for the first time or has started operation after a power failure, the default value is 75 degrees.


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